Guru mengamuk pasai bayar RM70, tak ada tempat duduk...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Saturday 27 January 2018

Guru mengamuk pasai bayar RM70, tak ada tempat duduk...

Baru-baru tersebar di laman sosial sebuah video di  SINI dan SINI  yang menunjukkan seorang guru wanita sedang mengamuk di dalam bilik mesyuarat ketika mesyuarat sedang berlangsung.

Guru yang dikatakan berkhidmat di sebuah sekolah di Kulim, Kedah telah menunjukkan reaaksi yang tidak melambangkan profesionalisme seorang guru di Malaysia. 

Sehubungan itu siasatan dilakukan untuk mengetahui punca guru wanita itu bertindak di luar kawalan.

"Siasatan awal mendapati kejadian berlaku pada 24 Januari 2018 dan telah tular sehingga menimbulkan keresahan banyak pihak," menurut kenyataan itu.

Rakaman hampir empat minit yang tular di media sosial menunjukkan guru tersebut meninggikan suara kerana dipercayai tidak diberikan tempat duduk dalam sebuah mesyuarat dihadirinya selepas membuat bayaran sebanyak RM70.

"Bahasa Inggeris kamu sungguh teruk. saya sudah bayar RM70, tak ada tempat duduk. 

"Saya minta tempat itu, tetapi mereka keluarkan dan pindahkan meja itu," katanya sambil menghentakkan tangan di atas meja dan beberapa kali dilihat meludah di dalam bilik mesyuarat berkenaan.

Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), mengeluarkan satu kenyataan media menerusi laman Facebook rasmi KPM.

Dalam kenyataan tersebut, siasatan awal mendapati kejadian berlaku pada 24 Januari 2018 dan telah menjadi tular sehingga menimbulkan kerasahan ramai pihak.

Susulan daripada kejadian itu, KPM telah mengarahkan Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Kedah untuk menempatkan dengan kadar segera guru berkenaan di Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu bermula 26 Januari 2018 sementara siasatan dijalankan.

KPM juga mengingatkan kepada semua guru dan juga pentadbir sekolah agar sentiasa berkelakuan serta bertindak secara profesional terutamanya ketika berhadapan dengan rakan sekerja, murid-murid serta masyarakat supaya kejadian seperti ini tidak berulang lagi.

KPM juga menegaskan kepada semua penjawat awam agar sentiasa menjadi contoh terbaik untuk masyarakat agar profesion sebagai seorang guru tidak menjadi bahan ketawa masyarakat.-mk/

Story kat SINI dan SINI

Jangan buta sejarah Dr Zuhdi. Pencapaian Pas terbaik pada PRU 1999 kerana tumpang tui Reformasi dan pengaruh Anwar dg 27 kerusi. Selepas itu semakin mengacil jumlahnya dalam pru 12 dan 13 walaupun bergabung dg PKR dan DAP dalam PR. Adakah masuk akal bertanding bersendirian boleh dapat 40 kerusi parlimen. Politik bukannya magic dan ia hendaklah bersandar pada realiti. Jadi dakwaan Tun M bahawa Pas angan2 mat jenin ada benarnya - Lokman Ahmad

Katanya sebagai king maker,confirm PAS tidak akan sesekali join PH ,tetapi sekiranya BeEnd menang pru14,adakah PAS akan jadik king maker kpd UMNO? Jawapanya adalah ya! Pas akan bergabung dgn UMNO utk sama2 menegakan ajaran AlSunnah Wal Rasuah...UMNO jual Melayu,PAS jual ugama! - Amir Shah

PAS tutup pintu pada PH awal2 lagi dan sekarang nak mempersalahkan Dr.Mahathir kononya sombong sedangkan PAS cuma nak cari alasan untuk bekerjasama dengan UMNO. - Marx Cyberian 

Kalau TGNA boleh dengar ni dia akan ketawa berdekah-dekah sebab PAS sekarang ni berangan kuat sangat. Silap haribulan Kelantan pun hilang sebab puak PAS ni sokong UMNO,sedangkan rakyat Kelantan bijak memilih dan bijak memikir.Kalau PRU14 ni bagi kat PAS seolah2 macam bagi kat UMNO. Jadi jagan pilih PAS. Pilihlah Amanah. Alfatihah untuk TGNA.amin... - Abubakar Ibrahim 

Don't worry if Hung Parliament were the end result of this general elections, the Non Malay parties would have no choice but to join Pakatan Harapan because it will not be feasible for them to hang on to BN with Pas in there together! So who loses at the end of the day? Even the educated liberal Malay in his right mind would never want to see a Pas government in power together with their buddies from the United Malays party. So Pas will lose out eventually. - P.Dev Anand Pillai

Zuhdi, PAS is a party, lost in directions. It tries courting UMNO, but the latter is afraid to declare it's love for fear of antagonizing it's mistresses like MCA and Gerakan. Best to hide the secret courtship till the election is over. If UMNO wins handsomely, and PAS loses badly, the former will drop the latter like a rotten potato. - RM2.6 billion turkey haram

Excuse us, Zuhdi. Rakyat not born yesterday nor are we illeterates...whole world knows Opposition waited & waited for Pas to make up its mind on joining PH. No point for you guys to cry father & cry mother now...padan muka! - Kiasi

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Mahathir's wife questioned 
by Malaysian police...

Malaysian police on Friday (Jan 26) questioned Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, the 91-year-old wife of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, over a speech she gave at a women’s rally against “toxic politics” last year.

This was the first time the soft-spoken, low-key medical doctor had “ever been questioned” by the police, according to her lawyer Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla.

