PAS dah jadi macai UMNO...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Friday 20 April 2018

PAS dah jadi macai UMNO...

PAS hilang arah dalam musim kempen pilihan raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) kali ini bilamana secara terang jadi perkakas UMNO-BN menyebar dakyah karut marut memburukkan DAP supaya rakyat menjauhi parti cap roket ini.

Kita juga hairan, entah mengapa pada kali ini, PAS berubah nada bertukar warna – PAS sekarang bukan PAS yang dulu, berahi menjatuhkan kleptokrasi UMNO dalam pilihan raya  sudah terbantut. Gerak tindak PAS saat ini malah mengukuhkan lagi penguasaan parti yang bukan sedikit terpalit najis rasuah itu sehingga mahsyur diseluruh ceruk dunia.

Yang tak berubah adalah nasib DAP – bukan tentang menang atau tidak kerusi yang dipertaruh tetapi terus menjadi kambing hitam mangsa pelbagai dakwaan palsu sentimen perkauman, bertujuan menakut-nakutkan rakyat Malaysia khususnya pengundi Melayu.

Jika PRU13, tentera upahan dan pencacai UMNO-BN giat menyebar dakyah palsu mengaitkan Lim Kit Siang anti-Islam, anti-Melayu, komunis, pencetus tragedi 13 Mei 1969, mahu Malaysia menjadi negara Kristian dan segala macam tuduhan subversif palsu; kini tugas itu digalas oleh pemimpin PAS sendiri.

Lihat sahaja kenyataan Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dalam tulisannya baru-baru ini mendakwa beliau ‘tercium’ usaha DAP mahu merobek Perlembagaan Persekutuan; merendahkan kedudukan Islam dan melemahkan Institusi Raja-Raja Melayu.

“Saya tercium betapa DAP mendapat bayangan kalangan mereka itu, menjadikannya sangat galak berjuang merobek Perlembagaan Persekutuan, mendesak supaya merendahkan kedudukan Islam dan melemahkan Institusi Raja-Raja Berperlembagaan secara senyap dan sindiran,” kata Hadi dalam tulisannya.

Pemikiran dan lenggok Presiden PAS itu kini nampaknya kurang-lebih sama dengan Ketua Penerangan UMNO seperti Annuar Musa yang sebelum ini galak menyerang DAP dan Lim Kit Siang dengan pelbagai dongeng serta imiginasi melampau. Pengikut dan penyokong PAS seharusnya berasa malu apabila Hadi selaku pemimpin akbar mereka mengikuti jejak kempen bertaraf rendah sedemikian.

Walhal, semasa menjadi rakan tahaluf siyasi, PAS bukannya tidak tahu bahawa DAP jelas akan terus mempertahankan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan segala jaminan malah telah banyak kali menegaskannya dalam manifesto dan deklarasi parti!

Maka tidak hairan apabila Hadi dianggap sebagai berkhayal oleh tokoh Perlembagaan, Dr Abdul Aziz Bari yang kesal kerana penyandang Ahli Parlimen Marang itu sepatutnya bersama gerakan massa menentang UMNO-BN dan bukan menjadi penyambung hayat parti Najib itu.

Saya ingin bertanya soalan kepada Hadi, apakah yang menyebabkan seseorang yang diangkat sebagai Tuan Guru dan ‘ulam’a seperti beliau ini mengjadi terlalu galak menyerang DAP seperti pemimpin dan pencacai upahan UMNO yang lain?

Adakah kempen yang disifatkan menyemai ketakutan dan kebencian perkauman dan agama ini  sikap yang wajar ditunjukkan seorang pemimpin ‘parti Islam’ yang mengaku bahawa perjuangannya demi kesejahteraan rakyat Malaysia?

Selaku seorang pemimpin utama pembangkang di Malaysia, tauladan buruk yang ditunjukkan Hadi ini tidak wajar berlaku dan patut dijauhi.

