Tudung periuk pandai menari,
Menari lagu putera mahkota,
Dalam periuk tiada nasi,
Hendak berjuang tiada daya.
Songlap duit kerja mereka,
Seolah tiada dosa pahala,
Setelah ditolak rakyat jelata,
Semuanya bakal ke penjara.
- f/bk
A party confused...
Umno appears to be a party in a state of confusion right now. Their recently concluded General Assembly illustrates this very clearly.
Their president and his supporters started off with stating that they are willing to form a unity government with any political party, including those in power. And then within a few short days he says that the matter is closed. This is a very rapid turnaround which suggests to me that they don't really have any strong ideas as to how to move forward.
The suggestion of a unity party sounds pretty desperate because the only reason to have a unity party is if there is a hung parliament or if the country is facing some sort of imminent crisis which requires all parties to work together. Neither of this is the case.
It would seem that Umno, so used to power after all these years, can't seem to get their heads round the fact that the people have voted against them and that the only real way to get back power is to win round the majority of voters once more. Begging for scraps at the government's table is not the way.
Maybe they realized this, hence the 180-degree change.
In order to win power once more, ideally they should be focusing on how they can prove themselves to be better than the current government. I don't think this is possible in the near future. Look at their shadow cabinet. It is a good idea to have one but it is also full of politicians who represent the old guard.
Not only are some of these people tainted by being representative of Umno's most excessive and boorish behavior, the fact that these are the only people they can call upon suggest that there has been no change in their mind-set and they have no new ideas to contribute.
This being the case, they will most definitely fall back on what they do best. Harp on and on and on about race and religion. Shouting as loudly as possible that they are the ones who are the saviors of Malays and Islam. Will this be successful? To a certain extent yes it will.
There are many who really do think that Malays are entitled to everything in the country and everyone else are second class citizens. And religion is a wonderful tool to be used by the unscrupulous because it is such an emotive subject that people tend not to think when it is raised.
Hardcore Umno supporters and hard-core bigots will definitely continue to support such a call. There is nothing that can be done with these folks. After all they are the ones still convinced that their former president has done no wrong.
It is normal in any democracy to have people who are unmovable. Their political views are set in stone and there can be no changing that. However, not everyone is like this and it is these people who need convincing.
Some in the ruling party, like Anwar Ibrahim has chosen to make sounds that are eerily familiar to that of Umno, going on as he does about the dangers of liberal people and how Malays need to be protected. I personally think this is a wrong approach completely as you are merely pandering to the lowest common denominator.
It would be nice to think that the PH can offer a philosophically different vision for the people of this country. But that is a pipe dream. Apart from the PSM and perhaps PAS, political parties in this country are extremely pragmatic and not philosophical.
This being the case, the PH government need to prove that their form of pragmatism is the one that will ensure peace and prosperity and justice for all the people in this country. Then it wouldn't matter what kind of racial and religious tricks Umno will get up to, the majority of the Malaysian people, I am sure will rather know that they and their children have a good future. - Azmi Sharom

All Riders Community...
Apa masalah kalau mereka ke PD untuk support DSAI? Mereka datang atas nama All Riders Community, tak pakai baju warden penjara pun! Yang mamak tu sakit hati kenapa?
Mereka ini staff dari penjara Sungai Buloh mereka bertahun tahun bersama Anwar Ibrahim di penjara kini mereka datang ke Port Dickson untuk membantu Anwar Ibrahim berkempen untuk kemenangan PH.. Mereka inilah yang paling rapat bersama Anwar di Sungai Buloh..

Cuma bekas-bekas macai Umno yang masih bawa DNA Umno ke dalam PH! - f/bk

Walaupun rata-rata masyarakat Sulawesi adalah Muslim, namun kerja kurafat tetap diteruskan kononnya atas nama menghalau bencana selepas kejadian gempa dan tsunami yang membantai kepulauan itu. Ini merupakan ritual yang tidak pernah diajar oleh Nabi
Nooryana Najib Should Be Grateful
She 'n' Hubby Are Spared For Now...
Posting an old sentimental photo of what is presumably herself as a toddler being carried by her mother, Rosmah, on Instagram, Nooryana or Gina was trying to fish for public sympathy with her remarks – “I will always stand by the woman who gave birth to me, wiped my tears away when I was down, slept with me when I was sick and taught me how to stand on my own two feet.”
Gina obviously hadn’t a clue that while every mother gives birth, loves and protects her daughter, only her mother – Rosmah – plundered billions of 33-million Malaysians’ hard-earned money and shared the ill-gotten money with her precious daughter Gina. Yes, Nooryana’s mother isn’t any ordinary mother but the infamous witch Rosmah Mansor, the wife of wicked Najib Razak.
The wicked and witch couple – Najib and Rosmah – are facing up to 20 years in prison for CBT (criminal breach of trust), money laundering and abuse of power in relation to 1MDB scandal. Rosmah was slapped with 17 money laundering charges while Najib was hit with 32 charges for various charges – bringing the total charges on the Malaysian “Marcos” to 49, and counting.

