Pemimpin UMNO berstatus penyamun, super korup, gila kuasa, menjaja dongeng kononnya UMNO tempat Melayu berteduh, mencari perlindungan. Jangan terperangkap dalam nafsu syaitan mereka. Lihat muka Najib, bininya yg menungganginya, dan bomoh Ponorogo yang memakai keris di belakang. Bukankah muka-muka ini yang membawa sial dan malang pada Melayu?
Siapakah yang kini dibebani dengan berpuluh-puluh kes jenayah akibat kerakusan dan gila kuasa? Inilah muka yang bangsatkan Melayu yang membolot harta haram atas kesangsaraan rakyat.
Dalam perlembagaan negara sudah termaktub fasal 152, fasal 153, yang menjamin hak dan kepentingan Melayu/Bumiputra. Dalam perlembagaan juga menjamin hak bukan Melayu. Ini sumpah keramat yg mesti dipatuhi semua pihak. UMNO, selama 61 tahun berkuasa, mengkhianati hak dan kepentingan Melayu/Bumiputra kerana para pemimpinnya menjadi penyamun, perompak kelas cakrawala dan jerung serta naga bunting.

UMNO, di era Najib, membawa sial, menghancurkan harapan Melayu, Islam dan negara. Bomoh Ponorogo, pengganti Najib sebagai presiden UMNO, yang punya dua sijil beranak, bukan saja tidak layak jadi presiden UMNO, apalagi meroyan hendak jadi PM. UMNO pocik, ditendang rakyat, kerana Najib, Rosmah dan Ponorogo membawa sial pada perjuangan parti.
Ahli-ahli UMNO yang super tulen perjuangan menurut aspirasi UMNO dan perlembagaan negara wajar berhijrah ke Bersatu atau Amanah. Tapi para koruptor kelas jerung dan buaya tembaga jangan diterima dalam mana-mana parti PH. Tempat mereka sudah disediakan di Sg Buloh.
Budaya korupsi, nepotisme dan kronisme UMNO jangan menjangkiti aspirasi rakyat dalam Malaysia Baru PH. Malaysia Baru memancarkan budaya progresif yang berpaksikan kepada kuasa dan amanah Allah dan hak rakyat majmuk. PH berpegang teguh pada perlembagaan negara tetapi meletakkan hak dan kepentingan Allah dan rakyat di atas kepentingan pribadi para pemimpin tertentu.

Sekali air bah sekali pasir berubah. Ahli-ahli UMNO perlu insaf dan sedar masa depan UMNO suram temuram, dan besar kemungkinan, akan diharamkan, hanyut dalam sejarah.
Tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah politik Malaysia bekas PM dan bekas TPM dan berbagai menteri, timbalan menteri dan ketua-ketua bahgian UMNO yang bakal berhijrah ke Sg Buloh.
UMNO sebenarnya bukan tempat perlindungan orang Melayu tetapi dikuasai oleh iblis, syaitan dan puaka yang beraja di hati, membolot harta rakyat dan negara atas nama Melayu, Islam dan Raja. - Yahaya Ismail

Anwar ingatkan Azmin jangan
pandai2 umum diri menang...
Bakal Presiden KEADILAN, Anwar Ibrahim mengingatkan Mohamed Azmin Ali supaya menghormati proses pemilihan parti itu.
Mengulas tindakan timbalan presiden itu yang mengumumkan bahawa dirinya berjaya mempertahankan jawatannya selepas menewaskan Rafizi Ramli, katanya, Azmin perlu menghormati Jawatankuasa Pemilihan Pusat (JPP).
“Dia ada hak untuk sebut. Tetapi dia pun tahu yang umumkan itu ialah JPP.
“Dan kita patut hormat proses,” kata beliau ketika ditemui di lobi Parlimen hari ini.
Semalam, Azmin mengumumkan kemenangannya dalam pemilihan parti kali ini walaupun berhadapan cabaran sengit dari Rafizi Ramli.

Dalam suatu kenyataan yang ditandatangani beliau sebagai timbalan presiden KEADILAN bagi penggal 2018 ke 2021, Azmin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penyokongnya kerana meneruskan "agenda sebenar reformasi."
Sementara itu, Rafizi yang juga bekas MP Pandan pula masih lagi tidak berputus asa berharap akan menang pertandingan kali ini.
Menurut keputusan tidak rasmi yang diperolehi dari akaun Twitter rasmi pemilihan, Azmin kini memiliki 70,550 undi berbanding Rafizi yang mendapat 66,594 undi. Majoriti itu sebanyak 3,956 undi.
Walau bagaimanapun, masih terdapat beribu-ribu "undi ragu" yang masih belum ditambah pada pengiraan.
Kategori pemilih ini merujuk kepada mereka yang layak untuk mengundi dan tidak dapat memastikan saluran undinya, tetapi dibenarkan mengundi.

