Beratur panjang di kedai pajak gadai. Ingatkan kat kedai no ekor je berbaris jarak 1 meter.
Mungkinkah Mak Cik Kiah atau Pak Salleh berada dalam kalangan yang berbaris itu? Apa yang penting kerajaan Melayu Islam tanpa DAP...
Mungkinkah Mak Cik Kiah atau Pak Salleh berada dalam kalangan yang berbaris itu? Apa yang penting kerajaan Melayu Islam tanpa DAP...
Dan deme duk gebang hari tu kerajaan Abah Din dah salur pakej prihatin bernilai RM250 bilion. Kerajaan yg kita tak undi, tapi boleh harap katanya.
Senario ini boleh disaksikan merata tempat samada di KL.Ipoh,Seremban,Penang.JB,Kota Bahru dan seterusnya. Sedih melihat makcik dan pakcik berbagai kaum muka sedih,desprate dan putus asa. Harap harap tak gadai barang kemas kahwin.
Kedai pajak gadai.. dikerumuni ramai. Bukti rakyat tak kira bangsa ramai dah pokai. Ramai mengadu Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) belum masuk.
BSH jauh sekali. Duit i-Lestari KWSP pun ramai baru dapat mesej dari KWSP bagitahu duit akan masuk mula hari ini atau...
Ada awal Mei.
Ada tengah Mei.
Ada yg masih dlm proses kelulusan
Ramai terkurung masa PKP ni...
Tetapi, Ahli YB2 PAS, UMNO dan Bersatu sibuk agih jawatan dengan gaji $$$ puluhan ribu sebulan...
Sebaliknya rakyat berbaris di Kedai Pajak Gadai untuk sesuap nasi.
Inikah kerajaan yang Malaysia perlukan??? - f/bk
Kenali Menteri Kewangan anda...
Nama dia ialah Tan Sri Professor Dr (Munsyi) Muslim Yaakob,bukan Ah Seng, bukan Ah Meng dia Melayu, agama Islam. Bukan Cina bukan India bukan agama Hindu atau Buddha...
Tapi, pasai dia puji Lim Guan Eng kata LGE sangat membantu org Melayu dan kritik Tengku Zafrul? Katanya Zafrul tak bantu Melayu..??? Adakah dia walaun tin milo...? atau macai lembu kondo.. Jauh sekali...! Harrr355

Prof .Kamarul Yusoff pujaan walaun
dan macai kena bedai kaw2...
Gendang perang sudah berbunyi lebih
baik berundur sebelum dihumban keluar...
1. Bagi menghormati Bulan Ramadhan ini saya telah bertekad untuk tidak membuat sebarang komen seperti yang lazim dilakukan.
2. Namun dengan beberapa peristiwa dan kenyataan politik beberapa hari ini, tidak dapat tidak atau suka tak suka saya terpanggil juga untuk memberi ulasan.
3. Walaupun ramai yang bersetuju namun tidak dapat dinafikan ada juga segelintir 'pengampu- pengampu' yang tak senang dengan pandangan dan kritikan saya sama ada secara terang - terangan mahu pun secara sinis.
4. Kita perlu menegur dan BERCAKAP BENAR jika mahu melihat negara kita terus maju, malah lebih maju dari negara lain yang sudah maju.
5. Perkara ini tidak mustahil; jika kita masih ingat kehebatan negara kita pada awal 1990 dibawah pimpinan Dr. Mahathir Muhammad ketika itu, negara kita disanjung tinggi sehingga digelar 'The Asian Tiger' oleh dunia.
6. IMF dan George Soros yang pernah mengkritik Dr. Mahathir ketika Asian Financial Crisis akhirnya memuji kehebatan dan kecekapan beliau menangani situasi tersebut dengan baik dan berkesan.
7. Begitu juga walau pun tidak disenangi oleh 9 orang Raja - Raja Melayu, namun Dr. Mahathir memilih menyelamatkan negara dan rakyat dari terus 'dibuli' dan dalam masa yang sama berjaya menyelamatkan Institusi Raja Berpelembagaan semasa Krisis Perlembagaan dahulu; malangnya masih ada di kalangan mereka yang marah dan menggangap Dr. Mahathir seorang 'pembelot’.
8. Tun Dr. Mahathir bukanlah maksum seperti Hadi, beliau juga tak lepas dari melakukan kesilapan.
9. Menjelang Pilihanraya Umum ke14 pada 9hb Mei 2018, walaupun sudah menjangkau usia 93 tahun ketika itu namun Parti - Parti Gabunagan PH ( PKR , AMANAH, DAP dan BERSATU ) pada masa itu terpaksa memujuk Tun bagi mengepalai mereka bagi menumbangkan UMNO/BN.
