Kabilah UMNO yang meroyan separuh sasau cuba menjaja 'ketuanan Melayu' sebagai tangkal azimat politik yang mereka perdagangkan sejak 61 tahun berkuasa. Dari era Tunku sampai era Mahathir yang menjadi PM selama 22 tahun dongeng 'ketuanan Melayu' tidak menjadi isu politik yang memecahbelahkan masyarakat majmuk di negara ini.
Mengapa? Kerana kepimpinan mantan Tunku sampai era Mahathir dianggap paling baik dibandingkan era 'Islam Hadhari' Pak Lah dan era penyamun kelas cakrawala Najib.
Bila jembalang UMNO 'memperjuangkan' ' ketuanan Melayu' setelah ditendang rakyat dari Putrajaya pada PRU 14 maka dongeng mereka dianggap separuh sasau, dan ketinggalan zaman. Mereka patut bertanya diri sendiri mengapa UMNO yg berkuasa selama 61 tahun ditendang oleh rakyat sekiranya perjuangannya berporoskan aspirasi rakyat?
Apakah 'ketuanan Melayu' yg didongengkan sebagai tangkal azimat politik UMNO membawa rahmat kepada rakyat? Nahe,nahe. Sebenarnya elit super korup pemimpin UMNO, termasuk golongan berkuasa dan istana memperjudikan nasib Melayu untuk kepentingan tembolok dan perut buncit mereka.
Sejak Pak Lah dan Najib berkuasa orang Melayu sendiri menjadi jelak, muak dan benci terhadap kerakusan, kezaliman dan kemunafikan para pemimpin Melayu yg kehilangan maruah, hargadiri dan super korup. Mereka inilah yg bangsatkan Melayu. Sebenarnya dalam perlembagaan negara sudah dikeramatkan hak dan kepentingan Melayu/Bumiputra dan Islam.
Sejarah korupsi, kezaliman dan kemunafikan para pembesar Melayu di zaman fiudal terus berulang hingga sekarang. Kehancuran UMNO patut menginsafi semua pihak. Slogan ' ketuanan Melayu' sudah hilang roh dan semangat perjuangannya. Hari ini rakyat berkuasa.
Allah yang menentukan nasib setiap insan termasuk manusia yg miskin sampai ke istana. Sekali air bah sekali pasir berubah. Yang menentukan nasib bangsa, agama dan negara adalah rakyat jelata dengan izin Allah. Slogan 'ketuanan Melayu' sudah terkubur dengan talqinnya UMNO. - Yahaya Ismail
Idea pelik dari Kelantan...
Kerajaan negeri Kelantan dilaporkan bercadang untuk melaksanakan perintah berkurung di kalangan remaja di negeri itu bagi mengelakkan berlaku kebejatan sosial. Perkara ini dinyatakan oleh anggota Exconya bernama Muntaz Mat Nawi. (Lebih baik wajibkan pakai cawat besi,kunci bagi ostad pegang...t/s)
Macam-macam idea dicetuskan oleh kerajaan Kelantan. Jika ini dilakukan bolehlah dianggap ia satu lagi keunuikan dan kepelikan yang ada di negeri itu.
Dua hari lepas Adun Kok Lanas membangkitkan hanya di Kelantan sahaja orang ramai menjadikan kapal terbang sebagai salah satu bahan untuk ditonton.

Menurut Alwi rakyat Kelantan akan berduyun-duyun ke airport untuk menyaksikan kapal terbang naik dan turun. Hal demikian menurut Alwi tidak berlaku di New York atau pun di London dan dunia lain.
Sikap atau minat rakyat Kelantan itu sesuatu yang pelek tetapi bagi saya ia sesuatu yang boleh dikomersialkan. Mungkin Alwi tidak terfikir manalah tahu negeri Kelantan sengaja membiarkan hal itu kerana minat rakyat Kelantan menyaksikan kapal terbang itu adalah sebahagian produk pelancungan untuk negeri itu.
Haha... Mana-mana orang asing ingin hendak tengok orang tenguk kapal terbang boleh pergi ke Kelantan. - MSO

