Menteri Pertahanan Ismail Sabri Yaakob menafikan yang menteri tidak bekerja dan mempedulikan wabak Covind-19. Katanya semua menteri bermesyuarat setiap hari dan memberi laporan dan maklumat masing-masing.
Mungkin betul kata Ismail itu. Tetapi sayang orang tidak dengar apa yang menteri bincang dan putuskan dalam mesyuarat mengenai Covid-19. Saya sudah perasaan sebelum ini kenapa para menteri diam, dan hanya serahkan kepada Udin anak Yassin sahaja membuat perutusan khas di tv.
Sepatutnya menteri boleh tunjukkan partisipasi mereka dengan membuat kenyataan lisan peribadi di life Fb dan media sosial lain. Setidak-tidaknya kalau menteri Pengangkutan turunlah ke tol tinjau pergerakan kenderaan di sana. Saya jamin kalau Anthony Loke masih jadi menteri dia akan buat.
Menteri Pertanian turunlah ke jeti dan pasar ikan tengok apakah bekalan mencukupi, dan poskan gambar. Saya percaya kalau Salahuddin Ayub masih menteri dia akan mendekati petani dan nelayan memberi apa-apa petua kepada mereka untuk menghadapi saat kritikal Covid 19 ini.

Seperti penyamun2 UMNO...
Menteri Hal Ehwal Ekonomi pula buatlah unjuran ekonomi untuk tahun depan ekoran Covid-19. Tampaknya menteri itu masih belum berkata apa-apa, jadi bisu dan pekak.
Menteri Pelajaran dan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, keluarlah nasihat kepada pelajar dan mahasiswa agar jangan duduk rumah asyik tonton siaran HBO seperti disarankan oleh Udin.
Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan (kerana dia perempuan) pula, komenlah mengenai apa yang kaum ibu perlu lakukan sepanjang berada di rumah, mungkin boleh gesaan suami yang berehat di rumah itu basuh pinggan atau pun cuci karpet yang dah bertahun tak basuh.
Begitu juga dengan Menteri Alam Sekitar yang dikenali sebagai ustaz, keluarkan doa-doa atau kisah wabak di zaman Nabi untuk dijadikan iktibar. Buatlah klik video khas untuk memberi kekuatan kepada rakyat menghadapi Covid-19. Begitu juga dengan Menteri Agama, berilah doa-doa, atau serulah jemaah tabligh supaya berdoa sama. Difahamkan Menteri Agama juga pernah ikut perhimpunan tabligh.
Dan menteri yang patut aktif tetapi tak nampak hujung kasut pun ialah Menteri Dalam Negeri. Beribu ada road blok mengawal pergerakan orang, patutnya dia turun dan jengok, bukan nak suruh kawal pergerakan, tetapi setidak-tidaknya berilah semangat kepada anggota polis dan pasukan keselamatan yang bertugas. Petugas dibarisan hadapan juga memerlukan motivasi untuk mereka lasak menjalankan tugas.
Kerana kelembaban itulah menyebabkan orang nampak para menteri tidak bekerja ataupun memang tahu membuat kerja. Kalaulah saya seorang menteri, saya korbankan sebulan gaji menteri itu untuk tabung Covid-19 yang diluncurkan Udin anak Yassin itu. Mahukah? - mso
Bila Presideng Parti Alam Sekitar Merapu...
Integriti Vs Penjajah,Temubual bersama Presideng Parti Alam Sekitar. Lobai Aji faham dak soalan? Orang tanya pasal intigriti bukannya pasal penjajah yang lobai aji dok melalut pasai penjajah tu pasai apa... Nah di bawah lagi satu contoh Tuan Presideng kona sana,kona sini...

Makin berat Aji Hadi merapu...Orang tanya lain dia jawab melalut hal lain, tak ada kena-mengena pun dengan soalan...
Kebanyakan rancangan soal-jawab dalam tv, skripnya telah disediakan lebih awal... Semua soalan telah diberikan kepada panel jemputan untuk dia menyediakan jawapannya.
Begitu juga dengan Hadi... Sudah ada orang yang tukang buat jawapan untuknya.... Dia hanya perlu hafal atau baca saja.

