Darjah kebesaran yg dianungerah oleh DYMM YDPertuan Bersar N9 kepada suami istri yg berstatus penyamun sekarang ditarik balik serta merta. Tahniah. Itu tindakan bijaksana dari istana N9 terhadap suami istri yang bangsatkan rakyat Malaysia memalukan negara di mata dunia.
Tindakan bijaksana istana N9 wajar dicontohi oleh istana-istana lain di Malaysia. Mereka yg berstatus jenayah, punya gelaran apa saja dari kerajaan Negeri atau pun Persekutuan, patut ditarik balik. Istana jangan dianggap rakyat bersekongkong dengan penyamun, lanun, penipu, koruptor yg kini menghadapi tindakan undang-undang.
Jangan anggap rakyat bodoh dan angguk seperti kaldai belaan. Ada istana tertentu yg menjual pingat kebesaran Negeri kepada manusia-manusia yg tak layak diberi anungerah. Akibat pembelian gelaran itu ada ketua gangster, koruptor dan macai penjilat menjadi 'datuk serbaguna' dan 'datuk serbaboleh' yg memalukan.
Hari ini baling ketul batu pasti jatuh atas kepala botak sang datuk serbaguna atau datuk serbaboleh. Oleh kerana terlalu mudah mendapat pingat kebesaran Negeri dan juga Persekutuan maka gelaran itu menjadi momokan rakyat. Imej istana juga tercemar.
Hari ini beberapa negeri tertentu dikatakan sebagai 'kilang' pengeluaran darjah kebesaran yg tak ada mutu penghargaan. Rakyat mencebek bila tahu gelaran itu datangnya dari negeri-negeri yang banyak mengeluarkan gelaran-gelaran 'jualan murah'.
Jangan ingat rakyat kagum dan menghormati mereka yang mendapat gelaran dengan mudah tetapi tidak punya jasa dalam masyarakat. Gelaran apa pun patut diberi kepada mereka yg benar-benar berjasa dalam masyarakat, bukan dijualbeli seperti di pasar malam. Kebanyakan yg bergelar tidak punya maruah, hargadiri, korup dan bodoh sombong.
Tidak lama lagi banyak bekas menteri dan pegawai2 tinggi yg super korup akan diheret ke mahkamah, yang punya gelaran datuk, datuk seri dan tan sri yang sudah hilang serinya. Rakyat akan lihat apakah gelaran mereka akan ditarik balik oleh pihak istana sekiranya mereka bermukim bertahun di Sg Buloh.
Nampaknya selepas rakyat tendang UMNO/BN dari Putrajaya banyak yg bergelar akan bergari menghadapi perbicaraan kelak. Dan jangan terkejut beruk kalau ada dari golongan istana juga yang akan menerima nasib yg sama kalau salah menyalak bukit, dikuasai jin dan afrit, membuat tindakan bodoh badan yang sakit. - Yahaya Ismail

UMNO Jadi 10 Budak Hitam...
Apabila presiden sudah didakwa dengan 45 pertuduhan, rasuah, penyalah gunaan kuasa dan pengubahan wang haram sepatutnya Umno tidak perlu berfikir panjang lagi untuk menyelamat dan membelanya.
Walaupun ia diperingkat pertuduhan tetapi sudah cukup untuk dijadikan tanda tanda awal khiamat buatnya, dimana jika tidak dicegah ia membawa noda buat Umno seluruhnya. Lantaran itu ahli Umno perlu peka kepada kepentingan moral dan intergriti.
Ahli Umno patut lebih lama mengenali cara presiden mereka berpolitik, baik dari cara dia bergurau, meluahkan idea berdepanbdengan reporter atau kadang kadang bertindak jadi promotor murahan untuk mengampu seseorang.
Justeru pendirian yang diambil Pemuda parti itu perlu disokong. Wanita dan Puteri juga seharusnya mengambil sikap sama. Syabas atas keprihatinan dan sikap berani ketua Pemuda Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki yang mahu Zahid Hamidi bercuti. Konotasi bercuti itu adalah minta berundur.
Dibimbangi jika ahli Umno gagal atau lembek untuk mengembalikan maruah parti itu akhirnya menyebabkan Umno akan jadi seperti 10 budak hitam.- MSO
Saudi Denies Any Knowledge
About RM2.6 Billion Donation...
Najib Razak appears to be a step closer to spending years in prison. The ex-prime minister has consistently denied any wrongdoing since the 1MDB scandal erupted in 2015. He has claimed the US$681 million (popularly known by Malaysians as RM2.6 billion) deposited in his personal bank account were a donation from a Saudi royal, refuting reports that the funds came from 1MDB.
The disgraced son of Abdul Razak Hussein, Malaysia’s second prime minister, however, has made a small U-turn during an hour-grilling with Al-Jazeera’s reporter Mary Ann Jolley. Speaking to Al Jazeera’s 101 East in an exclusive interview on Friday (Oct 26), serial liar Najib said he actually did not verify the source of the RM2.6 billion or who owns the funds.
In the interview where he could no longer smirk like he usually did, Najib’s latest twist was that he “assumed” that the donations were connected to Saudi Arabia – reversing his earlier insistence that the US$681 million was from the royal house of King Abdullah. He was also being quizzed over matters like the infamous “pink diamond” purchased by his wife, Rosmah Mansor.
Coincidently, Mary Ann Jolley was the same journalist whom the Najib previous administration deported in 2015 while she was pursuing a story on the Altantuya Shariibuu murder. In that story, Al-Jazeera revealed how Najib informed his buddy Razak Baginda that he had sexual relationship with Altantuya. Witness Balasubramaniam’s Statutory Declaration said it was “anal intercourse”.
Due to her explosive report on the gruesome murder of Altantuya 3 years ago, Mary Ann Jolley was deported by 5 Malaysian immigration officers and a man in military outfit. You can read here how the panicked Najib Razak had resorted to bullying the Al-Jazeera journalist. The documentary – “Murder in Malaysia” – was one of Al-Jazeera weekly programmes 101 East.