Meet Datin Jane Doe...
How often does one get to enjoy three state holidays in a month? October will be a record of sorts for being the month with the most number of head of state birthdays. The auspicious days and dates are as follow: Saturday, October 6, Sabah Governor’s birthday, Friday, October 12, Malacca Governor’s birthday and Wednesday, October 24, Sultan of Pahang’s birthday. The one thing that many prefer to associate these ostentatious days, beside the accompanying holiday and extravagance, is the bestowing of honorific titles and awards to the “deserving” many.
Malaysia is blessed with nine titular heads of state or sultans and four governors (Agong is head of Federal Territory). They are at liberty to bestow titles and confer awards, deemed appropriate, on their subjects, as recommended, of course.
I have this dislike for honorific titles. A man is given a name upon his birth and the name remains with him for life. Over time he may earn a nickname or coin a moniker like Tiger or Botak-head (with a hyphen) depending on his inclination and preference. The rest is pure hubris.
Do we really need more PJK/KMN/DSNS/DPTS and the accompanying “Dato”, “Datuk Seri, “Tan Sri”, etc.? Here are some stinging criticisms which have been around since the country adopted the British constitutional monarchy system of governance.
Before it was, “You throw a stone it’ll land on a Datuk’s head”. Then when the field got crowded and more titled men and women joined the ranks, it became, “You throw a stone it’ll bounce off one Datuk and lands on another Datuk”. The more cynical suggests throwing rocks and grenades.
Like or loathe it we have to accept the envy, distaste and morbid fascination Malaysians have for titles. And it did not disappear even with a change of government and the dawn of Malaysia Baru. I am equally perplexed as any Ahmad, Ah Chong and Muthu. In spite of the ensuing negativity associated with titles and honours, there is no end to the pursuit for personal glory via a fitting title to one’s name.

There are no laws requiring Malaysians to serve these titled holders. “To serve” connotes a different meaning from what you and I understand. “Serve” covers all kinds of sins from loan application (legal and illegal) to contract procurements. Unfortunately, our ministries, companies, organisations and sane people eagerly roll out the red carpet at the hint of a titled VIP approaching.
The title, if anything, only adds on the prestige of the recipient not his aura or his bearing. Anyway, a title is as good as the person himself. If he is a crook, a title means nothing. We have seen this happening far too often. Remember the youthful “Datuk Seri” who assaulted a uniformed Rela man because he stood in his way or the recent case of a “Datuk” beating up a parking attendant for refusing to open the boom gate? When it comes to titles, if you are useless without them, you are equally useless with them. Period.
When I got posted to my battalion at Lok Kawi Camp, Kota Kinabalu in 1970, the only titled senior officer then was our Kuching-based divisional commander, Maj-Gen Dato’ Jimmy Yusof, an Anglophile Sandhurst-trained gentleman. He spoke with a Cockney accent and was very British in his outlook. We were told to address him as “Datuk” when spoken to. Being a little apprehensive, I slipped and called him “Sir” instead. He whispered to me, “It’s okay, young man. I prefer “Sir” to “Datuk”.
It gets a little nauseating when these titled people insist on being addressed perpetually by their titles. “Tan Sri” seems more chic and cool than Ahmad, Ah Chong or Muthu. The frenzy is even apparent in their children. It’s Dollah bin Datuk Babu not merely Dollah bin Babu, as you and I would prefer. However, in a seamless world like today where technology takes prominence, titles and honours mean little. But in this part of the world they still do.
I am piqued by the way one Pakatan Harapan minister responded when asked about the Datuk Seri title she received on occasion of the Governor of Malacca’s 80th birthday on October 12. She was among the first PH politicians to receive honorific titles.
“The award will spur me to better serve the people,” said Rural Development Minister Rina Harun from Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, a component party of Pakatan Harapan. You mean to say without a title it does not do the trick? Come on, lady.
“I didn’t ask for the award. It’ll be impolite and disrespectful to reject the award by the governor,” said Wong Fong Pin, the Malacca State Legislative Assembly Deputy Speaker.

