RM90 bilion vs RM600 bilion...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Monday 12 December 2022

RM90 bilion vs RM600 bilion....
Muhyiddin’s investigation case, 
a heated argument...

Najib trolls Muhyiddin with ‘visit from SPRM’ Ex-prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is still tweeting from prison, and this time, he trolls fallen prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, claiming the latter will soon be visited by Malaysian graft busters.“Soon he will have to answer about the mystery of the millions of Ringgit in his bedroom,”

After the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) announced that it is focusing on the RM92.5 bill government fund spent in 2020 and 2021 related to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, internet users have been arguing vehemently.

Twitter users are now squabbling whether RM92.5 bil is a small amount compared to the RM2.6 bil of former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) scandal. The argument follows comments from some users who said the money under investigation is small compared to the initial RM600 bil.

Meanwhile, some are accusing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of politicking as he stated the alleged sum misused or misappropriated was RM600 bil while the MACC is investigating the RM92.5 bil since it says the RM437.5 bil is not from the government.

Suara Rakyat Malaysia @srmrasmi posted a tweet saying, “Anwar tuduh RM600B, hasil siasatan sprm hanya Rm90Billion sahaja yang perlu disiasat. Situ pun dah nampak anwar main politik persepsi.”

The user is saying Anwar has spoken of RM600 bil but the MACC says ‘only’ RM90 bil is to be investigated. “Even there, Anwar has been seen playing the politics of perception,” the user says.

In response to this tweet, a user, HngMud @DaHangMuda stated, “ Siapa yg bermegah tentang RM600b dan RM530b?! Apa politik persepsi? Ternyata Mahiaddin & TITM bohong tentang berapa banyak duit kerajaan belakang masuk PN telah belanja untuk rakyat! Ini dia “Gelombang Integriti” disebut oleh @wansaiful!.”

The English translation is that who would brag about the RM600 Billion and the RM530 Billion. What does this have to do with perception in politics? It is proven that Mahiaddin (Muhyiddin) and TITM (PAS Deputy President Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man) lied about how much of the backdoor government’s money Perikatan Nasional was actually spent for Malaysians.

Hari tu masa ceramah nafi...

Another Twitter user, Jan_Banjar @jan_banjari stated, “90 billion sahaja? Dasar walaun, 90b tu boleh dia sebut sahaja mcm tu je. Woiii Anwar sebut suruh siasat 600b yg disebut sendiri eh Muhyiddin. Dia tak main persepsi. Itulah permainan orang bijak, pancing sikit je untuk dapat umpan besar. Ternyata, belum BERSIH & STABIL lah PN ni.”

The user argues over the ‘Only RM90 bil’ by the original poster who said it was only that amount that is being investigated.

“Anwar requested SPRM to investigate RM600 bil, which was casually mentioned by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin himself. Anwar Ibrahim is not playing through political perception, he is playing a game that is well played by intelligent people in order to scoop the bigger issue. It is still not proven that Perikatan Nasional is clean and stable,” he says.

The facts behind the RM600 bil mentionned by the Prime Minister are as follows:

On Dec 5, Anwar said he is leaving it to the authorities to investigate the alleged misappropriation of RM600 bil in funds by the previous government. At a media conference after chairing the special Cabinet of the unity government, he said the Finance Ministry had informed that there had been several breaches involving the funds.

“Several decisions (were made) to investigate the expenditure of RM600 bill without tenders (but) it is not for me to decide.

“The Finance Ministry has been informed of several breaches but we leave it to the investigative bodies to probe the extent of the alleged corruption and misappropriation,” he said.

Subsequently, on Dec 9, the MACC said its initial investigation shows the amount the government had spent during the lockdowns in particular, was RM92.5 bil while the rest of the RM530 bil are from private sources. — focusmalaysia

Post GE15: Anti-hopping law, 
a doubled-edged sword?...

Three weeks have passed since the 15th General Election concluded. All the brouhaha surrounding the issue of forming the government is done and dusted. The anticipation and continued confusion surfaced by some parties have been silenced as the King gives his consent for the new government under the leadership of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Nevertheless, there are some whispers questioning the effectiveness of the Anti-Hopping Act that came into force just before the general election was called.Though this law played a critical role in hindering any member of Parliament from switching parties during the period of the hung parliament and causing further chaos, but does this law has the potential to eventually have a significant impact on silencing democratic voices in the near future?

Does not this law, directly or otherwise, provide wide and extensive powers to a few leaders in their respective political parties? At a glance, this law indeed seems to prevent another Sheraton Move that infamously collapsed a legitimate government in 2020. However, it could also be a double-edged sword.

The anti-hopping law could be misused or even to the extent of abused by selfish and self-centered party leaders against their party members who may not be in sync with the leadership direction.

In a democratic system the people depend on their elected representatives who are expected to have their own stand and possess the courage to speak for the benefit of the masses. Not those who are merely yes men to those in power in the party.

But with this law in place, such voices may be muted in order not to offend party leaders and safely keep their chair in the august house. Maybe the anti-hopping law needs to be re-examined in great detail to limit the powers of the few in a political party.

We as voters do not want a situation whereby “the boss knows it all” happening as it will only frustrate the people eventually. Anyways, we leave it to the wisdom of the Government to reevaluate the law. — Narinder Pal Singh

PN semakin meroyan...

Baru 2 minggu mereka seperti org terkena sawan. Apa isu yg dibangkang sgt melucukan hingga ketawa sendirian silap2 org ingat saya kurang siuman.

1. Mereka hanya ada 73 dan skg 74 mereka kata mereka yg patut menjadi kerajaan. Dari mana dtgnya 112 MP? Sdgkan Agong minta buat kerajaan Perpaduan mereka kata nak jadi pembankang. Tapi bila jadi pembangkang mereka kata mereka lah yg patut jadi kerajaan.

2. Mereka pertikaikan kerajaan Perpaduan. Isu yg tak membantu ekonomi rakyat pun pasal nama tu. Patut mereka bawa isu yg boleh membawa manfaat kebaikan rakyat bukan isu nama yg tak salah dari segi Undang2 pun.

3. Mereka pertikaikan tentang bantuan kpd pesawah. Kerajaan bela org miskin mereka bela taikun besar… pelik.

4. Mereka suruh kerajaan haramkan judi. Dulu Pas dah jadi sebahagian kerajaan tak haramkan judi tapi naikkan judi. Hanya org kurang siuman sahaja yg boleh terima politik sempit cara begini.

Yg mereka bangkang DAP...DAP... DAP… tetapi langsung tidak mahu berhujah secara fakta utk isu tersebut. Ingat Majlis Fatwa tidak pernah istiharkan undi DAP haram tetapi Majlis Fatwa Melaka (tidak silap) pernah memfatwakan Amanat Hadi sesat.

Sampai kini cuba berikan berita yg sahih ( fakta ) apa yg dilakukan DAP ? Mereka perintah negara? Mereka tidak benarkan azan? Anak Melayu jadi gembala babi? Jika begini level pemikiran pembangkang ia sgt menyedihkan. Org Melayu masih percaya kpd cerita2 tahyul daripada cerita yg realistik.

Bila PN kata mahu jadi pembangkang kita berharap mereka menjadi chk n balance atau efektif.
Tapi sayang mereka tidak seperti diharapkan tetapi mereka hanya bertindak memfitnah dan semua yg baik dilakukan kerajaan semua tidak kena di mata mereka. Maaf kata jika kasar bahasa please jadi lah pembangkang bukan pembangang. - Norman Radzuan


Sumber asal: RM90 bilion vs RM600 bilion...

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