Saya amat yakin, lagu perkauman yang didendangkan PAS seperti ini jelas menunjukkan wujudnya usaha halus ke arah perpaduan parti itu bersama UMNO bertujuan memanjangkan hayat mereka, yang akan terus membiakkan generasi pemimpin korup. –

Ribuan 'gempur' kubu Muhyiddin...

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Why is Harakah in the red if PAS 
can afford RM35 mil?...

Why is PAS' official mouthpiece Harakah Daily in the red if the Islamist party's members are willing to fork out money to get the party through the 14th general election (GE14), asked Mahfuz Omar today.

In a statement, the Amanah vice-president questioned how would PAS members and supporters contribute RM35 each, if they are not even willing to pay RM2 to keep the publication afloat.

He was responding to PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan's statement yesterday that the party was confident it could afford to contest in 160 seats in GE14, thanks to contributions from its one million members.

If one of them gave RM35, the party would have RM35 million to use for the elections, Takiyuddin had said. This was in response to Mahfuz who had questioned the source of funding for the contest, which he estimated to be at least RM34.4 million.

Mahfuz, who is formerly from PAS, further said in today's statement that if the party's members and supporters were that generous, Harakah Daily's staff members would not have to be retrenched, transferred out and made to go through a restructuring, due to a lack of funding.

"What are the chances of PAS members boycotting Harakah, but becoming generous enough to donate to the party for the election? With one million members, why is only 30 thousand copies of the paper printed for publication?

"PAS' building in Jalan Raja Laut is also neglected without maintenance, it looks as dull as the party," he said.

Mahfuz then recalled that when he was in PAS, the party carried out various campaigns to collect donations from party members, to fund the party's land, building, special projects, and keep Harakah Daily afloat, but still fell short.

"Suddenly, PAS announced that it will contest in 160 seats with funds it claims coming from its members' pockets. His explanation does not answer anything, it raises more questions.

"Making the party's current account public will help explain the source of funds for the election," he said. - mk

Why the Indonesian Courts 
release Equanimity...

A luxury yacht linked to allegations that US$4.5 billion was looted from Malaysia’s state investment fund 1MDB must be returned to its wealthy owner, an Indonesian court ruled on Tuesday, citing missteps by police in seizing the vessel.

The decision comes about six weeks after Indonesian authorities, acting on a request from the FBI, seized the Cayman Islands-registered Equanimity, reportedly worth some US$250 million, which was moored off the Indonesian tourist island of Bali. Its three dozen crew remain on the impounded ship.

The US Justice Department alleges in civil lawsuits that huge sums of money were stolen from 1MDB – set up by Prime Minister Najib Razak – in a campaign of fraud and money-laundering. Najib and the fund deny any wrongdoing.

The suits list US$1.7 billion in assets allegedly bought with the stolen funds, which US officials are seeking to recover.

Those assets include the 300 foot (90 metre) yacht bought by Jho Low, a former unofficial adviser to 1MDB.

Low, whose exact whereabouts are unknown, challenged the seizure in court.

Image result for jho low the pirate

It sided with the Malaysian financier on Tuesday, calling the police actions “invalid” and “unlawful”.

Indonesian authorities did not follow proper procedures concerning confiscation of assets sought by foreign authorities, it said.

“The Indonesian police acted beyond their power,” said presiding judge Ratmoho, who like many Indonesians goes by one name.

“[The court] annuls the seizure.”

Police spokesman Setyo Wasisto said authorities would abide by the decision, but could not say when the boat would be returned to Low.

“we need to study the ruling first,” he added.

Last month a spokesman for Low lashed out at the seizure, saying the US Department of Justice (DoJ) had “still not taken any steps to prove that any impropriety has occurred”.

“It is therefore disappointing that, rather than reflecting on the deeply flawed and politically-motivated allegations, the DoJ is continuing with its pattern of global overreach – all based on entirely unsupported claims of wrongdoing.” - scmp

RM90juta duit 1MDB lagi harukan PAS. 
Audio 30 minit sah suara Nik Abduh...

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