Boleh ke akaun bank atas nama kita sendiri TAPI DI URUS OLEH ORANG LAIN dan GUNA ALASAN "TAK TAHU" ada transaksi duit dalam akaun bank atas nama dia?
Nak tipu sapa ni Najib? Siap guna media antarabangsa? Nak mengemis simpati siapa?

Dulu masa berkuasa sebagai PM tak ada pulak macam ni. Punya laa berlagak. Sekarang sila HADAM DAN TELAN. Najib Umno dan BN kalah SEBAB ISU NI.
Kenyataan bekas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang mendakwa dirinya tidak wajar dipersalahkan ekoran skandal 1MDB mengundang pelbagai persoalan dan tanggapan.
Lebih memeranjatkan beliau juga mendakwa tidak tahu kewujudan beratus-ratus juta dolar yang muncul dalam akaun peribadinya.

Selain itu, Najib juga mendakwa tidak mengetahui bahawa dana 1MDB yang dipercayai diseleweng itu juga telah digunakan untuk membeli aset mewah seperti kapal layar, lukisan, barangan kemas dan hartanah mewah.
Najib juga dilihat seolah-olah cuba mengalihkan kesalahan tersebut apabila menyalahkan penasihat dan Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB kerana tidak mendedahkan penyelewengan yang berlaku kepadanya.
Najib membuat semua penafian tersebut ketika ditemubual Reuters semalam.

Namun, di sebalik ‘pengakuan’ itu, Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata adalah mustahil Najib tidak menyedari apa yang berlaku kepada dana 1MDB.
Ini memandangkan semua transaksi mempunyai tandatangannya.
“Siapa hendak percaya yang dia tak tahu, bila dia tandatangan (namanya)? Semua duit keluar masuk, semua ada tandatangannya.
“Jika dia tak tahu, maksudnya dia tak faham apa maksud tandatangannya,” katanya lapor MalayMail semalam. –

Nafi tanggungjawab 1MDB, Najib bakal menuai badai
Pihak berkuasa sedang menyiasat parti-parti komponen BN, wakil² rakyat dan individu² yang didakwa menerima dana berkaitan 1MDB, menurut laporan Straits Times Singapura.
Straits Times menjangkakan siasatan itu mungkin menyemarakkan “kegemparan politik serius” kerana akaun bank pihak-pihak terlibat atau proksi mereka mungkin dibekukan sementara siasatan selesai.
“Bukan sahaja akaun bank dibekukan, wakil-wakil rakyat juga boleh hilang kelayakan sebagai MP atau anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri jika didapati bersalah,” menurut laporan itu.
Ahmad Mazlan dan Shahrir Samad mengaku masing2 menerima RM2 juta dan RM1 juta dari Najib Razak. Ketua2 Bahagian Umno dan Timbalan diketahui menerima RM1 juta setiap orang.

Nasarudin Md Isa menerima RM200 juta dari Najib Umno seperti yang didedahkan oleh Rafizi Ramli (hingga ke hari ini tiada seorang pun yang berani saman atau membuat lapuran polis terhadap Rafizi). Dikhabarkan akaun bank Nasarudin Mat Isa telah dibekukan dengan serta merta.
Wang itu diberitakan telah diagih-agihkan kepada 15 orang pemimpin kanan Pas oleh Nasarudin melalui akaun Affin Bank.
Maka tidak lah menghairankan bilamana Pas dilihat bersungguh-sungguh membantu UmnoBN pada PRU14. Pendirian sering 'berkecuali' dalam parlimen dan kenyataan2 yang dilihat pro Najib Umno.
Jika dilihat pada statement2 yang dikeluarkan oleh mereka, tidak lah sukar sangat bagi kita untuk membuat andaian apa yang diberitakan itu benar atau sebaliknya.
Pakat panas bontotlah pemimpin2 PAS dan UMNOOO... - f/bk

Nik Faisal – the man who can send
Najib to prison for years...
Nearly every day before May 9, Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil was a feature at shopping complexes and cafes in Bangsar, the middle-class suburb in Kuala Lumpur.
Then came the fall of Najib Razak and Barisan Nasional, and the urbane former chief executive officer of SRC International hurriedly packed his bags and fled to Indonesia.
He knew that the incoming Pakatan Harapan would go all the way to uncover the wrongdoing at 1Malaysia Development Bhd and its former unit, SRC International.
He also understood that he held two responsibilities that would make him a valuable witness in any prosecution against former Prime Minister Najib Razak.
In addition to being the CEO of SRC International, he held the power of attorney for Najib. What this meant was that Najib legally authorised Nik Faisal to represent him and act on his behalf, sources familiar with the SRC probe told The Malaysian Insight.

Therefore, his testimony of why more than RM42 million was transferred from SRC into Najib's private bank account would carry considerable weight. In addition, he could nullify several defences likely to be raised by Najib's lawyers at trial, including the fact that the former PM's signature or instructions were not found in any document authorising the transfer of the funds.
Investigators also believe that as the person with the power of attorney, Nik Faisal had direct knowledge of the cheques that were issued from Najib's personal bank account.
It is unclear if the former PNB official and UBG Perdana senior executive is still in Indonesia. He is familiar with Indonesia having fled there sometime in 2015 after the 1MDB scandal broke.
He told his friends that he was asked to leave the country then by Najib's key aide in the Prime Minister's Office. Also in tow was Suboh Md Yassin, a director with SRC International.
Both of them stayed in Indonesia for a period of time and gave statements to MACC officials, who visited them in Jakarta in 2015.
A couple of weeks ago, Suboh returned from Indonesia. He has been helping the MACC in their SRC probe. But the former senior civil servant is weak and suffers from memory loss as a result of a stroke.
Malaysian authorities have asked Interpol to place Nik Faisal and Low Taek Jho, the finacier believed to be the mastermind behind the scheme to divert billions of ringgit from state investment firm 1MDB, under its red notice watch. They have also issued warrants of arrest for both individuals.
The Malaysian Insight understands that 1MDB investigators are working doubly hard behind the scenes to persuade Nik Faisal to meet them and help them in the final stretch of the SRC International probe.
He holds the key to explaining how the millions were transferred into Najib's personal account and the spending spree that followed. – malaysianinsight

RM3.0 billion stolen from TRX project...
More than RM3.0 billion in government funds were misappropriated from the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) project to pay off 1MDB debts.
The Finance Minister said that the UMNO/BN federal government had since 2012 guaranteed borrowings, extended advances and provided transfers to as well as purchased land from TRX City Sdn Bhd (TXRC), amounting to a staggering RM3.688 billion.
"Of this sum, a total of RM3.067 billion was misappropriated by 1MDB, mainly for 1MDB loan repayments.”
The Finance Minister said that due to the misappropriation of the RM3.067 billion, TRXC does not have enough money to fulfil its obligations as the master developer of TRX.
No doubt the world’s most infamous kleptocrat and Malaysia’s worst-ever prime minister by some considerable distance would claim complete and utter ignorance of this brazen act of theft, or that he does not know what he had signed.
Justice, Karma and Altantuya are all in hot pursuit of Malaysian Official 1. - f/bk

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses and all the king's men,
Couldnt put Najib and his pirates together again.

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