10. Kerana keengganan Kerajaan Najib membenarkan penggunan nama dan simbol Pakatan Harapan ketika itu, akhirnya mereka semua bersetuju meminjam nama dan simbol PKR.
11. Situasi sama ini hampir menjadi kenyataan apabila PAS dibawah pimpinan Tok Guru Nik Aziz pernah membenarkan DAP ( yang kini dianggap oleh Hadi sebagai anti Melayu dan Islam ) bertanding atas nama dan simbol PAS.
12. Tun telah dipilih sebagai Pengerusi BERSATU dan Muhyiddin pula sebagai Presidennya.
14. Langkah Sheraton telah mengubah corak amalan politik negara apabila Muhyiddin sanggup melupakan PERJANJIAN PERSEFAHAMAN antara 4 Parti Gabungan PH yang mana beliau sendiri menandatanganinya dan bekerjasama dengan UMNO , PAS dan disokong pula oleh GPS Sarawak dan 10 bekas Ahli Parlimen PKR pimpinan Azmin Ali bagi menubuhkan Kerajaan yang tidak dipilih rakyat.
15. Bagi mendapatkan jawatan Perdana Menteri, Muhyiddin selaku Pengerusi BERSATU Johor sanggup dengan mudah menyerahkan Kerajaan Johor dari BERSATU kepada UMNO.
16. Di Johor, Wakil-Wakil Rakyat dari Bersatu sudah tidak lagi dihormati oleh UMNO.
17. Rakyat Johor mula terasa telah diperalat dan ditipu oleh Muhyiddin dek kerana gilakan jawatan Perdana Menteri.
18. Mereka masih terbayang bagaimana benci dan janji Muhyiddin bahawa apa pun jadi TIDAK AKAN BERSAMA UMNO lagi; jika di Jepun terutama di zaman samurai dahulu demi menjaga maruah.....mmm faham sajalah.
19. Jika Dewan Negeri Johor dibubarkan dan diadakan pilihanraya semula, BERSATU yang kini ada 11 kerusi Dewan Negeri akan hanya dapat tak lebih 4 kerusi sahaja.
20. Pada rakyat Johor khususnya mereka terlalu bosan dari terus dipermain-mainkan dan ditipu seolah-olah undi mereka pada BERSATU tidak dihormati, apa faedah menyokong BERSATU jika Muhyiddin yang kini sudah dapat apa yang diidamkan beliau selama ini, maka beliau sendiri tidak dipedulikan perasaan pengundi di sana.
21. Walaupun tidak boleh bertahan lama atas sebab tekanan politik dan barah tali perut sehingga ada yang menggelarkan beliau sebagai Perdana Menteri setengah hari (beliau perlu balik ke rumah setiap hari dan berehat selepas mengambil ubat-ubatan) namun yang penting bagi Muhyiddin ia terukir dalam sejarah negara bahawa beliau pernah menjadi Perdana Menteri walaupun tak sampai setahun.
22. Inilah sikap mementingkan diri daripada menghormati suara dan kehendak rakyat yang telah menolak UMNO dan PAS.
23. Memang benar apa yang dikatakan oleh Mat Sabu, Presiden AMANAH: - 'Yang menang jadi pembangkang; yang kalah jadi kerajaan.’
24. Dalam politik tidak ada kawan dan lawan yang kekal - dulu Muhyiddin dan Azmin adalah 'orang kepercayaan' Tun Mahathir tapi demi kepentingan diri masing-masing, kedua-dua mereka sanggup MENIKAM Tun dari belakang; lupakah kita peristiwa Muhyiddin ‘menikam’ Abdullah Badawi dan lupakah kita bagaimana Azmin ‘menikam’ Anwar serta Wan Azizah ekoran ‘Langkah Kajang’?
25. Kedudukan Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional ( PN ) hari ini tak ubah seperti nyawa di hujung pedang.
26. Ekoran kenyataan Mat Hasan, Timbalan Presiden UMNO beberapa hari lepas, sudah ada laporan-laporan dibuat kepada ROS yang ingin kepastian apakah PN pernah didaftarkan seperti Barisan Nasional (BN) atau Pakatan Harapan (PH) dan bila pula Azmin Ali dan 9 orang Ahli Parlimen PKR mengisi Borang Keahlian BERSATU dan diluluskan pula oleh parti yang mana Tun bukan sahaja sebagai Pengerusi, bahkan telah diumumkan menang
tanpa bertanding bagi penggal akan datang sedangkan Muhyiddin sebagai Presiden pula menghadapi tentangan.

