Satu senarai 28 menteri dan 16 timbalan menteri disahkan sebagai anggota jemaah menteri pimpinan Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The Malaysian Insight melaporkan sumber yang dekat dengan kerajaan mengesahkan bahawa senarai yang kini tular di Internet adalah muktamad dan anggota Kabinet baharu itu akan mengangkat sumpah jawatan pada 2 Julai.
Istana Negara dalam satu kenyataan malam tadi berkata menteri-menteri baru berkenaan akan mengangkat sumpah pada Isnin, 2 Julai. Seramai 13 menteri telah mengangkat sumpah pada 21 Mei.
Senarai muktamad ini tidak menyertakan pemimpin Hindraf, P Waythamoorthy yang sebelum ini disebut-sebut sebagai menteri di jabatan perdana menteri untuk hal ehwal masyarakat India.
Beberapa ahli Parlimen Sabah dan Sarawak dilantik ke portfolio utama, antaranya Darell Leiking sebagai menteri perdagangan antarabangsa dan juga Baru Bian sebagai menteri kerja raya.
Ia turut menyenaraikan dua lagi ahli Parlimen Sabah, Liew Vui Keong sebagai menteri hal ehwal undang-undang, dan Mohamad Din Ketapi sebagai menteri pelancongan, kebudayaan dan warisan.
Sebahagian besar dari jemaah menteri tersebut juga dari PKR, termasuk Saifuddin Abdullah sebagai menteri luar, Saifuddin Nasution sebagai menteri perdagangan dalam negeri, dan Xavier Jayakumar di portfolio air, tanah dan sumber asli.
Turut dilantik adalah Khalid Samad dari Amanah sebagai menteri wilayah persekutuan, Teresa Kok sebagai menteri industri utama dan Mujahid Yusof Rawa di sebagai menteri hal ehwal agama di Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
Portfolio Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi juga didapati tidak diwujudkan dan hanya satu kementerian dipertanggungjawabkan ke atas pendidikan, diketuai Dr Maszlee Malik.
Ahli Parlimen Alor Gajah Mohd Redzuan Yusof dari Bersatu pula akan mengetuai portfolio pembangunan usahawan yang diwujudkan semula.
Turut dilantik menjadi menteri adalah Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman di Kementerian Belia dan Sukan dan Yeo Bee Yin yang menjadi menteri tenaga, teknologi dan alam sekitar.
Senarai 24 timbalan menteri yang dipilih, termasuk seorang senator adalah seperti berikut:
Dari Bersatu, Amiruddin Hamzah, ahli Parlimen Bersatu dilantik timbalan menteri kewangan. Md Farid Md Rafik (Tajung Piai) di Jabatan Perdana Menteri bagi hal ehwal perpaduan negara, Eddin Syazlee Shith (Kuala Pilah) di Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia, serta Shahruddin Md Salleh (Sri Gading) di Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan.
Dua timbalan menteri Warisan adalah Azis Jamman yang dilantik ke portfolio Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis di Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi, Sains dan Perubahan Iklim.
Dari DAP, enam wakilnya dilantik timbalan menteri, termasuk Hannah Yeoh (Segambut) di Kementerian Wanita, Teo Nie Ching (Kulai) di Kementerian Pendidikan dan Ong Kian Ming di Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri.
Chong Chieng Jen pula di Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji (Raub) di Kementerian Air, Tanah dan Sumber Asli, manakala Steven Sim Chee Keong (Bukit Mertajam) di Kementerisan Belia dan Sukan.
Dari Amanah, timbalan menteri adalah Mohd Hatta Ramli (Lumut) di Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan), Annuar Tahir (Temerloh) di Kementerian Kerja Raya, Mahfuz Omar (Pokok Sena) di Kementerian Tenaga Manusia, Mohamed Hanipa Maidin (Sepang) di Jabatan Perdana Menteri bagi undang-undang, dan Ahmad Termizi Ramli (Senator) untuk perumahan dan kerajaan tempatan.
Dari PKR, timbalan menteri yang dilantik adalah Dr Lee Boon Chye (Gopeng) di Kementerian Kesihatan, Fuziah Salleh (Kuantan) di Jabatan Perdana Menteri bagi hal ehwal agama, Sim Tze Tzin (Bayan Baru) bagi pertanian, Kamaruddin Jaffar (Bandar Tun Razak) di Kementerian Pengangkutan, Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin (Hang Tuah Jaya) di industri utama, R. Sivarasa (Sungai Buloh) di pembangunan luar bandar serta Wan Bakhtiar Wan Chik (Balik Pulau) di pelancongan, kesenian dan kebudayaan. – Majalah Review Malaysia
Dr.M says cabinet to have 29 people, denies squabbling behind the scenes