Has Najib Razak lost his mind agreeing to be interviewed by the same journalist he had bullied back in 2015? Perhaps he thought Mary Ann Jolley would not give him hard time. But that’s precisely what a professional reporter would do, and she had a great time grilling Najib not only on his RM2.6 billion donation, but also his beloved wife Rosmah’s 22-K pink diamond necklace worth US$27 million.
Najib reportedly lost his composure several times during the interview. But there’s a bigger problem than losing his cool. He has just lost another witness, arguably the most powerful witness who might lend credence to his story on the so-called RM2.6 billion donation and potentially free him from being dumped into prison with the key thrown away.
You know Najib is screwed when Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Ahmed Al-Jubeir came for a visit. Did Najib actually think Mr. Adel come all the way from Saudi to tell Mahathir Mohamad that the 93-year-old prime minister was senile and has mistaken Najib as the bad guy? Did Najib think the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would vouch for him that the RM2.6 billion was indeed donation?
Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah said his counterpart Adel Ahmed Al-Jubeir has re-confirm that the RM2.6 billion donation received by Najib has nothing to do with the government of Saudi Arabia whatsoever. Mr. Saifuddin said Mr. Adel had earlier expressed the Saudi government’s stand when they met at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly in New York last month.
“He (Adel) stated that the donation had nothing to do with the Saudi government. Today, he reiterated it,” – Saifuddin said. Interestingly, in 2016, while attending the 13th Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, Mr. Adel was reported as saying the donation to Najib came from Saudi Arabia. So, the Arabs lied and cannot be trusted.

Either way, it’s absolutely bad news to Najib as he cannot rely on Saudi to support his case. Even if Adel was telling the truth 2 years ago and lies through his teeth today, the reputation and credibility of Saudi being the generous royal house is essentially destroyed. Najib can actually kiss and throw away whatever documents which say the RM2.6 billion was donation from the kingdom.
Since 2016, pro-Najib cybertroopers, propagandists and bloggers have been screaming until foaming at the mouth – proudly declaring that the RM2.6 billion was donation from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, based on Adel Ahmed Al-Jubeir’s admission. It would be interesting and fun to see the reaction from the same pool of paid cybertroopers, propagandists and bloggers.
Are they going to mock King Salman, his crown prince and all the 15,000 princes and princesses? Are they going to insult the treacherous Arabs for abandoning Najib at a time when he needs them the most? Or will they cook up half-baked tales that the 93-year-old Mahathir has blackmailed and threatened the Saudi government into changing their story against Najib?
Amusingly, former Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi will now officially be known as a serial liar too. In August 2015, Mr. Zahid declared that he has met the wealthy Arab family who had donated the US$681 million (RM2.6 billion) that was channelled into Najib Razak’s personal account.

Zahid, who was then vice-president of UMNO, proudly told all and sundry at a meeting with Kepong UMNO division that the donors were “Arab king and prince”, and that the royal family had decided to make the huge donation due to Najib’s anti-Jewish stance. He also said the donors wanted to keep UMNO and the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition in power.
More importantly, Mr. Zahid, who is now UMNO president, said he saw with his own eyes the cheque made under his boss Najib’s name – “I saw the documents myself – the original documents, not photostated ones, andI also saw the money trail. I obtained the information accurately and did not add or minus the facts. The conspiracy to topple the government would take place if not stopped.”
Of course, when Zahid emerged from his 8-hour questioning by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in July, he sang a different tune. In a short press conference, he told reporters about “wakil (representative)” of the Arab family, not “Arab king and prince”. Najib lost a valuable witness that day. Today, he lost another critical witness – the Saudi government. - FT
Malaysians must thank Najib for the semi-aborted Al Jazeera interview

Kanak-kanak berusia 15tahun ini telah membuat 1 laporan @PDRMsia Kangar/8014/18 bahawa dia telah DICABUL oleh seorang Ahli Parlimen yang merupakan bekas Menteri pada 20/10/2018 jam l/kurang 11.30mlm. Kenapa Ahli Parlimen tersebut belum ditangkap lagi? Ahli Parlimen bekas Menteri dari Perlis? Rasanya tau siapa dia ni - twitter sanjeevan

Ni suratan atau kebetulan?

Kalau buat forensic examination on the content pun kita dah tau these letters
originated from the same source. As Dr.M said, let him spew more farts...
Saya akan terus bantu Kelantan walaupun dilabel tidak bermoral...

Lebai2 PAS konfius pulak doh...

Credit: https://ift.tt/2ObwCnG
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