Kalau kes lebihan undi camni sapa salah?
Ibu pejabat KEADILAN akan berhadapan tugas sukar untuk mengesahkan "undi ragu" sebelum Jumaat ini, iaitu hari permulaan kongres perwakilan nasional tahunan KEADILAN selama tiga hari.
Selain itu, beberapa cabang seperti di Julau dan Tawau dikatakan mungkin mengadakan pemilihan semula.
Pemilihan KEADILAN Cabang Julau Sabtu lalu terhalang oleh hujan lebat, yang membatasi kehadiran pengundi serta terdapat tuduhan serangan perisian hasad pada komputer yang digunakan untuk sistem e-undi, menyebabkan pemilihan di sana digantung pada sekitar jam 2 petang.
Sementara itu, di Tawau, terdapat dakwaan gangguan komputer membolehkan pemilih untuk mengundi beberapa kali. - mk

Siapa yang ada akses pada tablet pengundian jam 4 pagi dan yang ada kuasa sentuh tablet bagi aktifkan perisian semasa pengundian selain pengundi?

Bagaimana sabotaj di Julau dijalankan?
1. Tiba-tiba sewaktu tempoh mengundi, ditukar kepada offline mode. Alasannya, network (rangkaian) problem (bermasalah). Padahal menara telekomunikasi terdekat hanyalah 170 meter dari kompleks sukan Julau dan sepanjang tempoh mengundi tiada kes rangkaian bermasalah atau terputus di dalam dan di luar pusat mengundi. Logik?
2. Kemudian login dan aktifkan prey. Installation apps boleh remote, tetapi setting kena buat manual. Jadi, sebelum tutup tablet kena aktifkan dalam laman web prey.
3. Kemudian sebelum pengiraan, wipe out (hapus) data dari tablet.
Free account hanya untuk tiga peranti sahaja (dalam kes Julau, peranti ialah tablet) tetapi tak boleh wipe out data atau save (simpan) data. Kena upgrade ke pro version dan bila pro version (berbayar) boleh add (tambah) sampai 10 peranti.
Kalau network problem, arahan untuk wipe out dari server prey tak akan sampai ke tablet. Bila kena wipe out, itu bukti line internet ok. - f/bk

When accused, run off to Mecca...
A miracle happened last week! A man who could not walk suddenly found life in his puny legs.
One minute, disgraced Arau MP, Shahidan Kassim justified his meeting with an unchaperoned 15-year-old girl in his car at 11.30pm, because he "could not walk".
The next we know, a miracle had occurred. His legs became strong enough for him to make the arduous 10-hour journey, of 7,000km, to Mecca. Praise be to God!
The public had reacted with fury at Shahidan's daft excuses, especially as previous allegations about his philandering ways had been allegedly dismissed by the Umno-Baru authorities.
He could not quash the negative publicity over his alleged sexual misconduct, despite his victim's retraction of the police report. His lawyers' threats to sue anyone who commented on his alleged molestation, have also backfired.
Only a person like Shahidan would think Malaysians will believe him. For some inexplicable reason, guilt-ridden Umno-Baru politicians like to choose Mecca as their 'platform' to show Malays at home that they are innocent, and that God is on their side.
Why do these Malay politicians do it? Why denigrate Islam? Why insult the intelligence of the Malays? Why make Malays the laughing stock of Malaysians?
Scurrying off to Mecca, just before a story is about to break and further tarnish their reputations, or because an arrest warrant has been issued, causes those who are not "holier-than-thou", to wonder: Do high profile people on the pilgrimage go because they want to perform their religious vows? Or is it more accurate to say they go to whitewash their image?
Disgraced former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, and his equally disgraceful spouse, the self-styled former First Lady of Malaysia (FLOM) Rosmah Mansor, scooted to Mecca at various points in Najib's tenure.
We have lost track of the number of times he has visited Mecca, but it was almost always on the verge of a new scandal.

Disgraced Shahrizat too sought refuge
The disgraced former minister for women, family and community development, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, was another Umno-Baru politician who sought refuge in Mecca.
The National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) was controlled by Shahrizat's family. Her husband and children had allegedly swindled RM250million of the taxpayers’ money and bought a string of luxury condominiums, a car, went on overseas holidays, indulged into other businesses, pilgrimage trips and more. Her political reputation was mired in sleaze, but Najib did not sack her.
Towards the end of 2011, and in early 2012, Shahrizat (photo) visited Mecca three times. Her husband and son had also sought salvation in Mecca to escape the heat from the NFC.
Last October, Shahidan attracted the ire of the public when he reportedly met the 15-year-old, in his car. He said that there was no ulterior motive for inviting the girl into his vehicle; he simply could not walk.
Did he not have the foresight to realise that seeing a girl alone, at 11.30pm, was wrong? No right minded parent would entrust their daughter to a stranger in this way.
Shahidan said that he liked to encourage youths to involve themselves in "halal" activities. Why not wait till the morning?