Masalah Hadi, dia pelupa.... Dia dah hafal semua jawapan, tapi dia lupa jawapan itu untuk soalan yang mana, menunjukkan bahawa sebenarnya dia tidak faham soalan yang ditanya.... Macam burung tiong, dia boleh bercakap tapi dia sendiri pun tak faham apa yang dia cakap, dia hanya meniru atau mengajuk suara yang didengar saja.
Masalah Hadi, pengacara tanya soalan nombor dua, dia bantai jawab soalan nombor lima... Itulah yang jadi melalut. Orang2 PAS yang taksub masih sangka apa Hadi cakap tu betoi semuanya... - f/bk
Coronavirus: A stunning
failure of leadership...
Given the backdoor way they came to power, it is not surprising that many question the moral legitimacy of the Perikatan Nasional government. Their dismal management of the coronavirus pandemic to date might now lead many to wonder about their competency as well.
First, Putrajaya summoned all chief ministers and menteris besar to discuss the pandemic but excluded those from opposition-run states. The chief secretary has now bravely taken the blame but few doubt that it was purely an administrative oversight. This sort of behaviour was quite typical of UMNO when it ruled the country. Whatever it is, this is no time to play politics.
Instead of just making the announcement when it was ready, the government informed the public that a major announcement was immininet. Perhaps the prime minister was waiting for prime-time coverage.
News of an imminent announcement by the prime minister sparked panic buying across the country. The rush to stock up brought yet more Malaysians into close and potentially dangerous contact within the overcrowded confines of supermarkets.

When it was finally announced, the government’s strategy to contain the pandemic immediately proved to be ill-conceived and poorly thought through. They couldn’t seem to decide whether to lock down the country (as other governments had done) or control the movement of people. The result was an ambiguous neither-here-nor-there approach that is unlikely to be as effective as it could have been.
An order to ban interstate travel was given and then withdrawn when thousands thronged police stations seeking permission to return home. Clearly, no preparations had been made to cope with the travel ban if that was what was intended.
Without clear guidance, and with government officers and businesses on a two-week shutdown, many saw it as a perfect opportunity to return to their hometowns and families. A mass exodus – something we usually see at Hari Raya and Chinese New Year – was the predictable result.
Instead of containing the virus and limiting social contact, which the movement control order was designed to accomplish, it had the opposite effect. With thousands of people returning to their hometowns and sitting for long hours in overcrowded cars, buses and trains, even more people likely ended up being exposed to the virus.

Compare this to France, for example, where a strict lockdown requiring most people in the country to remain at home was implemented, prohibiting all but essential outings in a bid to curb the spread of the virus. They shut down all transport and even put police on the streets to ensure compliance.
If a lockdown is to achieve the desired results, it must effectively stop the movement and mingling of people. It is hugely inconvenient and terribly damaging to the economy, of course, but it hopefully prevents a potentially greater catastrophe. It needs strong political will, something we are yet to see here.
Malaysians can now only hope and pray that the poor and indecisive leadership of the PN government will not make our situation even worse than before. The country is being called upon to make enormous sacrifices; is it too much to ask that the government ensure that the sacrifices are not in vain, that something beneficial will come out of the lockdown or controlled movement order or whatever the government wants to call it? - Dennis Ignatius