I am in agreement with DAP leadership’s stance regarding honorific titles. The party feels that members should reject state and federal awards to show that they are not after awards and titles while in public service. They should only do so after their retirement. It gives a wrong impression as it is barely a year since DAP became part of the ruling coalition. Party stalwarts like Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Kulasegaran have yet to receive awards and titles and are happy with none. It is definitely unbecoming to adopt the Barisan Nasional habit of chasing after awards and titles.
I wish to share some interesting anecdotes about my titled friends that I had the misfortune of knowing.
There was this contractor friend who was tasked to build the governor’s official residence behind my camp in Bukit Beruang, Melaka in 1995. He had to pass through my camp to get to his worksite and would eagerly look for me whenever I am around. The day he was bestowed a datukship he said, “Colonel, drop by my office in town and ask for Datuk Wong.”
This other incident is simply outrageous. It shows what people transform into after being given a title. “Fathol, meet my wife, Datin Jane Doe.” I almost puked. I have known the wife since the day I met him.
I asked another friend what he did to deserve a datukship from Pahang. “I served in Kuantan,” he replied. I was in and out of Raub jungles throughout 1979 hunting for the notorious terrorist Chong Chor, I got nothing. This is the outcome when one buys rather than earns his title.
I would not mind if you were author Clare Rewcastle Brown whose revelations helped bring down a despicable and corrupt government. But a dandy whose only claim to fame is his deep pockets, that is immoral.
But what can you expect from a society that is still trapped in a feudalistic mindset, so much so people cannot separate fact from fiction? “Titles open doors,” one gleefully said.
I rest my case. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari.Ipoh Echo

The UMNO Pervert Warlord Who
Couldn’t Keep His Hands Off Young Girls...
The Member of Parliament of Arau was reportedly grilled from 9am to 4:30pm on Tuesday (Oct 30) by investigators at Bukit Aman, the central police headquarters. The case is classified under Section 14(a) of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017. Had UMNO remained the government today, such investigation would not have had begun in the first place.
Mr. Shahidan himself admits that he is puzzled and curious how and why the news of his alleged sexual misconduct with the teenager has spread even after the police report was withdrawn. Such admission suggests that the UMNO warlord had been able to get away scot free with his “business” previously, until the Barisan Nasional government which he was part of was brought down.
Still, the fact that Perlis state police chief Noor Mushar Mohd had slammed R Sri Sanjeevan, an activist who first tweeted about the sexual harassment, as “busybody” means the police force was somehow still under Shahidan’s thumb. Unfortunately for the UMNO pervert, the issue has gone viral on social media, forcing Bukit Aman to seriously grill him over the case.
Apparently, Shahidan claims he wanted to hand over a donation to the 15-year-old girl, who is a singer with a busking group called “Kumpulan Busker DSSK”, a team sponsored by the MP. At 11.30pm on Oct 20, the MP asked the girl to meet him in his Toyota Harrier, which was parked near the place where the practice was being held. Mr. Shahidan said he wanted to “have a chat”.
So, the 15-year-old school girl’s teacher who conducted the practice took her to the car, and the MP’s aide guided her to enter the car where the MP was seated. The teacher had told her that Shahidan, a former minister under scandal-plagued Najib Razak, had wanted to see her after he saw her perform at Stadium Tuanku Syed Putra, Perlis.
While alone in the car, the teenage girl said the MP had offered to pay her RM4,000 to play a gig in Kuala Lumpur. Suddenly Shahidan touched her hand and shoulders, which the teenager swiftly brushed away. She immediately left the vehicle. Her teacher who brought her to the Arau MP’s car said the 15-year-old girl cried as soon as she got out of the Harrier.
Perlis police said the young girl lodged a report at 2.50am that night (Oct 21) accompanied by her parents. The girl was said to be a talented singer and had been singing since primary school. Interestingly, on the same day at 10:30am, the girl lodged another report to withdraw the claims made against Shahidan. State police chief Noor Mushar has claimed she made the second report willingly.
Shahidan Kassim, of course, has rubbished the allegation that he had sexually harassed the girl, calling it a “misunderstanding” instead. He also denied claims that he paid off the girl’s family to retract the police report against him. Although the MP could not walk after suffered a minor stroke in June, there was no reason for him to be alone with the girl inside the car, let alone engaged in “touching” activity.
As Muslims, the MP should know better than anyone about “chatting and touching” with the secondary school student. Besides, why was it so urgent that he had to see the 15-year-old girl in the early morning? It would be difficult to believe that Shahidan had no ulterior motive for specifically asked to see the girl at such hour beside praising her singing talent.
In truth, this is not the first time Shahidan Kassim got himself into scandals involving young girls. When he was the chief minister of Perlis (1995 – 2008), he was said to have fathered at least one child out of wedlock. He was also said to have multiple sexual relationships with young girls, so much so that at least two Malay girls were forced to have abortions due to his sexual ego.
He reportedly had kept an under-aged mistress at a condominium in Kuala Lumpur. In 2003, he was also rumoured to be involved with the death of another attractive young woman, who was found murdered in an apartment in a Kuala Lumpur suburb. Although another individual was arrested and charged with the murder, he was later declared not guilty and no one else was ever charged.
The then Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mohd Bakri Omar, classified the murder case under Malaysia’s Official Secrets Act (OSA) and no details were ever released. Even when former Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi was told about Shahidan’s sex scandal, the disgraceful Badawi had chosen to ignore the report and protected the UMNO warlord instead.

