Kalu Najib tak boleh sign,Liow Tiong Lai ganti kot...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Saturday 21 April 2018

Kalu Najib tak boleh sign,Liow Tiong Lai ganti kot...

Najib tak boleh tanda tangan watikah calon...

Pengerusi BN dan Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Najib Razak tidak dapat menandatangani watikah calon Umno dan BN untuk PRU ke-14, susulan pemfailan mahkamah berhubung kesahihan Umno, kata peguam Mohd Haniff Khatri Abdulla.

Mohd Haniff mewakili 16 anggota Umno yang memfailkan semakan kehakiman hari ini untuk mencabar keputusan Jabatan Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) untuk melanjutkan tempoh untuk Umno mengadakan pemilihan parti, sehingga April tahun depan.

Menurutnya, Majlis Tertinggi dan Bahagian Umno terbatal bermula hari ini, manakala Cawangan Umno terbatal sejak 1 Mac lalu.

"Maka Najib tidak boleh menandatangani watikah calon ekoran kedudukan Umno yang kini menjadi pertikaian," katanya kepada pemberita.

Dengan semakan kehakiman itu, katanya lagi, Najib bukan lagi presiden Umno maka kedudukannya sebagai pengerusi BN juga dipertikaikan.

Haniff berkata 16 anggota Umno itu juga memohon certiorari (arahan mahkamah) untuk membatalkan keputusan ROS bertarikh 5 Mac yang membenarkan pemilihan parti ditangguh sehingga April 2019.

Mereka juga memohon mandamus (perintah prerogatif) untuk mendesak ROS menyiasat perkara itu dan perintah untuk pembubaran Umno.

Kata Haniff lagi, mereka tidak memfailkan perakuan segera (certificate of urgency) untuk kes itu didengar tetapi tidak terkejut jika mahkamah menetapkan tarikh lebih awal memandangkan tahap kepentingan kes itu.

Beliau berkata telah membangkitkan isu itu pada 28 Februari lalu apabila mempersoalkan kebarangkalian cawangan Umno tidak sah.

Sebelum ini, bekas anggota MT Umno Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah bertanya sama ada cawangan Umno kini didaftarkan secara automatik memandangkan tiada pemilihan dibuat sehingga 28 Februari, seperti didakwa Haniff.

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Salah seorang plaintif, Ketua Cawangan Umno Kampung Pandan Salihudin Ahmad Khalid berkata beliau telah menulis surat kepada ROS untuk bertanya tentang status parti itu tetapi tidak menerima apa-apa jawapan.

"Saya menjadi ketua cawangan sejak 2013. Hari ini saya bertanya sama ada jawatan saya sah atau tidak kerana tiadanya pemilihan peringkat cawangan yang sepatutnya diadakan pada 28 Februari tahun ini," katanya.

Salihudin mendakwa kali terakhir pemilihan dibuat adalah lebih lima tahun lalu walhal ia patut dilaksanakan setiap tiga tahun.

Setiausaha Agung Umno Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor bertegas Umno bukan parti haram dan memberi jaminan kepada anggotanya bahawa mereka boleh bertanding pada PRU ke-14. - mk

Isu pemilihan UMNO nie senang je handle, bak kata Datuk Nikah Kahwin dlm cerita Musang Berjanggut, "Undang-undang dalam negeri kanda (BN) yang bikin… ITU SEMUA BOLEH PADAM…" - اخي أزري 

Apa masalahnya. Bersatu bertanding pakai logo pkr bila bersatu d bubar. Umno pun blh bertanding pakai logo mca, mic atau pas pn blh. No problem. - Lee Sau Min 

Najib boleh bertanding dibawah lambang MCA tetapi orang melayu satu parti yang mewakili org melayu jadi adakah org melayu akan mengundi MCA....jeng jeng jeng atau PAS beri laluan kepada UMNO menggunakan lambang PAS untuk meraih undi org melayu ternyata UMNO-PAS ada UG - Wan Khairul Annuar Kamaruddin

History repeating itself? Liow Tiong Lai can be temporary chairman of BN. Cina Kui to the rescue. If I were him I won't sign the letters for those in UMNO who belittled him. Let them beg on bended knees. - T C Chan

Haniff until the High Court makes a decision, Najib will proceed to sign the authorization letters as UMNO/BN president/chairman. Of course you should seek to obtain an interim injunction to restrain him from so doing until the judicial review leave application is heard and determined by the court. This is in order to preserve the status quo and integrity of the pending application and to ensure that the judicial review is not rendered nugatory. The million dollar question is whether any High Court judge will be brave enough to grant such an interim injunction against UMNO/BN. - Gerard Lourdesamy

The grave is dug. Now we are waiting for the corpse to be put in. But then Dr RoS could give miracle medicine to revive the dead. - Awang Top

Illegal' UMNO means 'illegal' BN and no 'dacing' in GE14

Jangan banyak cakap bayar balik wang rakyat!
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Sixteen Umno branch members have filed an application for leave to proceed with a judicial review to quash the Registrar of Societies' (ROS) decision to allow Umno a time extension to hold its party elections at all levels.

The application was filed with the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

The 16, from 11 branches in six states, named the ROS and Umno organising secretary Abdul Rauf Yusoh as respondents.

The applicants are also seeking a mandamus order to compel the ROS to utilise Section 13, 14, 16 and 66 of the Societies Act to investigate the party based on the correspondence it sent to the ROS.

