Kini pembangkang buat kali pertama menjadi kerajaan. Atas nama Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN), pembangkang tegar DAP kini berada bersama dengan BERSATU, PKR dan AMANAH, untuk mentadbir negara sebagai sebuah kerajaan baru.
DAP memenangi 42 daripada 47 kerusi parlimen yang ditandinginya, selain meraih 99 daripada 102 kerusi di peringkat dewan undangan negeri (DUN).
Prestasinya amat memberangsangkan dengan kejayaan 89 peratus untuk kerusi parlimen dan 97 peratus untuk DUN.
Harapan DAP adalah untuk membebaskan Malaysia daripada belenggu kleptokrasi pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Bersama HARAPAN, matlamat ini telah dicapai.
Malah, sekarang kerajaan baru sedang melaksanakan usaha untuk mendedahkan kepada rakyat jenayah-jenayah kleptokrasi sepanjang era Najib.
Cita-cita DAP ialah untuk mereformasikan pengurusan kerajaan agar lebih cekap, bersih, amanah, telus dan bebas daripada korupsi.
Impiannya pula ialah untuk melihat rakyat mendapat peluang saksama, tiada diskriminasi kaum, agama, gender dan wilayah, dan mungkin suatu hari nanti, hak saksama jika direstui kaum majoriti.
Memang ia bukan tugas mudah untuk DAP, khususnya mencapai impian yang selama ini masih seperti angan-angan. Namun, pragmatisme DAP membolehkan ia berkerjasama dengan rakan-rakan HARAPAN, termasuk BERSATU yang merupakan platform untuk bekas-bekas pimpinan dan ahli Umno.
Kerana itu, kefahaman, pegangan dan amalan politik yang sentiasa berkisar tentang kaum, agama dan wilayah sentiasa menjadikan polemik tentang hal-hal pentadbiran panas, hangat dan kadang-kadang tegang.
Semua pihak memerlukan masa untuk lebih memahami keadaan, menangani perubahan dan melaksanakan segala janji PRU14.

