Ia bukan mimpi DMO di siang hari sebaliknya adalah "mimpi ngeri" bagi PA$. Jika ini tidak benar, kenapa begitu ramai pemimpin PA$ memberi respon bukan dgn hujah dan fakta sebaliknya hanya momokan, ejekan dan cercaan kpd DMO??
Minda bwh sedar atau "subconciously" kalbu lebai sdg terjentik dan merasa keperitan itu. Malangnya seperti biasa...mereka tetap dlm Denial Syndrome.
Sikap Denial Syndrome ini bukan baharu. Saya pernah berulang kali menyebut perkara ini sejak sebelum PRU14 lagi dan mengambil contoh sindrom yg pernah dialami oleh UMNO BN sejak 1999 sehinggalah ke saat kejatuhan mereka pd Mei 2018. Saya sebut bahawa Denial Syndrome hanya membunuh sokongan dan ia ternyata benar.
Dulu pun PA$ menafikan mereka akan kalah di Selangor malah memperkecil2kan Amanah sbgai parti nyamuk yg akan mampus dgn cepat tapi Amanah kekal relevan malah menjd salah satu penyumbang kemenangan Pakatan Harapan yg kini sudah menjd kerajaan Persekutuan.
PA$ bleh shj mengherdik kononnya cdgan DMO ini hanya angan2, tapi ia tidak mustahil bg Amanah yg menjd sebhgian dr kerajaan Persekutuan yg punya kuasa melaksanakn agenda buat rakyat terutama dlm soal syiar Islam.
Apa ada pd PA$? Hanya retorik Melayu Islam dan sikap Assobiyah yg tidak berkesudahan tanpa membantu sedikitkan akan pembangunan negara bangsa dlm msykrt majmuk yg berbilang bangsa dan agama.
PA$ sekadar mendabik dada kononnya dasarnya Islam menjdkan perjuangan Islam hak eksklusif mereka tanpa menyedari hakikat bhwa rakyat malah sebgian dr ahli2 PA$ sendiri naik mual dgn retorik yg tidak berkesudahan.
Tepuk dada tanya iman, jgn berselindung di sebalik kononnya dasar mereka dasar Islam. Jika terbukti lebai juga korup dan rasuah, itu bukan Islam tapi "Selam". Perjuangkan Islam konon tapi bersekongkol balun duit rakyat??
Oleh itu biarlah PA$ terus alami mimpi ngeri sambil terus berada dlm Denial Syndrome, lebai bleh kata apa shj...Amanah tidak perlu khuatir, tidak perlu kalut atau merasa terdesak meneruskan Islah bersama kerajaan Pakatan Harapan dlm masa yg sama boleh terus menarik ahli PA$ kpd PH.
Jika benar lebai kata ahlinya setia dgn perjuangan PA$ maka jgnlah takut, izinkan shj Amanah melaksanakan apa yg mereka mahu laksanakan terhdp ahli2 PA$. PA$ bleh terus dlm Denial Syndrom dan bila tiba PRU15 nanti, PA$ akan tahu lah langit tinggi atau rendah. - Zus Din,f/bk
Proses mengisi kemenangan sedikit sukar daripada proses untuk mencapai kemenangan. Manakala proses untuk mempertahankan kemenangan lebih sukar dan mencabar berbanding dengan dua proses terdahulu itu. Semasa menginjak bumi untuk mencari kemenangan ia memerlukan semua orang terlibat. Saat itu semua orang melupai sempadan masing-masing hatta juga melupai perbezaan fahaman. Kesulitan peribadi juga turut dilupakan dan ia sembuh dipenawari semangat yang berkobar.
Apabila untuk mengisi kemenangan, keprihatinan dan sifat-sifat tadi dilupakan. Kita mula memilih bulu dan membuat penilaian dari berbagai sudut, termasuklah penilaian yang diada-adakan; orang itu begini dan orang ini begitu. Kemenangan juga menjadi kita lupa dan alpa untuk dimuatkan dengan sesuatu lebih bererti.
Apa yang berlaku kepada Sasterawan Negara A Samad Said (Pak Samad) adalah contoh. Semasa untuk memburu kemenangan beliau sanggup diheret ke mana sahaja. Suara dan puisinya diperlukan untuk memanggil rakyat mengundi membuang kerajaan kleptokrasi.

Dan dia tanpa mengenal lelah mempedulikan kepada kesakitaan dan kesusahan akan muncul di mana-mana sahaja tanpa mengharap apa-apa. Pak Samad tidak pernah merunggut kerana itu adalah tanggungjawabnya.
Tetapi apabila kemenangan sudah dicapai tiba-tiba dia seperti tersendiri dan dilupai. Orang terlupa dan tidak menenang kepadanya. Perayaan dan pesta kemenangan tanpa menjemput dia hadir sama merasai keindahan dan kemeriah kemenangan itu. Dalam proses mengisi kemenangan ini beliau tidak diberi apa-apa peranan selayaknya. Apakah sudah tidak ada apa-apa tempat dan ruang sempit untuk beliau jadikan cenderamata kemenangan?
Saya sangat berharap semoga Pak Samad juga layak berada di salah sebuah kerusi dalam Dewan Negara sebagai mewakili marhaen dari golongannya atau di mana-mana kerusi bergelar sebagai Pengerusi. Semoga. - MSO