“She is being investigated under Section 9 of the Peaceful Assembly Act for a speech she made at the Purple Walk last year on Sep 10,” said Haniff after the questioning, which took place at the Al-Bukhary Foundation in Kuala Lumpur (KL), also Dr Mahathir’s office.

“She was questioned for an hour-and-a-half. We don’t know whether there will be further questioning by the police. Neither do we know whether there will be any charges brought against her,” Haniff added.

The wife of former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad, Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, was recently questioned by police over a speech she gave at the women's rally Purple Walk in 2017. 

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Besaq sangatkah kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh Tun Dr Siti Hasmah 
yang berusia 91 Tahun ni?? Yang bawa lari duit FELDA mana? duit MARA mana?

The Purple Walk drew about 1,000 women, who rallied at Maju Junction in downtown KL. A report was lodged against Siti Hasmah on the same day. 

Both her lawyer and her daughter, Marina Mahathir, viewed the questioning as “some kind of harassment". 

“I think this is some kind of harassment. They (police) asked whether she organised the rally. She did not,” said Marina.
“They are picking on her," the 60-year-old added. 

Lawyer Haniff said if the police wanted to find out what Siti Hasmah had said, they could have just viewed a clip of her speech, which was uploaded on YouTube.

“There was no need to question a 91-year-old elderly citizen like this. It could have been viewed on YouTube,” he said. - channelnewsasia

Dr.M and the Pakatan Harapan 
leadership met 14 European reps...

I believe this picture(above) is from the Chinese Press. You cannot find this type of relevant news in the Utusan. Pembaca depa tak boleh faham. It shows ambassadors from 14 different European nations having a meeting with the Pakatan Harapan leadership especially Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.

Obviously so many European ambassadors wanted to meet with Tun Dr Mahathir because they sense that Pakatan Harapan has a high chance of winning the next General Elections and also of Tun Dr Mahathir become the next Prime Minister.

Obviously they wanted to hear for themselves what is in store for Malaysia - EU relations if Dr Mahathir becomes PM again. What will be Malaysia's policies, including our foreign policies (less relevant) and our trade policies (very relevant).  

Anyway, this meeting with 14 European ambassadors is revealing of the fact that foreign nations have very high regard for the fact that Tun Dr Mahathir has cobbled together a highly united and focused Opposition to take on the kleptpocratic BN gomen.

The fact that Tun Dr Mahathir has been unanimously chosen to be the Pakatan Harapan's candidate for PM has completely put to rest all criticisms that the PH could not even agree on a PM candidate. In fact ever since Dr Mahathir was confirmed as the Pakatan's PM candidate the prepaid bloggers, the butt lickers, the thieves, the crooks, and the corrupt  have been in serious panic mode.  They know their days are numbered.

Super Moron has said that there is an international conspiracy to expose his stealing from the public treasury. So these 14 European ambassadors meeting up with Tun Dr Mahathir must be a part of this international conspiracy.  Why not Super Moron break diplomatic ties with these 14 EU countries? Maybe by next Tuesday - after filing that Tuesday lawsuit againt the WSJ.

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However note that this meeting with the EU ambassadors has taken place AFTER a more significant event has taken place within the Pakatan Rakyat. This is the allocation of Parliamentary seats among the main component parties of the PR. On the Peninsula the Pribumi Bersatu gets to contest in 52 seats, Amanah 27 seats, DAP 35 and PKR 51. This is a fantastic achievement.

And also significantly Tun Dr Mahathir has cleverly kicked out PAS from any membership in the PR.   This is the end of PAS.  That is truly a party of the munafiks, Parti Ajaran Syait_n. 

Even in Sabah, the PH has come into existence (yes with formal reference to PH) with Parti Warisan Sabah leading the charge.  The presence of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin recently in Sabah helped to sort out issues over seat allocations and seal a freindship between PH and the Sabah parties, namely Shafie Apdal and Parti Warisan Sabah. They are working hard on the ground in Sabah.

These two big events ie the naming of Tun Dr Mahathir as PH's candidate for PM as well as the seat allocations among PH parties, so early and ahead of the elections, is a great achievement that has not gone unnoticed. 

Last night I met a friend who is a candidate for the PH and has already begun campaigning on the ground in his area.  (Cannot tell who and where lah).

Now the longer the thieves wait to dissolve Parliament, the more time the Pakatan Harapan has to campaign and prepare the ground. Even if they dissolve Parliament tomorrow, it will still not help them. 

The peoples' anger is now at a peak.  If they wait longer, will the peoples' anger cool off?  I dont think so.  The peak may go even higher. The people are just about ready to 'burn down the barn'.  It is too late for the BN.
I have some extra news here. A national level persatuan with over 40,000 members and another 60,000 supporters and dependents wants to endorse the Pakatan Harapan as their choice to lead the nation.  (For obvious reasons I cannot mention their name). This is quite unprecedented because this persatuan has not done such a thing before.

Now, this endorsement may or may not happen. The Thieves may buy off the leaders with money. But that does not change the fact that 40,000 members and office bearers of this sizeable persatuan are fed up with the Thieves running the gomen.  There is a tsunami already building up.

And finally, for the second time, I am hearing that more mid level and some senior UMNO leaders are sending feelers over to Pakatan Harapan leaders. They are prepared to 'talk'.  Some are willing to work from the 'inside'.  Bukan begitu bah ?

Some of them maybe buying insurance but that is not the main point.  The main point is they too are aware that the BN is going to get kicked out.   Time is up. Folks, it is too late for UMNO and the BN. No matter what they do now - pay money, buy off people, charge people in court, arrest them for corruption etc - it is too late.  

UMNO dah panik nak mampus. Apakah gomen bakal putuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan 14 negara Eropah tersebut? UMNO dan BN sudah mati. - ostb


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