DAP yang ditubuhkan pada 1966 terkenal sebagai pembangkang yang sentiasa menimbulkan kehangatan dalam arena politik negara atas kesungguhan mereka membongkar skandal dan krisis, menuntut hak dan kebebasan, serta mempertahankan kedaulatan undang-undang.
Atas keberaniannya, terutama menangani hal-hal yang tidak begitu dipedulikan kaum majoriti, DAP dituduh sebagai parti “Cina, cauvinis, komunis” dan pelbagai fitnah lain.
Menjadi kerajaan bersama HARAPAN tidak menjanjikan apa-apa yang dapat membersihkan imejnya yang telah dicemari golongan ekstremis kaum serta agama.
Tiada siapa menyangka bahawa reformasi pentadbiran akan benar-benar dilaksanakan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Ramai di kalangan penyokong HARAPAN sendiri pada mulanya skeptikal dengan bekas perdana menteri yang kembali menjawat kedudukan lamanya baru-baru ini.
Siapa sangka Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng akan dijadikan Menteri Kewangan? Siapa sangka portfolio yang kali terakhir dipegang oleh pemimpin keturunan Cina pada 44 tahun lalu dikembalikan semula dalam kerajaan baru ini?
Dan siapa sangka Lim – apabila ditanya wartawan – dengan selamba menjawab: “Saya tidak anggap diri saya sebagai seorang Cina. Saya orang Malaysia”?
Apabila DAP mengemukakan Tawaran Baru kepada rakyat Malaysia pada 2016, ia menjadi petanda kesediaan parti itu untuk menyusur bersama arus perdana politik negara. Ketika itu, akibat kekangan rejim Najib, negara tersepit dalam ketegangan agama dan kaum dengan ruang demokratik disempitkan manakala ekonomi merosot tanpa idea-idea bernas dan segar.
Kesungguhan pimpinan DAP serta kesanggupan menerima Dr Mahathir membuka lembaran baru untuk pembangkang pada masa itu.
Ramai menyangka HARAPAN akan hancur berikutan pertembungan di antara DAP dan PAS yang semakin mesra Umno, namun pembangkang mendapat nafas baru apabila AMANAH ditubuhkan daripada pimpinan moderat PAS yang telah disingkirkan golongan konservatif.
Malah, HARAPAN menjadi lebih kukuh dengan penyertaan BERSATU pimpinan Dr Mahathir pada awal 2017.
Setara, bukan kingmaker
Dengan itu, cita-cita Tawaran Baru DAP untuk penalaan semula politik (political realignment) yang diusahakan oleh Pengarah Pendidikan Politiknya, Liew Chin Tong, berjaya dicapai.
Ini membuka ruang untuk mengejar cita-cita menjadikan DAP sebuah parti arus perdana untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.
Dengan kemampuannya menjadi parti arus perdana, DAP dapat berkongsi idea bersama pimpinan HARAPAN untuk memastikan kerajaan baru mengutamakan kepentingan serta keperluan kaum marhaen, selaras dengan pendiriannya sebagai parti untuk golongan 99 peratus daripada semua latar belakang.
Tawaran yang DAP kemukakan juga merangkumi lembaran baru untuk Sabah dan Sarawak, untuk wanita dan anak muda, serta untuk melahirkan generasi yang lebih prihatin dan berkongsi hasrat untuk membebaskan Malaysia daripada kekangan undang-undang zalim.
Sama ada semua ini akan berjaya dibawa bersama melalui kerajaan baru atau tidak, hanya masa akan menentukan.
DAP merupakan satu daripada rakan kongsi setara HARAPAN. Ia bukan rakan dominan, malah ia bukan kingmaker.
Sebagai kerajaan, DAP sedar segala-galanya perlu menjangkaui politik kepartian.
Ia adalah soal pembinaan semula negara, merupakan usaha memulihkan keyakinan, bakal menentukan hal tuju negara yang dikongsi bersama dengan rakyat pelbagai kaum, pelbagai kerenah, pelbagai masalah.
DAP yang selama ini merasa kepedihan serta duri dan air mata sepanjang lebih separuh abad perjuangannya kini melalui era baru.
Ia bukan lagi pembangkang. DAP perlu memberi tumpuan untuk membangunkan semula Malaysia. Sememangnya ia bukan mudah, namun ia juga tidak mustahil. –

Affluent hypocrites,backstabbers now
flock to Dr M's events...
Last evening I was invited for a berbuka puasa with the Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at, the Perdana Leadership Foundation (PLF) in Putrajaya.
I saw many familiar faces - men and women - who during good and bad times had stuck with THE man. But I also saw many who had been absent from his berbuka puasa and other functions for quite a few years. I felt no sense of remorse when I greeted them with disdain.
They deserved it. They abandoned and disregarded the very person who made them rich and powerful in the first place. What was his sin? Nothing! But these hypocrites and backstabbers shied away from him because they were afraid of losing their plump contracts, projects and concessions.
It’s hard for me to believe that they did to him. I have been is this business of scribing for 49 years. I met these people when they were young businessman struggling to make a name for themselves or were learning the ropes from their elders. And it was during the 22-year that Dr Mahathir was Prime Minster (1981 – 2003), thanks to the good management of the economy, that they rose to become millionaires and billionaires.
Some of them were not even businessman. They were academicians, civil servants and technocrats but the Mahathir era turned them into corporate figures – genuine and pseudo. When Dr Mahathir was in power they celebrated him as if he was a “Tua Pek Kong” and man of miracle. He was lavishly praised and even more lavishly feasted.
But when he left office but yet continuing to care for the country, many of these people abandoned him for fear that supporting or just being seen with him would jeopardize their billion dollar contracts, projects concessions or subject them to the scrutiny of the Inland Revenue Board.
The situation became worst when he joined and finally led the opposition in an effort to save the nation by democratically overthrowing the kleptocratic government of Datuk Mohd Najib Abdul Razak. The mere mention of Dr Mahathir caused them to cringe. Their fear of the government was childlike. It appears as if the puja of the “pawang buaya” and the priest from Sri Lanka had been put on them.

