Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Lokman Noor Adam(atas) hari ini ditempelak ekoran dakwaan melulu menuduh Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad kononnya diperkudakan oleh DAP.
Lebih menyedihkan, Lokman terus mengulang skrip lapuk UMNO sebelum Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 lalu yang mendakwa Pakatan Harapan dikuasai oleh DAP.
Menurut Ahli Dewan Negeri (Adun) Bandar Utama Jalmaliah Jamaluddin(pix,bawah), dakwaan jahat sedemikian semata-mata bersifat perkauman dan dapat memecah belahkan perpaduan rakyat pelbagai kaum negara ini.
“Hanya dengan memetik nama saudara Lim Guan Eng dan saudara Gobind Singh Deo, sudah cukup untuk Lokman Adam melemparkan tohmahan bahawa DAP ini memperalatkan Tun Dr Mahathir.
“Dalam negara Malaysia yang asasnya dari pelbagai kaum, agama dan memperaktik pelbagai budaya, adakah terlalu melampau sekiranya kepelbagaian ini diraikan dan ditonjolkan dalam struktur pemerintahan?
“Apakah kita perlu duduk di takuk lama sebagaimana kepimpinan UMNO BN dahulu yang majoriti menteri dan timbalan menterinya Melayu dan bermain api dengan sentimen perkauman? Yang menimbulkan kebencian antara kaum melalui himpunan parti-parti komponen?” soal Jamaliah dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Tohmahan sedemikian kata Jamaliah hanya menyebabkan rakyat semakin jemu dengan taktik lapuk UMNO-BN yang telah dimainkan sejak lebih 60 tahun.
“Selama 60 tahun UMNO-BN bermain dengan isu perkauman sehingga akhirnya PRU-14 rakyat menjadi penat dengan kebencian yang ditanam ini.
“Rakyat menjadi lelah dengan rasa tidak selamat antara kaum ini. Rakyat sedar, betapa isu perkauman ini boleh diselesaikan dengan semangat muhibah dan persefahaman,” kata beliau.
Di sebalik serangan melulu Lokman terhadap kerajaan Pakatan Harapan, Jamalian mempersoal di mana suara pemimpin UMNO itu berhubung urus tadbir dan dasar-dasar baru kerajaan.
Beliau turut menyindir sikap membisu Lokman ketika tercetusnya krisis pelantikan Menteri Besar Perlis yang telah mengheret institusi Raja ke gelanggang politik.
“Sekiranya betul perhatian Lokman Adam ini adalah terhadap Melayu dan Islam, mana pergi Lokman Adam semasa krisis perlantikan MB Perlis?
“Mana suara Lokman Adam ketika Shahidan Kassim enggan mendengar titah Sultan Perlis dan berdegil mahukan adiknya menjadi Menteri Besar Perlis? Mana pergi Lokman Adam ketika institusi keramat Raja-Raja Melayu ini dicemar dan dirobek oleh orang dalam UMNO-BN sendiri?” soalnya lagi. – Roketkini.com