What does he mean by "halal" activities?
Shahidan was questioned by police for over seven hours. It is apparently not the first time he has courted trouble of a sexual nature, but each time, the previous administration seemingly protected him.
Hopefully, the Pakatan Harapan administration will do the right thing and investigate all the Umno-Baru/BN MPs and senior politicians who allegedly committed acts of sexual misconduct, but were purportedly absolved by the Umno-Baru administration.
Do these Muslim MPs think that going to Mecca is like a rebirth? Is it the equivalent of a Sunday confession, when the priest advises, "Say 20 Hail Marys, repent and your soul will be cleansed"?
Another infuriating trait of some Malays is to demand that people prove their innocence by swearing on the Quran.
Many Malay religious leaders and politicians have stolen taxpayers' money, and even taken milk meant for poor schoolchildren, and yet all of them have claimed to be God-fearing, and some have sworn on the Quran, that they are innocent of all charges. They do not fear God. They only fear losing power, wealth and prestige.
These liars may cross their fingers while swearing on the Quran. They crossed their fingers to mitigate the lie, but in all probability, these shameless politicians would not bother to cross their fingers when swearing on the Quran.
Swearing on the Quran is too easy. Why not take the acid test and prove one's innocence by the medieval method of putting one's hands in boiling oil? If the hand is cooked, then the person is guilty. If the hand is unblemished, then he is innocent.
It is time Malays learnt to respect their religion and not treat Mecca as the dumping ground for their guilty consciences, theft and fraud. - Mariam Mokhtar,mk

Does UMNO deserve a second chance?...
As the 1MDB noose tightens around former UMNO president Najib Tun Razak and more and more details emerge of the extent of the corruption, deception and duplicity involved, UMNO leaders appear to be getting jittery and nervous. They have concluded, somewhat belatedly, that Najib is a liability and must be ditched if the party is to survive him. A strategy to insulate and isolate the party from Najib’s toxic legacy is now in the works.
Utusan Malaysia, the party’s mouthpiece, recently issued a rare rebuke of Najib, accusing him of repeatedly lying about the source of the millions of ringgits he received in his account and demanding that he apologise to all UMNO members for the damage he has done to the party.
UMNO deputy president Mohamad Hasan, for his part, is pushing the line that it is “unfair, inappropriate and illogical to blame and punish UMNO over the 1MDB scandal… because UMNO was not involved in the operation and transactions involving the wealth fund.”

Most Malaysians will find UMNO’s protestations of innocence laughable, if not annoying. If that is the best survival strategy they can come up with, they really are beyond rescue.
It is asinine, at best, for the party to feign ignorance about the 1MDB scandal. After all, the whole world knew that something had gone terribly wrong with the management of the wealth fund. The DOJ investigations, reports of dubious transactions, and stories about pink diamonds and wild parties should have been enough to at least cast some doubts on the official version of events.
And yet, UMNO leaders and members, for the most part, did nothing. Worse still, up till the very end, they cheered Najib on, encouraged him and praised him for his leadership, dismissing all criticism against him as fake news.
For so long as the gravy kept flowing, UMNO members were happy to keep singing his praises and defending his actions. After all, one man couldn’t have pulled off the heist of the century all by himself; it took a whole party of gutless, unethical and corrupt members to provide him the cover, the support and the endorsement that was necessary to perpetrate fraud on such a massive scale.
And even now, despite the charges against Najib and the arrest of some of the co-conspirators, sympathy for Najib remains strong in the party. They even gave him a standing ovation at one recent party event as if 1MDB is nothing more than a minor misunderstanding. Clearly, UMNO has lost its moral compass, if ever it had one.
Corrupt to the core
Utusan got it wrong when it demanded that Najib apologize to UMNO members; both Najib and every last UMNO official and elected representative need to apologize to the nation for their collective failure to defend the national interests, for being party (whether by omission or commission) to the world’s greatest act of kleptocracy, an act so dastardly that it almost brought our nation to the brink of ruin.
Even if they were not directly involved in the 1MDB scandal, they need to apologize for their own spineless, immoral and dishonourable conduct in the face of all the malfeasance that went on around them. And that’s just the beginning of a litany of wrongs that they need to take responsibility for.
And they shouldn’t think that being “too scared” to speak out is defence enough. If they, as elected representatives and senior officials, didn’t have the courage to speak out against wrongdoing, they don’t deserve to remain as MPs. Their moral cowardice stands in stark contrast to the thousands of ordinary Malaysians who bravely defied arrest, tear gas and razor wire to protest and take a stand against an abusive government.
Whatever it is, no doubt the campaign to whitewash and sanitize UMNO members will serve them well when they eventually abandon UMNO for greener pastures. Next thing we’ll be hearing is that all those 40 UMNO MPs who are rumoured to be joining Bersatu are all good and honest men who were simply deceived by Najib, guilty of nothing more than naivety.
It would be a travesty of justice, certainly a rank betrayal of the electorate, if the very people who colluded with Najib, who cheered him on at every turn, and who were an intrinsic part of a corrupt and abusive government are now allowed to recast themselves as patriots. If they want redemption, let them first confess their sins, admit their mistakes, apologize, make restitution where appropriate, and then let’s see whether they deserve a second chance.
Until then, the party’s plea for “room to continue [their] contribution to race, religion and country” is likely to generate as much empathy as a pile of horse manure. - Dennis Ignatius

Kita sendiri pun terlelap waktu khutbah solat jumaat.

PPBM tolak Ali Tonggek Juboq ...

Credit: https://ift.tt/2DBEFt7
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