It was quite flabbergasted that Nooryana was offended, or pretended to be furious, over his mother’s arrest. Did she actually believe her mother deserves some sort of immunity despite having engaged in transactions that involved proceeds from unlawful activity by allowing money totalling RM7,097,750 to be deposited into her account at Affin Bank?
Last year, a man who stole infant milk formula – worth RM502.60 – for his two toddlers was sentenced to three days’ jail and fined RM1,200. A year earlier, a fishmonger was slapped with 20 months’ jail and three strokes of the rotan (caning) for stealing formula milk – worth RM2,171.20. In 2015, an unemployed man was jailed 6 months to stealing 12 bars of Cadbury chocolates.
Yet, Nooryana’s parents, the once powerful Prime Minister Najib and self-proclaimed First Lady Rosmah, despite their ability to afford milk and chocolate, had chosen to become crooks and stole billions of ringgit when they have had been entrusted to protect them. So, Gina should stop crying wolf that her mother was as innocent as a lamb.
In fact, Nooryana should be grateful that the new government under Mahathir Mohamad has not been tough enough to put pressure so that bails requested by her crooked daddy and mommy were denied. The average Joes and Janes think that both Najib and Rosmah should be detained while the trial is ongoing, not to mention they should be dressed in the orange “lock-up” suits.
Perhaps Nooryana hadn’t a clue about how the rule of law looks like, so much so that she thought the charges brought against her mother, and her father for that matter, was revenge. But who can blame her ignorance when all this while she enjoyed unlimited flow of dirty money and abuse of power by virtue of being the First Daughter of the country.
Did the moron Gina believe the money to host her lavish wedding in 2015, where flowers alone were RM3 million, actually dropped from the sky? She was on the same yacht together with her mother, father and brother Nor Ashman when the crooked family met with Jho Low (Najib’s partner-in-crime) and the so-called PetroSaudi owner Prince Turki as the plot to siphon money from 1MDB was hatched.
Heck, Nooryana or Gina should send a “thank you” card to Mahathir for not going after her and hubby Daniyar Nazarbayev. Her husband Daniyar was a crook himself. Mr. Daniyar was a scammer who had cheated his stepfather’s (Bolat Nazarbayez, who is the younger brother of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev) US$20 million condominium in New York.

Najib and Rosmah’s son-in-law, their precious Gina’s husband, had also allegedly falsified documents to enable him to study at Columbia University in America. Hell, even Daniyar’s mother, Maira Kesikbayev, was a con artist whom Bolat discovered (to his horror) was already married when she met him. Maira was also a cheapskate thief who ordered a dozen of Hermes bags – but refused to pay.
Like his half-sibling Mohd Nazifuddin who whined, cried and bitched until foaming at the mouth against daddy Najib’s arrest only to fly the next day to Taiwan for fine wining and dining with Taiwanese actress Celia Chang (July 5th), you don’t need a rocket scientist to tell that Nooryana was performing the same drama – slamming mommy Rosmah’s arrest – from the comfort home in United States.
Now that both Najib and Rosmah are blacklisted from flying out of the country, the educated guess is their children – Nazifuddin, Nor Ashman, Riza Aziz, Nooryana and others – could have been given access to some of their stolen money, believed to be billions of dollars stashed and hidden in offshore accounts abroad.
It’s actually the people, not spoilt brat Nooryana, who are “too sad to cry and too angry to scream” that princess Gina and the remaining of her crooked family members continue to enjoy their lavish lifestyle overseas. But what goes around comes around. Gina should start cooking a story to tell her son Adam Razak why he belongs to a family of crooks. - ft

Credit: https://ift.tt/2E2jjpB
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