His turn is over...
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has taken to Facebook to combat claims that he lied about the RM2.6bil donation from the late Saudi King Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Saud. In a Facebook live video on Tuesday night, the former prime minister addressed Umno members.
Najib's 'I did not lie'
prompts more questions...
I waited in vain for reactive calls from Najib’s media minders – Habibul Rahman Kadir or Paul Stadlen. In all honesty, I was looking forward to those calls – to show them my two fingers and to tell them to go fly a kite!
The media that Najib and his supporters threatened and cajoled bore no grudges and continued to provide him the platform – the space in the print media and news portals and time in the electronic media.
Previously on orders from his minders, they demonised Dr Mahathir Mohamad and claimed DAP would install a Christian government. But these days, the same editors who were responsible for the “damage” are lining up in London, New York and Putrajaya to kiss Mahathir’s hands and pretend nothing had happened
Last night, there was yet another twist to the 1MDB tale. Najib took to Facebook to declare that he never lied about the RM2.6 billion in his bank account.
“I wish to clarify this issue because it has been manipulated and fully exploited to the point where it has become one of the contributing factors leading to BN’s defeat.
“I wish to emphasise that I have never lied on the issue of the RM2.6 billion donation,” Najib said in a Facebook Live broadcast.
I have to (partly) believe his first assertion, There were other factors for BN’s loss but 1MDB was the “real” factor which turned the tide.
As for the second that he never lied, I have to ask: Really? I really, really want to believe him, but…
On Oct 13 last year, I made a declaration: “I will support the current prime minister and his party – the Barisan Nasional – and urge and encourage right-thinking Malaysians to do the same in the 14th General Glection which is due. This is subject to the PM and the BN making concerted efforts to fulfil the following conditions, which in turn will bring about a better and more prosperous Malaysia.”
One of the conditions was: “The PM must declare the source of the RM2.6 billion in his personal bank accounts to live up the people’s expectations of a clean, transparent and accountable leader of the country. Explanations that the money was a donation from an Arab prince have to be substantiated with documents. On the contrary, documents have emerged from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) that large sums of money had been remitted to said personal accounts from an account of British Virgin Islands company to Tanore Finance in Singapore.” We have heard enough phrases

The offer was spurned, perhaps on the advice of Najib’s media experts and minders who also chose to ignore reports and commentaries in Malaysiakini. After all, the entire mainstream media was under BN control. Even television stations – private and public – bent backwards to extol the non-existent virtues of the BN and its leaders. (Malaysiakini too was in the list of “don’t touch” news organisations.)
Malaysians have heard enough phrases like “I did not lie on the RM2.6 billion”; “It was a donation from a Saudi prince”; “I returned the money to the donor”; “I am not a thief, robber, nor crook”; and other blabbering that would make even the most honest policemen blush!
Some questions which have yet to be answered by Najib:
If the money was from a Saudi Prince, why should it come in a circuitous route from New York, British Virgin Island, the Seychelles and then to Singapore before being transferred to Najib’s AmBank account?
Najib claims the transfers of money were accompanied by letters from the prince explaining the source of the funds. If this was the case, why didn’t Najib make public these letters public to protest being named as a kleptocrat by the US Department of Justice?
In how many tranches did it come in, since Najib declared he got all the documents accompanying the transactions?
Why did Najib return the money to Tanore Finance in Singapore? Shouldn’t it have been sent to the account of the Saudi prince, say in Riyadh or any other bank account?
Why did he choose to classify part of the Auditor-General’s Report under the Official Secrets Act?
Why were senior officials like Gani Patail and Abu Kassim Mohamed sent into premature retirement?
Shouldn’t he have used these documents as a basis to sue the Wall Street Journal, which first accused him of misdemeanours and transgressions?

One of the documents which Najib produced bore similarities in letters written by Low Taek Jho’s (above,photo) close associate Eric Tan Kim Loong to US lawyers? Can he explain?
With modern technology, even currencies can be counterfeited. Producing “authentic” letterheads will be child’s play. So, it is no big deal to have documents printed on such letterheads.
One more thing, if my wife was using the government jet to ferry 27 bags to the Middle East for a weekend sojourn, I would have asked: “Why so many bags? What is in them? Why were they not put in the hold instead of the seats?”
If my wife came home every other week with a new handbag or new watch every month, I would certainly demand to know where they came from or where did she get the money to buy them. Yes, you have argued they were gifts but donors don’t pop around every week!
The people have heard enough. Najib is trying to remain relevant with his a-statement-a-day keeps trouble away. He can stand on soap boxes, at ceremah and functions to proclaim his innocence, but most right-thinking Malaysians are not likely to believe him.
Instead of wasting his breath, it would be better if Najib stops making statements – some contradicting each other – to the detriment of his own cases. - R.Nadeswaran

Credit: https://ift.tt/2DtXRJl
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