Of course there were those who were totally and completely devoted to the ousted Prime Minister and his wife (Datin Paduka Seri Puan Puti Reno) Rosmah Mansor. They keep away from Dr Mahathir and whoever he was associated with.
The majority of them had not thought that Dr Mahathir and his new Pakatan Harapan (PH) team could pull it off against the money and might of Najib's Barisan Nasional (BN). Very few businessmen dared to support him overtly. Those who did were punished. But there were a handful who, I am told, supported his struggle overtly.
I had bumped into some of these corporate characters while campaigning for PH. These camped in Langkawi to make sure that Dr Mahathir did win the island constituency. They brought with them entertainers and performers to draw away crowd from his rallies. I know some of these people. They were nothing when I first met them during my younger days but are today Tan Sri and billionaires.
Their hypocrisy and lack shame put me off. But still I accepted their handshake for the sake civility and common courtesy. These people must know or, be made to know, that this is not BN government. This is the PH government which has promised to be different, open and transparent. They cannot and should not expect their multi-billion ringgit public contracts, projects and concessions and, above all, their shenanigans, to be left unnoticed.
The new government has made it clear that mega projects and negotiated contracts will be re-examined and re-evaluated. While the government may have to continue working with these people, it must take cognizant of the fact that there are many struggling businessmen and women who fearlessly supported the coalition. They should never be sidelined in favour of the fat cats and top dogs of the central business district.
Their sacrifices and bravery must not be forgotten. This government must endeavour to give the best to the rakyat while helping genuine businessman to flourish. I have not the slightest doubt that Dr Mahathir still has the golden touch to make this country great again, Insya Allah.
I thank Tan Sri G. Gnanalingam for reminding me that I have not lost a single election that I got involved in – on behalf of the BN then and PH now. Alhamdulillah. Cari makan is important but dignity is a virtue not to be ignored. I cannot imagine millionaire Datuks and billionaire Tan Sris kowtowing to dedak eating konco of Mohd Najib. - A.Kadir Jasin
Kadir Jasin: you will be doing the nation a favour by listing the "hypocrites and backstabbers" - those who cringed at the very mention of the name Mahathir. . Malaysians have the right to know who they that they will not have to needlessly speculate.- Abasir
For sure those who evaded Tun M during the struggle will turn up now but Tun M is smart they will not be able to get close to him remember the "Death Look" one stare you pee in your pants good try guys. - Enough
Arul should be jailed for using
taxpayers' money to bailout 1MDB...
One of the tricks deployed by Mr. Najib, who was also the then-finance minister, to hide the reality that RM1 trillion debts had been breached was to exclude the government-guaranteed debts. And 1MDB is a classic example of how government-guaranteed debts were being hidden and wrapped and protected under OSA (Official Secrets Act).
The declassified 1MDB audit report said the scandal-tainted firm had debt commitments totalling RM74.6 billion, inclusive of interest and borrowing costs, from November 2015 to 2039. But the best part of the scandal was reserved for Lim Guan Eng. The finance minister was shocked when he discovered that taxpayers have been bailing out 1MDB since April 2017.