WSJ paints Rosmah as the real power
behind Najib...
Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, 66, may face criminal charges alongside her husband, former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak who is suspected of embezzling funds from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
Citing a plethora of unnamed sources including local investigators into the 1MDB scandal, family members and associates of the couple who were once Malaysia’s most powerful, the US publication reported that Rosmah is seen as having played a central role in the alleged misappropriation from the sovereign investment fund.
“People who know Ms Rosmah say she helped orchestrate the alleged involvement of a young Malaysian financier who the US Justice Department says helped set up the 1MDB fund and then oversaw its looting,” the WSJ wrote in an article published yesterday.
It named the financier as Low Taek Jho, the 36-year-old Penang-born fugitive billionaire, better known as Jho Low, who is wanted by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) as one of the “main culprits” who helped set up 1MDB in 2009 and then funnelled money from it for other purposes.
In its article, the WSJ traced Rosmah’s “alliance” with Low to over 10 years ago, relating that both had residences close to each other in London.
It added that Low was among several deep-pocket businessmen who had plied Rosmah with her vast array of luxury goods ranging from diamonds, a collection one of her associates had estimated to be worth US$350 million (RM1.41 billion), to handbags, including the collection of Hermes Birkins, watches and more.
According to the WSJ, Low had impressed Rosmah with his friendship to prominent Middle Eastern families while he was still a student at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and had later “persuaded an Abu Dhabi state fund to invest in a Malaysian project for which Ms Rosmah’s husband could take credit”.
From then on, Rosmah became Low’s “champion” and introduced him to Najib who the WSJ said gave the financier great leeway in handling 1MDB’s affairs.
It was Low who paid over US$100,000 for a two-page advertisement in The New York Times to welcome Rosmah when she accompanied Najib on his first official trip to the US as prime minister in 2010, the WSJ reported.
It was also Low who facilitated Rosmah’s desire to rub shoulders with Hollywood A-listers like Robert De Niro and Jamie Foxx at parties she attended.
Citing sources familiar with the ongoing investigations, the WSJ reported that Attorney-General Tommy Thomas is now reviewing purchases made by Rosmah, using Najib’s credit cards, for her extravagant shopping sprees abroad at high-end brands like Chanel in Hawaii, and an Italian jewellery shop.

According to the WSJ, Rosmah was the main force behind all of Najib’s actions on 1MDB.
It cited Najib’s associates saying the former PM was focused on getting funds for political purposes and did not appear to be fully informed about 1MDB’s management.
“The wife had more of a picture than the husband,” WSJ cited a person deemed by US investigators as one of the main players in the alleged embezzlement.
It cited another person familiar with Rosmah’s outreach efforts saying that Najib’s wife had even listened in on a phone conference between Malaysia’s ambassador to the US and American lobbyists she had hired to get the US Justice Department to drop all investigations into 1MDB.
The WSJ cited people close to the couple saying Najib wanted to resign when investigations deepened in 2016 but was told by Rosmah to stand firm.
The US Justice Department had filed civil lawsuits seeking to take control of almost US$2 billion worth of assets that supposedly were bought with or came from 1MDB funds but has since asked for a suspension to frame criminal charges.
The WSJ, again citing sources, said when domestic investigations on 1MDB began making progress in 2015, Rosmah had pushed the Prime Minister's Office to state it was in line with Najib's "legacy family assets".
This was followed by a response from Najib's four brothers who expressed concern over that statement on inheritance.
"Ms Rosmah reacted angrily, claiming the brothers would bring down the prime minister, said one family member," reported WSJ.
Speaking at an event in Najib's parliament stronghold of Pekan just three days before the May 9 general election, Rosmah denied that she was controlling her husband.
“I want to tell you, I have never interfered with his business, especially those relating to the government. I don’t understand why people still connect me with my husband’s duties.
“People are saying all sorts of things about me until people are scared of me. Just look at YouTube, all kinds of defamation are hurled at me, that's all they do,” she said.
Meanwhile did Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor use credit cards, paid for using 1MDB money, to shop at Chanel in Hawaii and an Italian jewellery store?
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) yesterday reported on the alleged shopping spree by embattled former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak's wife based on "Malaysian investigative documents".
Its said Attorney-General Tommy Thomas is reviewing those payments as part of its criminal investigation of Rosmah, citing people familiar with the probe.
WSJ reported that a Malaysian businessman as saying Rosmah has accumulated a large collection of pink diamonds. The businessman said he helped select some of the gems, it added.
"She is an avid purchaser of jewellery in the millions. Where is the money from?" the newspaper quoted an unnamed associate of wanted financier Jho Low as saying.
One diamond she acquired was worth US$27 million (RM109 million), according to DoJ.
It said US investigators believe that a man who played a critical role in the 1MDB affair has estimated her collection's value at US$350 million (RM1.4 billion). He was said to have procured diamonds for Rosmah. - - m.mail /sundaily/mk
Rosmah lebih tahu kes seleweng 1MDB, lapor WSJ

Ramai wartawan mula berkumpul di Jalan Langgak Duta kerana terdapat ura-ura bekas perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak akan ditangkap di kediaman peribadinya itu hari ini.Kira-kira 30 wartawan kelihatan berjaga-jaga di persimpangan berhampiran rumah Najib yang dihalang daripada dimasuki dengan garisan polis berwarna kuning. Empat anggota polis dipercayai daripada Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Sentul juga dilihat berjaga di pintu masuk

Credit: https://ift.tt/2Mrntqi
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