28. Muhyiddin selaku Pengerusi BERSATU Johor kini tidak mampu berbuat apa - apa terhadap UMNO yang terang - terangan membuli BERSATU di peringkat negeri Johor walau pun BERSATU mempunyai 11 Kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri dan majoriti Kerajaan PN hanya 1 Kerusi sahaja.
29. Difahamkan Kerajaan negeri Perak juga sedang bergolak di mana hampir kesemua Ketua - Ketua Bahagian UMNO TIDAK senang dengan Menteri Besar mereka yang kebetulan pula penyokong kuat Muhyiddin; jika ini berlaku BERSATU yang hanya punyai 4 Kerusi Dewan Undangan Perak, termasuk 3 yang melompat, pasti akan tumbang.
30. Que Sera Sera - Apa nak jadi,jadilah - yang maha penting bagi Muhyiddin ialah jawatan Perdana Menteri saja.
31. Apakah benar RM250 Billion bagi menangani masalah yang dihadapi Makcik Kiah seperti yang pernah diumumkan dan disambut dengan titisan air mata gembira benar - benar mencapai sasaran atau satu lagi gula - gula yang dicampakan keatas tanah untuk kutipan Makcik Kiah?
32. Rakyat tak sabar menunggu bagi melihat sejauh mana Kerajaan PN ini boleh bertahan.
33. Muhyiddin ada 2 pilihan :
i. Bagi mengekalkan jawatan Perdana Menteri, tangguhkan lagi Sidang Parlimen ATAU,
ii. Pilih jalan mana yang sesuai untuk keluar sebelum dihumban - pintu depan, belakang, tingkap atau bak kata Hadi, Duta Khas kepada Perdana Menteri bertaraf Menteri, ‘melalui’ tebuk atap.
34. Bagi tujuan meraih simpati dan sokongan dan dalam masa yang sama menyalahkan Tun kerana meletak jawatan, nasihat ikhlas saya Hentikan drama atau mainan politik konon nya beliau tak berminat nak jadi Perdana Menteri
35. ‘Ya Allah masukan aku dari pintu yang benar dan keluarkan aku juga dari pintu yang benar' - Amiin ! - Tamrin Tun Ghafar

How much longer can PM
Din play hide and seek?...
If some of embattled Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s fumbling ministers seem to be finding it hard to figure out how to concoct statements in view of recent foul-ups turning them into subjects of global ridicule, the Pagoh MP himself now has wiggle himself out of a trap set by his own Cabinet.
The first day of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) today sees multiple non-essential industries resume full operations, despite medical experts warning the government, particularly Muhyiddin and his trusted senior minister (economic affairs) Azmin Ali against it.
Hence the new opposition bloc marked the occasion with their first joint statement, sending a string signal to Muhyiddin about his loosely tied coup coalition led by a legion of rogue MPs.
The joint statement by Pakatan Harapan, Bersatu and Warisan, signed by its leaders Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Shafie Apdal, Anwar Ibrahim, Mohamad Sabu and Lim Guan Eng called for a full and regular Dewan Rakyat sitting on May 18, in view of the relaxed controls over all industries.
“Seeing that Parliement has decided on standard operating procedures (SOPs) to enable Dewan Rakyat to convene on May 18, an in view of many activities already allowed to resume with conditions in place, there is actually no reason or hindrance for Parliament to convene a full sitting for more than a day as announced,” the statement read.
“A longer conference would allow for proper debate and would allow the Cabinet members to legislate agendas of their respective ministries.
“As such, we urge the government to immediately implement a full Parliament sitting of at least two weeks.”
As it stands, parliament, which only the Prime Minister has the power to convene under laws, will only hold a one-day sitting on May 18, with no debate not questions and answers sessions.
Muhyiddin, under pressure due to legitimacy issues of his unregistered thus unlawful Perikatan Nasional coalition, who assumed power following a political coup on the first week of March, is alleged to be trying to delay any such official confrontations for fear of a confidence vote. - talkedabout
Backdoor PM Muhyiddin Would Be Overthrown If Gravy Trains Do Not Restart...
Backdoor Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has decided to reopen business effective Monday (May 4), hence lifting the lockdown which has been enforced since March 18. The first bootlicker who came out to praise the PM was Deputy Federal Territories Minister Edmund Santhara, one of the traitors who toppled his own Pakatan Harapan government.
Santhara claimed it was his boss’ leadership that the country is so well managed, especially the Coronavirus outbreak. He gave the example of the appointment of Dr. Jemilah Mahmood as special advisor on public health as proof that Muhyiddin is a great leader who listens to advice. Perhaps Santhara was impressed with Jemilah’s advice that the pandemic may last 2 years.
