Umno is expected to amend its constitution in an extraordinary general meeting in November, which will result in its president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and his predecessor Najib Abdul Razak automatically dropped from their positions.
The amendment is to Clause 9.9 of the Umno constitution, which says that any party leader who is facing court action will be automatically dropped from his or her position.
Najib, the former prime minister, now heads the Pekan division of the party.
According to a source, however, making this amendment will not be easy, as it needs the agreement of two-thirds of delegates at the EGM.
"What is worrying is that this action will lead to a split within Umno, since Najib and Zahid have their own following," the source said, adding that several other notbale constitutional amendments will be made.
It is learned that Umno vice president Mohamed Khaled Nordin has been tasked to scrutinise the issues pertaining to the amendment to Clause 9.9.

Deputy president Mohamad Hasan, who has served as acting Umno head since Zahid went on leave, said last month that an EGM will be held to amend certain provisions in the party constitution.
This includes granting the Sabah Umno greater autonomy, which means the chapter will be able to make its own decisions without referring to the headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.
The EGM is set to be held during the Umno general assembly from Nov 13 to 16.
Zahid, who is facing 47 counts of money-laundering, criminal breach of trust and corruption, is facing immense pressure from within Umno to let go of his post.
Najib, meanwhile, is facing multiple court trials related to 1MDB.
On the other amendments, the source said that these will include limiting office-bearers to three terms.
"This is also for Umno division chief posts," the source noted. "This is the reform that Umno is trying to enact." - mk

Dok di kondo lebih selesa...🤣🤣🤣

Apa masalah Pesuruhjaya Pas Perlis ni..Bila masa pula kami kata Pas yg bakar kereta Dr Maza tu? Yg kami kata,ahli Pas yg bakar kereta tu..Kamu sendiri yg mengaku..Yg gelabah mengalahkan kucing hilang anak ni apasal?Mcmlah kes wang 90 juta tu..Kami tk prnah kata pun yg Pas bedal duit umno tu,yg kami pemimpin2 pas yg bebal wang umno tu..Nik Abduh pun mengaku..
Dijanji RM5,000.. kenapa dapat RM500 sahaja seorang ?.. Selebihnya RM4,500 pergi mana. Itu kalau seorang, kalau **** orang berapa pulok DIA kaut untung ??!
Bila ahli DAP dituduh mesej bernada ancaman terhadap Ketua Polis Daerah Jerantut, dilabel terus oleh Pas, DAP ketuai kumpulan gangster PH.
TETAPI BILA AHLI Pas DITANGKAP & DITUDUH BAKAR KERETA MUFTI PERLIS, boleh pulak kata Pas tak terlibat.. Bakar kereta tu bukan modus operandi pengganas TALIBAN ka ??!
Bila terkena batang hidung sendiri tau plok nak berdalih-dalih putar belit.. - f/bk

Individu yang membakar kereta rasmi Mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin di kediamannya pada 22 Mac lalu berjaya diberkas di Jelempok, Arau, semalam.
Ketua Polis Perlis, Noor Mushar Mohd berkata, susulan itu suspek lelaki yang juga penganggur berusia 36 tahun direman empat hari mulai semalam sehingga Selasa ini bagi membantu siasatan.

Beliau berkata, pihaknya kini sedang memburu empat lagi suspek yang disyaki terbabit dalam kejadian itu.
“Tangkapan dilakukan 2.45 pagi semalam dan suspek yang juga duda mengaku terbabit dalam membakar kereta Mohd Asri kerana bermotifkan dendam berhubung pemecatan imam di negeri ini beberapa bulan lalu.

“Polis kini sedang memburu rakan suspek yang digelar Mie Tomoi dan Zaini bagi membantu siasatan,” katanya ketika dihubungi hari ini.
Semenjak bila unit amal ada latihan bakar kereta orang? Sikit hari nanti jadi mcm ISIS pulak, orang pun dia bakar. Itulah akibatnya bila agama dijadikan candu.

Kepada sesiapa yang berdendam dengan mufti maka bolehlah menghubungi jabatan berikut untuk kerja-kerja berkaitan.
Jangan risau soal bayaran kerana upah yang dikenakan amatlah berpatutan hanya RM500 sahaja walaupun pada awalnya dijanjikan RM5000.
Paling penting setelah RM500 diterima pasti lepas tu akan dapat penginapan percuma di mana-mana sel yang disediakan. - f/bk

Bab-bab bakar memang pakar buat mereka.

Credit: http://bit.ly/2QbeDQS
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