Mr. Lim said – “I have been informed by Deputy Treasury-General Siti Zauyah Mohd Desa that among the most urgent items to be resolved during my first days of office is the payment of interest for 1MDB borrowings. This is because the amount of RM143.75 million is due to be paid by 1MDB on May 30.” Heck, why on earth does the government need to pay for 1MDB’s debt?
Apparently, under Najib regime, the government had signed a back-to-back guarantee over 1MDB debt. What this means is in case of failure to pay its debt, 1MDB has nothing to worry because the guarantor – Government of Malaysia – would pick up the bill. In essence, taxpayers (that’s you, dude) will have to pay the billions of ringgit of debt accumulated by 1MDB.
So far, it was revealed that the finance ministry, under Najib Razak, had paid RM6.98 billion on behalf of 1MDB. The sum includes payments made to IPIC as part of a settlement agreement amounting to RM5.05 billion. Last year, then-Prime Minister cum Finance Minister Najib Razak reportedly had difficulty paying US$600 million of debt to IPIC.
Flashback – all hell breaks loose after the Malaysian fund (1MDB) defaulted on its bonds in 2016, sparking a dispute with IPIC, which asked a London court to arbitrate a claim totalling some US$6.5 billion. 1MDB claimed initially that it was “confident in its legal position” and had even submitted a “robust” response through legal counsel. Of course, 1MDB failed to prove its innocence.
The long and short of the infamous 1MDB scandal is this. The 1MDB was part of a “Ponzi Scheme“, which is the subject of money-laundering investigations in at least six countries, including the United States, Switzerland and Singapore. When the scheme was discovered and exposed, the bubble burst. It had accumulated debt of more than US$50 billion as of 2016.
The guy who has been running around telling all and sundry that 1MDB was in good health was none other than 1MDB President and CEO Arul “Anaconda” Kanda Kandasamy. The snake oil salesman is now caught with his pants down when Lim Guan Eng has instructed him to brief and clarify if 1MDB is able to pay the RM143.75 million due next week.

Even if Mr. Arul could pay the amount, which is unlikely, another chunk of RM810.21 million worth of interest is due between September and November this year. Of course, the snake oil salesman who is currently barred from leaving the country is nowhere to be seen, let alone speaks out against the bombshell that 1MDB has actually no money at all to pay its debts.
If Najib was guilty of secretly bailing out his “Ponzi Scheme” project by hiding it under “red files”, accessible only to certain parties, Arul was guilty of deceiving and misleading investors and financial markets by lying through his teeth. As far back as 2015, Mr. Arul had lied about the cash in the state investment firm’s BSI Singapore bank account.
He updated the 1MDB Board that the balance of US$939,874,085 had been redeemed and had been held as “cash” since 31st December 2014. On March 11th 2015, Mr. Najib himself confirmed that the remaining US$1.103 billion had already been “redeemed” from Brazen Sky’s alleged off shore fund in the Cayman Islands – stating that it was now being “kept in US currency” at BSI Bank Limited, Singapore.
In reality, not only there was no “CASH”, but documents supplied by 1MDB relating to its Brazen Sky Limited account in Singapore were false bank statements. After exposed by Sarawak Report, Arul Kanda, with his pants down, made a series of retractions before clarified that the assets held by BSI were in the form of “units” instead of “cash”.

Arul conveniently blamed it on “miscommunication”, when he had proudly telling all and sundry that 1MDB owned assets worth RM50 billion versus RM42 billion in liabilities. As it turned out, the so-called US$1.103 billion cash had been pledged to guarantee another loan by Deutsche Bank. Essentially, Arul knew that a new hole was dug to cover another hole of debt.
Snake oil salesman Arul, together with crook Najib, also trumpeted about TRX (Tun Razak Exchange). The Exchange 106 tower will be the tallest tower in Malaysia upon completion in 2018, says them. But after the stunning loss of his boss Najib in the 14th general election, it was revealed that TRX City Sdn Bhd “did not see a single cent” of funding worth US$3 billion (RM11.9 billion) raised in 2013.
The fact remains that since he came on board, not a single 1MDB annual reports has been released. If the company was indeed in the pink of health, there was no compelling reason not to publish its annual reports. Even during the May 9th election campaign, Arul was actively hitting the road, continued to scam and con people that 1MDB scandal was over.
This bald Arul boldly fooled the people that the 1MDB debt problems have been solved. What he didn’t tell the people was that the government has been bailing out the company; diverting taxpayers’ hard-earned money to cover gigantic debts accumulated after the “Ponzi Scheme” was discovered, exposed and burst. Arul Kanda “Anaconda” Kandasamy deserves to be jailed, and the keys thrown away. - fft

Songlap masuk ke akaun Syarikat di Hungary

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