Was the Chief Secretary made scapegoat
in Muhyiddin's coronavirus meeting?
The coronavirus is a pandemic but, inMalaysia, some politicians cannot resist playing partisan politics,at a time, when Malaysians, regardless of political affiliations,race, religion, and social class, should unite. On Tuesday morning, a meeting was arranged by Muhyiddin Yassin, to prepare for Wednesday's enforced movement of people, to contain the spread of coronavirus; however,leaders of Harapan led states were excluded. Why?
It was reported that the menteri besars(MB) /chief ministers (CM) of the Pakatan-held states of Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Kedah, Penang and Sabah had not been invited. Only leaders of Perikatan Nasional (PN) states were present. Muhyiddin claimed in his first national broadcast that he was the Prime minister for all Malaysians, but his actions prove otherwise. His selective, PN-members-only meeting,shows his insincerity.
Selangor has the most cases ofcoronavirus, but the MB, Amirudin Shari, was not invited to attend. Amirudin regretted Putrajaya's action in excluding Selangor, because "lives were at stake". Kedah's Mukhriz Mahathir expressed shock and wondered if Putrajaya thought that Kedah was immune from coronavirus.
Penang chief minister Chow Kon Yeow was surprised to learn that Harapan MBs and CMs had not been invited. The MB of Negeri Sembilan, Aminudin Harun and Sabah CM Shafie Apdal said they too had not received invitations.
For any policy to work well, there must be full cooperation and coordination between the states and Putrajaya. The five states which were excluded comprise 40% of the Malaysian population and a significant number of coronavirus cases originate in these states.
When the news about the selective PN-members-only meeting went viral, the rakyat reacted with fury. They were more shocked when the Chief Secretary to the Government, Zuki Ali, suddenly accepted responsibility for the fiasco and claimed that Muhyiddin was not responsible.
He said that Muhyiddin was serious about the matter and wanted cooperation from all the state governments, irrespective of their political leanings. Well, both Zuki and Muhyiddin would say that, wouldn't they?
So, is there anything in the minutes of the meeting to record that Muhyiddin wanted the Harapan leaders to be present? Did he admonish his Chief Secretary during the meeting, and is this in the minutes? Zuki claimed that Muhyiddin was not involved in issuing the invitation, but three questions arise.
First. Did Zuki offer to be the fall guy for his boss and save his face? Why? His actions remind Malaysians of the former bad days of Umno-Baru/BN, where leaders who make mistakes refuse to admit responsibility for their actions, and civil servants were often accused.
Second. Did Zuki act on his own volition, when he failed to invite the Harapan leaders to the meeting? If he did this, then he does not have the maturity and professionalism to be the Chief Secretary to the Government. Civil servants should rise above politics and not be partisan. Zuki allowed politics to get in the way of a national emergency. An apology is not enough. He should resign or be sacked.
Third. When Zuki was asked to invitethe leaders to this coronavirus meeting, and realized that Muhyiddinhad failed to extend the invitation to the Harapan leaders, he shouldhave used some initiative, and extended the invitation to all of theinterested parties.
An able and competent Chief Secretary to the Government, would have used his better judgment and commonsense, to advise Muhyiddin that this was a matter of national interest and that all the leaders, irrespective of their political leanings, should attend. Zuki clearly failed to do this. The selective PN-members-only meeting has shown Muhyiddin's lack of leadership and Zuki's incompetence.
The other mistake was the lack of proper planning and well thought-out policies, including offering financial and economic help, in Muhyiddin's administration's hastily prepared restriction on movement. The manner in which Muhyiddin's announcements came in dribs and drabs, have scared people into mass panic and confusion.
Instead of controlling the spread of coronavirus, people are helping to increase the risk of the spread of the disease. The following are examples:-
Students were allegedly turfed out of their hostels before finalizing transport to return home. Parents with children in boarding schools, rushed to collect their offspring. People headed for the countryside to escape being confined in the cities, and transport hubs were overwhelmed.
The demand for police permits to move between states created massive queues outside police stations (this ill thought-out move has been rescinded). People panicked into hoarding food and certain items, causing chaos at supermarkets.
Can social welfare services assist people who live on their own, such as the elderly and infirm, whose children work in the cities? Millions of unregistered migrant workers will be reluctant to seek help if they are struck down with coronavirus. What is the government's directive?
Muhyiddin and Zaki have failed the nation and both should tender their resignation. - Mariam Mokhtar,sinchewdaily
It was reported that the menteri besars(MB) /chief ministers (CM) of the Pakatan-held states of Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Kedah, Penang and Sabah had not been invited. Only leaders of Perikatan Nasional (PN) states were present. Muhyiddin claimed in his first national broadcast that he was the Prime minister for all Malaysians, but his actions prove otherwise. His selective, PN-members-only meeting,shows his insincerity.
Selangor has the most cases ofcoronavirus, but the MB, Amirudin Shari, was not invited to attend. Amirudin regretted Putrajaya's action in excluding Selangor, because "lives were at stake". Kedah's Mukhriz Mahathir expressed shock and wondered if Putrajaya thought that Kedah was immune from coronavirus.
Penang chief minister Chow Kon Yeow was surprised to learn that Harapan MBs and CMs had not been invited. The MB of Negeri Sembilan, Aminudin Harun and Sabah CM Shafie Apdal said they too had not received invitations.
For any policy to work well, there must be full cooperation and coordination between the states and Putrajaya. The five states which were excluded comprise 40% of the Malaysian population and a significant number of coronavirus cases originate in these states.
When the news about the selective PN-members-only meeting went viral, the rakyat reacted with fury. They were more shocked when the Chief Secretary to the Government, Zuki Ali, suddenly accepted responsibility for the fiasco and claimed that Muhyiddin was not responsible.

