1. Saya tidak tahu samada “memperasuahan” adalah satu perkataan dalam bahasa Melayu. Tetapi sama ada perkataan ini ada atau tidak, perbuatan memperasuahan memang kerap dilakukan dalam masyarakat manusia. Maknanya ialah perbuatan menyemai sifat buruk ini dalam masyarakat sehingga menjadi sebahagian dari budayanya. Masyarakat yang terima budaya ini, tidak lagi berasa segan atau malu dengan pemberian dan penerimaan rasuah, yang kadang-kadang disebut sebagai “tumbuk rusuk” atau “makan suap”.
2. Rasuah tetap diamal oleh semua masyarakat manusia. Tetapi biasanya masyarakat anggap rasuah sebagai satu amalan yang keji dan buruk. Mereka yang mengamal rasuah akan menyembunyi perbuatan mereka kerana sedar yang ianya adalah sesuatu amalan yang salah disisi undang-undang dan agama juga.
3. Tetapi apabila masyarakat terima amalan rasuah sebagai perkara biasa yang boleh diamal secara terbuka, maka tidak lagi ada perasaan segan silu apabila melakukannya, baik oleh pemberi atau penerima.
4. Di zaman pemerintahan yang percaya “cash is king” atau “wang adalah raja” maka pemberian dan penerimaan rasuah menjadi satu dari nilai hidup dan budaya, terutama dikalangan orang Melayu.
5. Apa sahaja sanggup dibuat jika disogok dengan wang atau pemberian yang diminati. Soal baik buruk sesuatu yang diberi atau diarah tidak termasuk dalam pertimbangan.
6. Percanggahan dengan undang-undang, bahkan berdosa dari segi agama tidak diambil kira. Yang diutamakan ialah pendapatan yang memuaskan nafsu.
7. Masyarakat tahu, mereka tahu sogokan dianggap sebagai perbuatan yang tidak baik dan dilarang. Tetapi penerima tidak fikir panjang. Baik, tidak baik; tetapi sogokan memuaskan nafsu dan dipercayai menguntungkan. Oleh itu terima sahajalah. Kesan buruk terhadap masyarakat adalah perkara remeh dan gampang.
8. Sudah tentu perasaan kebangsaan dan kesan terhadap bangsa dan negara tidak lebih utama dari nafsu penerima rasuah. - chedet
![Image result for Najib,Hisham dalam perang di Yaman..](https://www.malaysiastylonews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/hishammuddin-najib-AFP.jpg)
Muslihat Najib,Hisham dalam
perang di Yemen...
Amat memalukan para pemimpin Islam melancarkan peperangan, membunuh rakyat Islam yg tak berdosa, menghancurkan persaudaraan Islam oleh kerana Arab Saudi yang berfahaman Wahabi tidak sebulu dengan Syiah Iran. Maka yang jadi mangsa ialah negara Yemen dan rakyatnya. Soalnya sengketa permusuhan fahaman antara Syiah dengan puak Sunni sudah tercetus ratusan tahun yg silam.
Tapi hari ini konflik Syiah dan Sunni dieksploitasi oleh Zionis Israel, US dan Russia untuk sama-sama menghancurkan kekuasaan Islam di Timur Tengah. Negara-negara Teluk pimpinan Arab Saudi sudah menyembah Tel Aviv dan Washington. Malah negara-negara Teluk puak Sunni pimpinan Wahabi Saudi sanggup boikot Qatar, sebuah negara kecil tetapi paling kaya di dunia, kerana Qatar tidak sehaluan dengan tok-tok Arab yg jadi boneka Zionis dan Washington.
Israel dan Washington memperkudakan Mohamad bin Salman, Crown Prince yang gila kuasa menggalakkan dia melancarkan perang di Yemen yang berlaku perang saudara di negara miskin tersebut. Iran menyokong puak Syiah dan Arab Saudi menyerang negara jiran itu membunuh beribu-ribu rakyat tak berdosa terdiri dari orang tua, wanita dan kanak-kanak. Sejak 2015 hingga sekarang tidak nampak perang akan selesai. Amerika dan Israel menjual alat peperangan bernilai berpuluh-puluh bilion dolar kepada Arab Saudi untuk membunuh umat Islam di negara miskin itu.
Soalonya mengapakah Najib dan Hishamuddin mengirim tentera Malaysia ke Yemen untuk berperang membunuh umat Islam sebagai penyokong Arab Saudi? Menurut laporan pengiriman tentera Malaysia tidak mendapat restu dari kabinet. Ini membuktikan Najib dan Hishamuddin mempunyai agenda sulit antara mereka dengan Riyath.
Tindakan mereka menyalahi undang-undang kerana mencampuri urusan negara asing melalui ketenteraan. Kedua mereka boleh diambil tindakan oleh kerajaan PH sekarang oleh kerana Najib Razak dan rejim korupnya ditendang rakyat.
Rakyat mahu YB Mat Sabu menyiasat siapakah punya angkara, dan siapa yang memberi arahan, mengirimkan tentera Malaysia dengan alat kelengkapan perang ke Yemen? Berapa ramai tentera Malaysia terkorban? Siapa yang membiayai pengiriman tentera itu? Malaysia atau Arab Saudi? Mesti siasat secara mendalam. Sekiranya pengiriman tentera ke Yemen itu tidak direstui kabinet maka kerajaan PH mesti mengambil tindakan mahkamah tendang kedua pupu ini ke Sg Buloh. Nokhtah. - Yahaya Ismail
![Image result for Menteri Besar Incorporated (MB Inc)](https://www.ipohecho.com.my/v4/photo/zoom/4373_20180719170108_nawdl.jpg)
Show Me The Money...
