Tujuh pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) pada Jumaat membuat laporan polis menggesa tindakan diambil terhadap individu yang dipercayai membuat ugutan bunuh terhadap Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam laman sosial Facebook (FB).
Laporan polis tersebut dibuat oleh wakil NGO diketuai Presiden Pertubuhan Martabat Jalinan Muhibbah (MJMM), Abdul Rani Kulup Abdullah, di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Dang Wangi, di sini, tengah hari tadi.
Abdul Rani berkata perbuatan pemilik akaun FB yang menggunakan nama 'Ayahanda Fadzley Mohd Yusof' itu jelas menggambarkan perbuatan tidak bertanggungjawab yang mengaitkan persatuan NGO dalam ugutan itu.
NGO lain ialah Kesatuan Melayu National, Ikatan Rakyat Insan Muslim Malaysia (Irimm), Akhlak Rahsia Cekal (ARC), Pertubuhan Permuafakatan Majlis Ayahanda Malaysia (PERMAS), Refomis dan Kipidap.
“Semalam, dalam satu kenyataan di FB, netizen tersebut mengugut mahu menembak Tun (Dr Mahathir), selain menyatakan hampir 2,000 ahli persatuan NGO seperti Persatuan Ayahanda akan berhimpun di Dataran Merdeka di sini sebagai satu protes menentang kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH).

Abdul Rani berkata pihaknya berharap Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) menyiasat perkara itu dan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap individu terbabi, bagi membendung gejala yang boleh menjejaskan keharmonian negara ini. - f/bk
Rani Kulup buat laporan polis...

"Saya mohon kerajaan baru ini akan terus memberi ruang dan modal yang cukup besar kepada Petronas untuk terus memenuhi visi mereka dan bukannya menjarah dana Petronas atau bagi misi "bail-outs" sebagaimana dilakukan ketika pentadbiran 22 tahun Tun Mahathir dahulu. - Najib Razak
Siapakah yang memberi ingatan tersebut?
Tidak lain tidak bukan, yang memberi ingatan ini ialah Najib Razak, bekas Perdana Menteri yang baru saja kehilagan kuasa dan kini sedang disiasat oleh polis dan SPRM berkaitan penggubahan wang haram serta menerima rasuah daripada SRC International yang dulunya merupakan anak syarikat 1MDB.
Memang ingatan Najib itu baik, tetapi layakkah beliau memberi peringatan itu kepada Tun Mahathir?
Ketika menjadi Perdana Menteri dahulu, pernahkah Najib mahu mendengar nasihat atau ingatan daripada Tun Mahathir yang sebelumnya pernah menjadi Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun?
Maka, layakkah sekarang ini bekas Perdana Menteri selama 9 tahun yang tumbang ditolak rakyat kerana deretan skandal dan kemewahan keluarganya, mahu pula menasihati bekas Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun yang kemudian berjaya muncul semula sebagai Perdana Menteri?
Adakah jika Najib mahu mendengar nasihat Tun Mahathir dahulu dan negara tidak berantakan dengan skandal demi skandal, ia akan menyebabkan Tun Mahathir sedia kembali aktif dalam politik untuk menyingkirkan anak Tun Razak itu?