It isn’t hard to understand why Shahidan Kassim could get away after so many sex scandals. He was so powerful that he treated Perlis state as his political fiefdom. In May, despite the defeat of Barisan Nasional government, he boldly rejected the Raja of Perlis’ choice of Azlan Man as Mentri Besar, boycotting the swearing-in ceremony of Azlan and declared that Azlan has been sacked from UMNO.
Shahidan’s disobedience had taken the Perlis palace by surprise. And his comrades within UMNO could only watch his courageous act of treasonous against the Malay Ruler with envy. He even had the cheek to ask Prime Minister Mahathir to intervene in the state crisis so that his younger brother, Ismail Kassim, could become the chief minister.
The fact that he could become the Perlis Mentri Besar from 1995 to 2008 despite clashes and displeasure from the Palace all those years speaks volumes how powerful Shahidan was. He has always behaved as if he was the “King” of Perlis. He hadn’t cared about being polite, let alone gives face to the monarch because of his status as UMNO warlord.
Mr. Shahidan was one of Mahathir’s men in UMNO. During the 1993 Constitutional Crisis where an angry Sultan Iskandar of Johor summoned hockey coach Douglas Gomez to the palace (30 November 1992) and beaten by the sultan himself, it was the same Shahidan who criticised the Sultan Iskandar and his elder son for their implication in 23 criminal acts.
Yes, it was the same Shahidan who trumpeted that the Sultanate of Johor was involved in rape, manslaughter and assault for over 20 years. The 1993 Constitutional Crisis would see the rulers and members of the royal families being stripped of their legal immunity. Shahidan was subsequently rewarded with Perlis Chief Ministership by Mahathir for accomplishing his mission.
Even until today, the pervert UMNO warlord still thinks highly of himself and expects the 93-year-old Mahathir to come to his rescue. It would be a grave mistake if the prime minister tries to bend the rule of law to help Shahidan Kassim. It’s entirely his fault for not being able to keep his hands off the 15-year-old student. He’s a disgusting pervert who should be taught a lesson. - FT

Apa rasionalnya Setpol Pm mengeluarkan usul ini?Adakah ini sebahagian drp skrip utk menimbulkan bibit2 kerentakkan dlm PH?Bknkah Majlis Presiden PH tlh membuat ketetapan dan bersetuju Tun M akan mnjawat jawatan Pm utk 2 thn shj sblm diserahkan kpd Dsai?
Adakah usul itu idea sendiri atau ada idea drp alam ghaib?Adakah Zahid masih lagi beranggapan dia pengerusi TIBAI(Tolak Insan bernama Anwar Ibrahim),yg bersifat anti Dsai?
Adalah Zahid terlupa bagaimana Dswa telah berpegang teguh pada janji utk melantik Tun M sbgai Pm jika PH memenangi Pru 14?
Bagaimana Dswa menolak saranan YDPA utk melantik beliau sebagai Pm pd 9hb Okt 2018 krana berpegang teguh pd janji krana persefahaman awal sblm pru 14?
Adakah ini sbahagian drp skrip utk menafikan Dsai dilantik sbgai Pm? Semoga Allah Taala melenyapkan dan mnghapuskan unsur2 yg bakal menghancurkan PH.. - f/bk

2 ekspresi muka dalam 1 mahkamah.
Sorang senyum sokmo,sorang senyum kelat

Credit: https://ift.tt/2EWBMoc
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