Menteri Besar Incorporated (MB Inc) received a total of RM53.6 million commitment fees for projects as at May 2018. The breakdown is as follow: RM1.2 million for exploration fees, RM6.1 million for quarry agreements, RM1.4 million for mining leases, RM25.5 million for joint-venture agreements and RM19.4 million for development rights.
This amount should be deposited into the bank and not to be used until the completion of the projects. Only then can MB Inc claim that the money is theirs.
“However, upon checking the account, we found that a substantial amount of the money has been expended. The amount left in the account presently is only RM13.5 million. RM40.1 million had been spent. Former Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri DiRaja Zambry Abd Kadir and Chairman of Barisan Nasional Perak, Dato’ Saarani are responsible to inform the people of Perak the whereabouts of the RM40.1 million,” said Nga Kor Ming (DAP – Aulong).
“The state government is being dragged to court by companies who wanted their money back. We’re facing claims worth RM18 million. The amount is expected to increase, as we’ve to refund money to companies who don’t wish to continue their projects or leases,” he told to reporters during a break of the State Legislative Assembly final sitting on Wednesday, December 5.
![Show Me the Money](https://www.ipohecho.com.my/v3/photo/working/4667_20181206160439_7odzm.jpeg)
“For example, a company pays a commitment fee for a mining lease and when no mineral is found, the money collected by MB Inc has to be refunded,” Nga added.
“There is a shortfall of RM40.1 million and we’re facing a RM18-million legal suit due to mismanagement by the previous Barisan Nasional government. This explains why Dato’ Saarani is creating a storm, as though there is a rebellion within the state government. The state legislative assembly ends today but Dato’ Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu is still the MB. This proves that Dato’ Saarani is lying all along,” said Nga.
“The people of Perak are much smarter than what Barisan Nasional leaders think. We’re focusing on the welfare of the people and development of the state yet Dato’ Saarani, a veteran leader, is thinking of usurping power using dirty tactics. Please respect the parliamentary democracy system,” he reminded.
“As DAP Perak Chairman, I guarantee that the 18 DAP state assemblymen are solidly behind the MB. There is no “komplot” whatsoever,” he insisted.
Present at the conference were Sivasubramaniam (DAP-Buntong), Chong Zhemin (DAP – Keranji) and Leow Thai Yih (DAP-Pokok Assam). - Mei Kuan,Ipoh Echo
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A gathering uncalled for...
Now that the government has decided not to sign the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), how do political parties and NGOs previously against the signing of ICERD justify themselves to hold a rally this weekend?
Why do these people insist to go down to the street this Saturday as planned?
Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said it is going to be a "thanksgiving" rally, but in reality to "celebrate" their victory in exerting pressure on the government to back off from ICERD ratification.
The government has previously shown a gesture of goodwill in hope of averting possible clash over the ICERD issue. Now that the government has made the decision not to sign, there shouldn't be any reason for anyone to stage any form of gathering related to this issue.
It is obvious that Umno and PAS have wanted to bank on the ICERD issue to win some support even though few will believe the rally will see the participation of half a million people as Umno's MP for Pasir Salak Tajuddin Abdul Rahman has claimed.
The organizers have even invited PM Mahathir and PKR president Anwar Ibrahim to attend, which is itself a political strategy to show that they are doing all this to protect the constitutional status of the Malays and the Islamic faith.
PAS president Hadi Awang says even though the government will not sign ICERD at this moment, leaders from other ruling parties and organizations in support of ICERD ratification will continue to pressurize the government to sign it in the future. As such, there is still a necessity to strengthen the sense of crisis among the Malays and Muslims in the country.
At the same time, these people have opted to exploit the constitutional spirit by arguing that they oppose to ICERD not just to protect the rights of the Malays and Muslims but to defend the sanctity of the Constitution.
![Image may contain: 1 person, standing and text](https://scontent.fkul13-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/47461145_770488113304156_7855970010198441984_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul13-1.fna&oh=80e4153436015590a79f765a242574c5&oe=5CA9C39D)
In order to achieve the desired effect, the organizers will go all out to get more people to take part in this weekend's rally, including offering free legal assistance and an additional day off for Kelantanese participants.
DBKL and the police have given the green light for participants to gather at specific locations in the city. The PH government hopes that this will give the public more freedom to express themselves, but this can also be exploited by the organizers to justify their gathering.
No matter how the organizers have tried to justify the weekend rally, ordinary citizens are simply unconvinced that such a rally is necessary at all.
Where political manipulation reigns supreme, we see once again that this country is shrouded in a haze of senselessness. Malaysians will only get more frustrated with every new trouble created by the politicians. - Sin Chew Daily
MY50/MY100 tu apa,hangpa dengaq sendirilah...
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Nilah saka Rimau yg menangkan M'sia
Sapa nak guna khidmat sila PM le...
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![Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing](https://scontent.fkul13-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/47571422_10209781878341916_7989236089409765376_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul13-1.fna&oh=77284a06979ca78912ebe244516ad6be&oe=5C64BB05)
TPM Dr Wan Azizah Wan dengan
Setiausaha Luar Britain,Jeremy Hunt.
Credit: https://ift.tt/2AVrL5t
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