Lagi pun, di sebalik Najib memberi ingatan agar Tun Mahathir tidak menjarah dana Petronas, siapakah sebenarnya yang lebih banyak menjarah wang negara dengan skandal 1MDB yang terbesar di dunia serta menyebabkan hutang negara meningkat kepada melebihi 1 trilion?
Jika ketika pentadbitan Tun Mahathir banyak hasil pembangunan yang dapat disaksikan seperti KLCC, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, KLIA, lebuhraya dan macam-macam lagi yang bermanfaat besar sehingga hari ini, apakah yang membanggakan di era Najib selama 9 tahun selain kekayaan mendadak Jho Low, hutang negara melebihi 1 trilion dan koleksi beg tangan mewah, barang kemas dan intan permata yang menimbun-nimbun?
Sorry Najib... sepatutnya anda menasihati diri anda sendiri terlebih dahulu, terutama ketika sedang berkuasa sebelum ini dan bukannya "lupa diri" ketika kuasa berada dalam genggaman.
Setelah tumbang dan sekarang disiasat polis serta SPRM, malah mungkin akan didakwa tidak lama lagi, cuba berlagak baik dengan memberi peringatan atau nasihat kepada Tun Mahathir, ingatan anda ini bukan saja sudah terlewat, malah tidak bernilai apa-apa di sisi rakyat.
Penjarahan anda sendiri kepada hasil kekayaan negara sehingga bajet untuk Pejabat Perdana Menteri yang sentiasa melambung setiap tahun dengan pelbagai acara kemewahan dan jamuan makan super mewah, selain skandal demi hutang dan kesukaan menambah hutang negara, ia sebenarnya akan lebih menjadi ingatan bagi rakyat, malah oleh generasi demi generasi akan datang.- f/bk
Scraps RM110 Billion HSR Project,And There’s Nothing Singapore Can Do...
Let’s continue our story about how Singapore, supposedly a clean and incorruptible nation, secretly helped ex-PM Najib Razak during the peak of the 1MDB scandal. The plausible possibility that the Government of Singapore was the “hidden hand” behind the blackmailing of Swiss national Xavier Andre Justo to change his story has since gotten The Straits Times extremely worry.
As the world’s 3rd top financial centre (behind London and New York), it’s an insult to the peoples’ intelligence that Singapore didn’t know the documents supplied by 1MDB relating to its Brazen Sky Limited account were false bank statements. The Monetary Authority of Singapore knew that Arul Kanda was bullshitting when he claimed US$1.103 billion cash was kept at BSI Bank Limited, Singapore.
Besides the United States, Switzerland and Luxembourg, it’s believed that Najib and his wife Rosmah keep their ill-gotten money in Singapore as well. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong loved Najib simply because such corrupted Malaysian leader can be easily manipulated and controlled. As a financial centre, Singapore does not discriminate against dirty or laundered money.
The Singapore-Kuala Lumpur 350-km high-speed rail (HSR) link project which had been inked in 2016 under the previous PM Najib Razak was inflated to include kickbacks. As revealed by newly installed Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, the project was designed in such a way that Malaysia will be penalised close to RM500 million if they withdraw from it.
In actuality, Singapore doesn’t need the HSR project. After all, more than 90% of the railroad will be on Malaysian soil. It’s amazing that Singapore gets to pocket half a billion ringgit in the event the contract is cancelled considering the island’s involvement is less than 10%. Consider this – the 688-km East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) project costs RM55 billion but the shorter 350-km HSR project will cost RM110 billion.
Obviously, something is fishy when it costs almost double for a shorter railway project. Shouldn’t China be awarded the HSR project since they could build it at half the price, or 50% discount? It appears that Singapore could have benefited massively from the high-speed rail project, possibly even kickbacks, after the “hidden hand” blackmailed Xavier Andre Justo to change his story.
Unfortunately, both Najib Razak and Lee Hsien Loong, as they happily scratching each other’s back, didn’t anticipate that the 93-year-old Mahathir Mohamad could unseat the Barisan Nasional coalition government after being in power for 61 years since independence in 1957. All hell breaks loose when Pakatan Harapan coalition made a stunning victory.
In normal circumstances, Mahathir should be the one flying to Singapore begging PM Lee Hsien Loong to cancel, or at least reconsider, the RM110 billion HSR project. Instead, it was the panicked Mr. Lee who flew to Malaysia to meet Mr. Mahathir. Even then, the Singaporean prime minister was given a short 30 minutes for the meeting, before the humiliated PM Lee left Mahathir’s office.
Lee Hsien Loong wanted to talk about HSR with Mahathir, but the Malaysian leader simply told him that HSR will be scrapped, one way or another. With tail between legs, the Singaporean leader left. Today (Monday, May 28th), Mahathir unilaterally announced to the world that Malaysia will scrap the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore high-speed rail project.
Mahathir said – “It is a final decision, but it will take time because we have an agreement with Singapore. It’s not beneficial. It’s going to cost us a huge sum of money. We’ll make no money at all from this arrangement. It is only a short track. It is only going to save people one hour by taking the HSR.”
To lose RM500 million in penalty for cancelling the project is better than to spend RM110 billion on a mega-project which is doomed to fail. The ticket price for the HSR trip will be too expensive for ordinary Malaysians. However, based on Mahathir’s track record, he is not going to bend over and flash half a billion of ringgit to Lee Hsien Loong without a fight.
If Mahathir had previously given Lee Kuan Yew a run for his money, chances are the old man is going to do the same to his son now. The Malaysian prime minister has already hinted that his administration will haggle – and most likely drag his feet – about the final compensation figures for Singapore.
Heck, Mahathir might even just offer Hsien Loong a small token of compensation for cancelling the project, and there’s nothing Singapore can do about it. Will Singapore drag Malaysia to the international court and in the process spill the beans about how the unfavourable terms were made between scandal-plagued Najib Razak and his Singapore buddy?
Hsien Loong is easy meat to Mahathir. When push comes to shove, Malaysia can easily threaten Singapore over its national security – by allowing China to deploy its radar surveillance and missile system in Johor, essentially spying on the little island. Last year, Beijing offered AR3 multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) to be positioned in Johor, Malaysia.
Conventional wisdom says it would be wise for Singapore to forget about insisting on the RM500 million penalties, in the interest of maintaining good relationship between both countries. It’s better for Mahathir to owe Lee Hsien Loong a favour than to start a confrontation. Singapore’s reputation will be at stake if the country is openly mentioned as the “hidden hand” behind Justo blackmail in Thailand. - fft