Manifesto BN

Manifesto Pakatan Harapan
Manifesto PH dan BN semasa PRU14, dua-dua menjanjikan pengiktirafan sijil UEC. Jadi siapa jadi Kerajaan pun,UEC akan diiktiraf. Yang malaun2 UMNO dok kalut buat apa...
Rude and religious hypocrites are the
real threat to race and religion...
Berikut jawapan saya kepada beliau:
"Kita kena jadi orang Islam yang baik. Supaya tak diseret ke mahkamah dan diadili oleh orang bukan Islam. Bawa Najib depan hakim Islam rupa-rupanya dia adik ADUN Umno. Sepatutnya hal itu dimaklumkan kepada mahkamah. Apa guna Muslim kalau bukan mukmin YB? Please open up our intellectual vista as is enjoined by our religion. Jawapan kita YB, Melayu mesti budiman. Berbudi dan beriman. Muslim mesti mukmin. Yang rosakkan Melayu dan Islam bukan Richard Malanjun tapi Melayu yang tidak budiman dan Muslim yang tidak mukmin. Terima kasih." Wallahuaklam.
Melayu tak hilang di Malaysia Baru...
Malays who do not display etiquette and are not God-fearing are the real threat to race and religion, says veteran newsman Datuk A. Kadir Jasin.
In a Facebook post on Friday, Kadir said he had received a text message from a Johor state assemblyman, which claimed that the appointment of Tan Sri Richard Malanjum as Chief Justice of Malaysia was a "big challenge" to Muslims.
"He asked how he should respond to this challenge. I said we need to be good Muslims, so that we will not be dragged to court and judged by a non-Muslim," he said.
Malanjum's appointment had raised eyebrows among some groups which claimed that while it was not against the Federal Constitution, it was uncommon to have a Chief Justice who was not a Malay or a Muslim.
Kadir also pointed out that the judge in former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's court case had been Muslim, but it was later discovered that he was the brother of an Umno assemblyman.
"The court should have been told about this. What good is a Muslim if he is not a believer? "Please open up our intellectual vista as is enjoined by our religion," he said.
He also said a Malay person should be of good character, polite and faithful in the practice of his faith.
"Those destroying Malays and Islam are not people like Richard Malanjum, but Malays with no etiquette and Muslims who are not believers," he said. - a.kadir jasin
Pasai apa tak dak bantahan, pasai UMNOOO dan PAS tiada di Brunei. Ketua Hakim Negara bukan Islam tak ada track record mcm Ketua Hakim lama zaman Najib. PM Najib pun boleh ditafsir bukan Penjawat Awam tak boleh disaman sivil. - t/sekole
Jadi lah melayu yg cemerlang kalau nak jawatan yg tinggi . Jgn harap jawatan sebab melayu atau Islam, sebab tugasnya bukan untuk jadi ustad atau ketua kampung melayu. Jawatan ialah sebagai hakim negara. Kalau kau yg layak, kau akan di lantik. Kalau nak ramai melayu islam yg memegang amanah, kerja keras dan cemerlangkan diri anda. Automatic kau akan di lantik. - Fariny Shamsudin
How I need to memorize this phrase "Melayu mesti budiman. Berbudi dan beriman. Muslim mesti mukmin. Yang rosakkan Melayu dan Islam bukan Richard Malanjun tapi Melayu yang tidak budiman dan Muslim yang tidak mukmin" - Aravind Yeoh Tze
Siapa menang pandailah pilih siapa yang terbaik....kalau Bn menang mereka juga pilih yang terbaik menepati kepentingan Bn x kan PH pulak yang pilih. - Shamsul Kamal Baharuddin

MCA associating with thieves...
1. The MCA President has expressed his disgust at what he calls the lack of principle on the part of DAP.
2. He seems to think that DAP’s working together with me is all wrong.
3. But MCA’s working together with a known kleptocrat who has stolen billions of Ringgit is the worst example of a lack of principle. Or is the MCA unaware of what Najib has done to UMNO, BN and the nation. If he is not, I would like to tell him that under Najib Malaysia has been classified as one of the ten most corrupt country in the world.
4. The American Dept. of Justice has reported that Najib, who is Malaysian Official 1 (as confirmed by Cabinet Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan), has stolen billions of Ringgit of the Malaysian people’s money, and 2.6 billion Ringgit of this is in Najib’s personal bank account. Of course the MCA thinks this is okay. That is the MCA’s principle which it must cling to. It must be proud that it is supporting Najib who is involved in the world’s biggest fund case as alleged by the Department of Justice.
5. Now Najib considers the contest is between UMNO and DAP. This means Najib believes in racism because to him Malaysian politics is about Malays versus Chinese. Towards that end he has redrawn constitutional boundaries to separate Malays from Chinese.
6. Perhaps this accords with MCA as an ethnic Chinese Party. DAP is a multi-racial party which supports all the provisions of the Malaysian Constitution, namely...
I. The monarchical system
II. Malay Special rights
III. Malay is the national language
IV. Islam is the official religion of the country.
7. Accordingly the DAP celebration of its 50th anniversary was conducted completely in the national language.
8. The DAP Secretary General categorically stated in his speech that DAP had never asked to have a Chinese Prime Minister in answer to Najib’s claim that if the DAP wins the next election Kit Siang would be P.M. DAP’s choice is Anwar Ibrahim, a non-Chinese.
9. MCA obviously supports Najib’s racist play by saying that if UMNO loses to DAP, there would be a Chinese as PM., or maybe MCA just wants to bodek Najib, principle be damned.
10. MCA should not talk about principle as it is just opportunistic. It is not the MCA of Tun Tan Cheng Lock. It is just an appendage of Najib’s racist UMNO now.
11. I am with DAP and the other opposition parties because I don’t want to be associated with Najib and his kleptocratic government. Until he can prove beyond reasonable doubt he did not steal 1MDB money, I will still say he has stolen money from the people of Malaysia.
12. For MCA everything that Najib has done is okay. So stay with him. And that means MCA has no principle. DAP has upheld its principle to have clean election, to have democracy and to fight for a clean Government. MCA is as kleptocratic as Najib.
13. Shame on you MCA. - chedet

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Credit: https://ift.tt/2zC3l3p
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