Alkisah maka jadilah apa yang tak diingini oleh masyarakat berbudaya dan berakhlak mulia iaitu konflik kaum di bumi bertuah ini. Peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei, 1969 patut menjadi pengajaran dan keinsafan kepada semua kaum agar tidak berulang lagi. Pergaduhan antara sesama puak India yang menjadikan kuil sebagai modal persengketaan mereka telah menjadi Melayu menyerang kuil pula.
Walaupun pihak mahkamah telah membuat keputusan, dan wang sumbangan RM1.5 juta telah pun diterima oleh pengelola kuil itu melalui peguam mereka namun masih berlanjutan sengketa antara dua puak India yang bertelagah. Nampaknya politik tosay dan capati sudah melibatkan orang Melayu pula.
Berbagai pendapat diluah oleh berbagai pihak termasuk pihak polis. Kini PM sendiri telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa peristiwa di kuil itu adalah penglibatan penjenayah, dan bukan konflik Melayu-India. Malah ada yg berpendapat tauke China mengupah orang Melayu tertentu untuk bertindak. Ini pendapat berbau perkauman yg sangat bahaya bagi masyarakat majmuk di sini.
Kata PM lagi mungkin ada 'tangan gaib' yang merancang peristiwa ini. Kerajaan akan mengambil tindakan tegas menurut undang-undang. Itu kenyataan biasa. Umum mengetahui sejak rejim korup UMNO/BN tersungkur pada PRU 14 berbagai isu berbau perkauman pekat sudah merebak. Perjumpaan UMNO-PAS di Pasir Salak sudah membakar semangat untuk menggugat kestabilan politik negara.

DAP dijadikan sasaran kecaman seolah-olah bawah PH DAP yang berkuasa. Gendang perang sudah dipukul seluruh pelusuk negara untuk menimbulkan semangat kebencian terhadap musuh politik UMNO dan PAS. Lebih melucukan lagi mereka yang meniupkan kebencian terhadap DAP adalah para pemimpin yg punya pekung, kudis buta politik dan puru korupsi yang bakal ditendang ke penjara kelak.
Peristiwa kuil ini sebagai 'trial run' bagi 'tangan gaib' untuk merancang demonstrasi lebih hebat lagi. Jangan terkejut beruk sekiranya perhimpunan 8 Disember akan membawa padah kelak. PDRM dan menteri dalam negeri patut lebih peka dan bertindak sebelum berlaku peristiwa ngeri. Kebebasan bersuara bukan bermakna individu boleh melakukan apa saja tanpa mengambil kira kepentingan masyarakat umum, keselamatan negara dan perpaduan rakyat. Menteri
Perpaduan mesti bijak dalam tindakannya, dan bukan menyalahkan pihak lain. Sekiranya dia tidak mampu menghidupkan kerukunan antara kaum oleh kerana prasangka buruknya terhadap sesuatu kaum atau agama maka wajar dia meletakkan jawatan secara terhormat. Tun M boleh menilai apakah menteri tersebut punya wawasan dan kebijaksanaan politik sesuai dengan semangat Malaysia Baru dari tindakan yang dibuatnya.
Hari ini semangat perkauman paling panas. Kalau kerajaan tidak bijak atau lambat bertindak mententeramkan keadaan besar kemungkinan peristiwa seperti 13 Mei 1969 akan berulang. Kita berdoa Allah melindungi rakyat yang cinta damai dan kerajaan PH. Doa saja tidak cukup kalau kerajaan tidak bertindak tegas terhadap mereka yang mencetuskan konflik antara kaum yang semakin ketara sekarang. - Yahaya Ismail

Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JPBM), Mohamad Hamdan Wahid. - Saksi Video
1. Pihak bomba sah diserang oleh perusuh dengan senjata kayu, parang, besi dan sebagainya.
2. PB yang di belakang jentera bomba itu adalah PB Azim bukan PB Adib.
3. PB Azim bertugas sebagai 'fire fighter' turun ke loker paip utk memadam kebakaran tetapi sempat melarikan diri masuk ke Jentera Bantuan Perkhidmatan Kecemasan (EMRS) van setelah diserang perusuh.
4. PB Adib ditarik keluar oleh perusuh setelah pintu dipecahkan dan dipukul oleh perusuh namum ada kumpulan India yg lain menyelamatkan PB Adib dan bawa ke hospital.
5. Setakat ini siasatan masih dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti kumpulan yg menyerang jentera bomba dan memukul PB Adib di tempat kejadian..
6. Difahamkan bukan semua perusuh malam kejadian yg berniat jahat utk menyerang anggota bomba dan mencetuskan huru hara TETAPI ADA beberapa kumpulan yang sengaja mencetuskan provokasi melampau. - f/bk
Fire dept DG produces fireman 'mowed' down by fire engine
Dr.M denies racially element as violence rages...
Malaysian officials on Tuesday convened a high-level security council meeting after two consecutive days of violence near Kuala Lumpur, while Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad strongly pushed back against suggestions the troubles had a racial undertone.
The clashes near a Hindu temple in the state of Selangor have been linked to a dispute between the 147-year-old institution and a developer who claimed to have acquired the land for RM1.5 million, although it is unclear to whom the proceeds were channelled.
The temple, slated to be relocated to a new site 2.7km away on Monday, was stormed by 50 masked, machete-wielding men who attacked devotees, including senior citizens and women. About 20 vehicles were damaged or set alight before the Federal Reserve Unit and police forces arrived on the scene. Several devotees were injured in the attack.
Following the attack, thousands of people gathered outside the temple last night to show support and ostensibly defend the temple, a gathering which also turned violent as emergency service staff were attacked – landing one firefighter in the intensive care unit – and the developer, One City Development, had its office vandalised.
In his statement, Mahathir emphasised that the altercations were “not race riots, although it involved the relocation of a temple”. Hindus in Malaysia are primarily composed of ethnic-minority Indians.
The premier warned that the police were under strict instructions to bring the situation under control and act against “irresponsible people who caused disturbances which resulted in injuries to enforcement and rescue personnel, alongside damaging public property … I stress that this incident is a criminal matter, and has no relation at all to other elements”.
Currently 21 individuals have been arrested.
Political scientist Wong Chin Huat of state-funded think tank Penang Institute described the temple clashes as “at most, inter-sectarian violence”.
He drew parallels between the temple incident and church arson and temple desecration cases in 2010 and 2008. “Then, Malaysian society grew stronger because the communities involved didn’t fall for the trap,” he said.
“If we can stand by each other in solidarity, society will be stronger after the test. However, if we leave the victims to their own defence, what is incidentally inter-sectarian may become ultimately inter-faith,” Wong said, warning that state institutions had an obligation to halt violence and uphold justice to avoid leaving wounds in specific communities.
The Sri Maha Mariamman temple riots are the first race relations test that the Pakatan Harapan government, which came to power in May in shock election results, have had to face. In multicultural Malaysia, such relations have long been a hot-button issue, with the spectre of the bloody race riots that took place in 1969 frequently trotted out for political mileage.
Wong’s stance was echoed by Awang Azman from University Malaya’s Institute of Malay Studies, who said the government had to act swiftly to ensure national unity, particularly in the face of inter-ethnic issues.
“Many will take advantage and paint the government as slow to act. The government must act firmly so that such provocations do not continue.”

The temple riots occurred just days after the government reversed its decision to ratify the United Nations’ anti-discrimination convention, following protests from Muslim groups in league with the opposition who claimed the treaty would infringe upon special race-based constitutional privileges.
Meanwhile, reports on Tuesday surfaced that chunks of pork – forbidden to Muslims – had been tossed into two Islamic worship buildings located in a state just a few hours drive from the nation’s capital. On the same day, hundreds of stateless Malaysians – understood to be mostly ethnic Indians – gathered in front of the administrative district’s national registration building to apply for valid identity cards and birth certificates.
Selangor chief minister Amirudin Shari has called for a meeting of the National Security Council state chapter this evening, saying its priority was to restore order. Yesterday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department P. Waythamoorthy claimed the police had not acted swiftly in attending to the matter, arriving hours after the initial violence took place.
Member of Parliament Charles Santiago said the temple violence was a symptom of “Indian underclasses venting their anger”, and that action against the initial instigators of violence had to be taken.
“The sanctity of a belief system was violated. The government must address these issues which began with the encroachment of dozens of young Malay men into this space,” he said.
“The persons who engineered this must be brought to task. It is clear from the nature of the incursion that it was highly organised. The situation must be cooled, and both the prime minister and the Selangor state chief minister must show leadership in proposing solutions.” - Tashay Sukumaran, scmp
Temple intrusion: PM points to 'insensitive foreigners'

Dey!!!! Remixed...

Rakyat juga berasa kecewa Najib buat2 lupa Lahad Datu punya konspirasi.Sampai ada ramai yg terkorban lagi.. Konspirasi punya pasai sebab nak dekat pilihanraya umum yang lalu..

Gagal main Hudud, main RUU355..
Gagal main RUU355, main LGBT..
Gagal main LGBT, main ICERD..
Gagal main ICERD, nak cari modal lain pula ?

Dr. M: Paru-paru, jantung, buah pinggang mangsa berada dalam
keadaan baik atas bantuan kepakaran dan teknologi di IJN...
Credit: https://ift.tt/2AtGP9Z
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