Satu rakaman video berdurasi 24 saat tular di media sosial, mendakwa beberapa kereta mewah di parkir di kawasan letak kereta aras bawah kondominium itu milik keluarga Najib dan disorok oleh rakannya yang memiliki unit di kondominium tersebut.
Usaha Bernama untuk mendapatkan pengesahan daripada pihak polis gagal apabila pihak berkaitan tidak dapat dihubungi. — Bernama
WE CAN NOW CONFIRM THAT FROM THE VIDEO'S OF LUXURY CARS TAKEN BENEATH PAVILLION, THE 2011 BENTLEY Model license plate WVQ11 is registered directly under former Prime Minister: NAJIB RAZAK's name.
Whereas the 2 DOOR LIGHT BLUE ROLLS ROYCE WRAITH with a license plate WLE7 as well as a BENTLEY with the License plate WYC7 are BOTH registered under former Prime Minister: Najib Razak's SON-IN-LAW: DANIYAR KESSIKBAYEV!
Also strange to note that his son-In-Law uses 2 different passport numbers for his cars. Najib Razak himself seems to have a LOT of Mercedez Cars registered DIRECTLY under his name.
To our PDRM... since Najib and Rosmah's daughter just FILED A POLICE REPORT to complaint about HOW her apartment was mishandled by the Police. Please feel free to help yourselves to some GODIVA Chocolates, take that Police Report and use it as TOILET PAPER!
Could she please EXPLAIN TO THE PUBLIC just HOW her husband can AFFORD these 2 cars which both have a market value of RM1 MILLION PLUS and above???
THANK YOU fellow BRAVE Malaysian 'Whistleblowers'. Insy-Allah, with God's blessing. Together we could CLEAN UP and REBUILD our Great country 'Malaysia'. - f/bk
Jamal menyorok dlm. jamban di Tanjung Balai Karimun.

Kalu nak dengar cakap orang,
satu kerja pun kita tak boleh nak siapkan.

No.akaun salah...
Credit: https://ift.tt/2Hbuyby
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