Alternatively, the applicants are seeking a mandamus order to compel the ROS to take action against Rauf for allegedly violating Article 9.3, Article 9.4, 15.3, 18.2 and 10.16 of the Umno constitution for not holding the party elections within the 18 months provided for.

In addition to this, the applicants also sought for the de-registration of Umno once the ROS completed its investigations into the alleged violations.

The applicants also sought to compel the ROS to issue a notice under Section 14(2) and 14(5) under the Societies Act for provisional dissolution and permanent dissolution.

The applicants are also seeking for the court to compel the ROS to suspend all Umno's activities until the disposal of the judicial review.

The applicants are also seeking a declaration that all Umno branches do not have legal effect, as well as all party divisions and the Umno supreme council, be dissolved effective today, April 20, 2018.

They are further seeking the dissolution of Umno effective today.

This follows their argument that the last day for the branches to hold their elections was on Feb 28 and the last day for the supreme council to function was yesterday (April 19).

The branches last held their elections on Aug 31, 2013 and were supposed to hold a fresh election by Aug 31, 2016 before being granted an extension of 18 months by the ROS.

The 16 applicants, aged between 30 and 55, are Salihudin Ahmad Khalid, Noor Halimi Yahya, Mariam Mohd Ishak, Mohd Hafami Hanif, Saharuddin Tukiman, Azaid Jani, Normalawati Hassan, Radiana Abd Manaf, Mohd Raafeek Rahim, Nurul Hanna Mohd Suhot, Kamarul Abd Wahid, Mohd Hikamal Md Hassim, Muzamzamir Abd Wahab, Norizam Jamaludin, Rohani Ahmad, and Muhamad Hafizi Hashim.

This case comes just weeks before the 14th general election. - mk

Folks, not every UMNO member who hates MO1 and his team of kleptocrats has left UMNO to join PPBM.  Millions of them remain inside UMNO. But most certainly their loyalty does not lie with Team Kleptocrat at all. 

Here is a clear example. 16 UMNO members have taken UMNO to Court to challenge the party's validity because the party has not held any party elections for 5 YEARS. 

Tabik spring dan tabik hormat kepada 16 orang Sahabat yang sungguh berani dan sanggup 'lawan taukeh'. Most certainly there are more supporters behind these 16 brave hearts. 

UMNO is dead, they are finished.  What can possibly drive 16 party members to file a legal challenge in Court which can potentially stop UMNO from contesting the coming General Elections - just 19 days before polling day.  

For them to do something like this, these folks must seriously detest the Kleptocrats.  As I said, there is a much larger undercurrent even inside UMNO.  

Of course we must now see  just how independent is the Judiciary. 

Here is the real problem. This is a legal challenge. The Court must quickly dispose of this case - whether in UMNO's favour or not is besides the point.  

If the Court does not decide on this case before the elections then this legal challenge can pop up again even AFTER the general elections. It will constantly hang over UMNO.

This is a tricky situation indeed.  Some really lame duck morons running the party now. - ostb

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Penang lang...

I am sharing this, because I can testify that this is the truth and simply because I am a thoroughbred Penangite or Penang lang.

I was having some friendly argument with a friend who happened to be a staunch BN's supporter and he said this,"This Lim Guang Eng fella now he is very lansi (cocky) now that he is a CM of Penang and this is what I said to him.

I asked him, had there even been any politicians from BN put behind bars,"makan nasi curry" for defending the innocent people like you and me?

I remember in 1994, Ah Eng was incarcerated under the infamous "sedition act" for seeking justice for a minor Malay girl who was said to have been raped by someone powerful. Can you guys still remember that?

I asked him again,has there been seen any politicians from BN, when making rounds in the market places, where aunties can even "wipe the sweats" for him and giving him big hugs?,, but many aunties have done that for Lim Guan Eng.

I asked him yet again, has there been any state leaders from BN, giving out "money" to the elderly above 60s, to single mothers, to students, to the deceased family year in and year out before ?

I told him Ah Eng under PR has done that first and will continue to do that if they are returned to power.

I asked him again, did he realize that now Penang has become cleaner and greener,more trees are planted,more parks are constructed and Penangites at large are happy?

And in Penang, even the Malays and the Indians are happy because they can feel that this "lansi" Lim Guan Eng can really take care of them.

It is with my strong belief that BN would not suddenly be so "generous" to the Rakyat,if their position is not shaken, if they are not losing grip.

Therefore,I say this,it is only fair after all these 50 over years, let us give Pakatan a chance and give a us chance too cos Malaysia truly deserves BETTER

Lastly, I told him that I believed that Pakatan's Manifesto would come to fruition, simply because I have witnessed it in Penang.

Seriously speaking I'd never thought Penang could be so good now and I have waited many years until 2008..

And did you know that now there are more people willing to take the trouble to come back from Singapore and to come to Penang and vote,just because they want to make sure that Penang will not fall back to BN?

Please help me to share this out, to tell the rest that We are happy in Penang under Pakatan, so can they if they choose to change. - Eugene Ung,f/bk

Mustapha Kamil, ex-Editor NST di Ceramah Jelajah Pakatan Harapan 
di Pagoh semalam,19 April 2018

Depa dah sekapai...

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Credit: https://ift.tt/2K0Z5vy

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