He said that Muhyiddin was serious about the matter and wanted cooperation from all the state governments, irrespective of their political leanings. Well, both Zuki and Muhyiddin would say that, wouldn't they?
So, is there anything in the minutes of the meeting to record that Muhyiddin wanted the Harapan leaders to be present? Did he admonish his Chief Secretary during the meeting, and is this in the minutes? Zuki claimed that Muhyiddin was not involved in issuing the invitation, but three questions arise.
First. Did Zuki offer to be the fall guy for his boss and save his face? Why? His actions remind Malaysians of the former bad days of Umno-Baru/BN, where leaders who make mistakes refuse to admit responsibility for their actions, and civil servants were often accused.
Second. Did Zuki act on his own volition, when he failed to invite the Harapan leaders to the meeting? If he did this, then he does not have the maturity and professionalism to be the Chief Secretary to the Government. Civil servants should rise above politics and not be partisan. Zuki allowed politics to get in the way of a national emergency. An apology is not enough. He should resign or be sacked.
Third. When Zuki was asked to invitethe leaders to this coronavirus meeting, and realized that Muhyiddinhad failed to extend the invitation to the Harapan leaders, he shouldhave used some initiative, and extended the invitation to all of theinterested parties.
An able and competent Chief Secretary to the Government, would have used his better judgment and commonsense, to advise Muhyiddin that this was a matter of national interest and that all the leaders, irrespective of their political leanings, should attend. Zuki clearly failed to do this. The selective PN-members-only meeting has shown Muhyiddin's lack of leadership and Zuki's incompetence.

The other mistake was the lack of proper planning and well thought-out policies, including offering financial and economic help, in Muhyiddin's administration's hastily prepared restriction on movement. The manner in which Muhyiddin's announcements came in dribs and drabs, have scared people into mass panic and confusion.
Instead of controlling the spread of coronavirus, people are helping to increase the risk of the spread of the disease. The following are examples:-
Students were allegedly turfed out of their hostels before finalizing transport to return home. Parents with children in boarding schools, rushed to collect their offspring. People headed for the countryside to escape being confined in the cities, and transport hubs were overwhelmed.
The demand for police permits to move between states created massive queues outside police stations (this ill thought-out move has been rescinded). People panicked into hoarding food and certain items, causing chaos at supermarkets.
Can social welfare services assist people who live on their own, such as the elderly and infirm, whose children work in the cities? Millions of unregistered migrant workers will be reluctant to seek help if they are struck down with coronavirus. What is the government's directive?
Muhyiddin and Zaki have failed the nation and both should tender their resignation. - Mariam Mokhtar,sinchewdaily
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Sudah RM4.4/dollar.Laju dia naik tak pandang belakang...
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