Actually, it was a research done by foreign universities. A study headed by Dr. Kristine A. Moore, medical director at the University of Minnesota, included pandemic experts from Harvard and Tulane universities, says that if Covid-19 follows the pattern of the 1918 Spanish flu, the Covid-19 pandemic will most likely last up to 2 years. And its second wave could be worse.
Apple polisher Santhara even gave credit to Muhyiddin for not taking a holiday since he took over as the new prime minister on March 1. Seriously? Is this the best he could do sucking up to his boss? Santhara, son of Ramanaidu, should be ashamed of himself for not being able to tell if it was PM Muhyiddin or health director-general Noor Hisham Abdullah who has been managing the pandemic.
Mr. Muhyiddin declared an extension of the MCO (movement control order) for the third time on April 23, five days before the second extension ends on April 28, effectively locking down the country until May 12. Speaking in a live news broadcast, he said that the reason for the third extension was because his government has yet to bring the Covid-19 pandemic under control.
Yet, in his special televised address in conjunction with Labour Day on May 1, just a week after he told all and sundry that the pandemic has yet to be brought under control, the clueless and incompetent leader suddenly announced that the lockdown will be lifted. Why did he declare a third extension in the first place if he was already planning to relax the lockdown?
Edmund Santhara alias Santhara Kumar
Heck, can you even say the MCO is still in effect when more than 90% of businesses can operate as usual tomorrow? Interestingly, Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the announcement to allow most businesses reopen on May 4 did not mean everyone should rush to restart work – suggesting that the health director-general did not fully agree with the sudden lifting of the lockdown.
Yes, the fact that Muhyiddin decided to extend the lockdown for the third time for 2 weeks, only to lift the lockdown days later, speaks volumes that he is not only a weak, confused, clueless and incompetent leader, but also under tremendous pressure to choose between economy and health. And he had chosen wealth over health, simply because the national coffers are as dry as a bone.
Unlike his initial drama when he announced the extension of the lockdown for the third time, projecting a fake perception of a caring government who put the health and life of the people above everything else, Muhyiddin has twisted a new story to justify the relaxation of the lockdown. He whined and bitched that the country was losing an estimated RM2.4 billion daily during the enforcement of the MCO.
The PM argued that the country had already lost RM63 billion since March 18, and will incur another RM35 billion of losses if the MCO is extended for another month, bringing the total losses to RM98 billion. But did not he realize that on the day (April 23) he confidently announced the extension for the third time, the country had already lost tens of billions of Ringgit?
Still, it’s quite a mathematical challenge to figure out how the backdoor government’s genius finance ministry arrived at RM2.4 billion of daily losses from March 18 to May 1, considering the 43 days of lockdown would have incurred RM103 billion, and not RM63 billion as claimed (even if Saturday and Sunday were not taken into calculations, the figures still do not match).
But even if the country were to incur a total loss of RM100 billion, what’s the big deal? Did not the “Malay only” government proudly announces a jaw-dropping RM250 billion stimulus package to benefit all the people and all types of business under the sun? Was the finance ministry admitting that the huge and sexy figures were nothing but marketing gimmicks, hence the rush to reopen business now?

Dr Noor Hisham - Health Director-General
Can the backdoor prime minister make up his mind whether he wants to combat the Covid-19 or the economy? He can’t have the best of both worlds, which he appears to be trying to achieve. If he treasures human life, the country will be plagued by recession, social unrest, unemployment and whatnot. If he treasures economy, infected cases and death toll would hit the roof.
In truth, Muhyiddin Yassin had no clue whatsoever how to manage the country, despite having a bloated 72 ministries in his Cabinet. The shortage of food, which leads to skyrocketing prices, is still happening. Senior Minister Azmin Ali, who was tasked to ensure sufficient supply of food during MCO, was still struggling to understand the basic concept of food supply chain.
Another Senior Minister, “turtle egg” Ismail Sabri Yaakob, was cracking his head, trying very hard to understand as to why the Coronavirus cases refuse to go down to single digit despite having arrested more than 20,000 people for violating the lockdown. Like the police, the backdoor government still hadn’t figured out that those defaulters did not contribute to the clusters of Covid-19.
Between April 23 and May 1, the incompetent Muhyiddin became more confused as there were two schools of thoughts giving conflicting advises. One group said the country needed more time to tackle the pandemic. Another group argued that it was not worthwhile to sacrifice the economy just to bring the Coronavirus cases to single-digit. Already, the effects of the lockdown have started.
From budget hotels to 5-star hotels like G City Club Hotel located near the KLCC, hundreds of employees have been left jobless due to hotels shut down in the country. According to Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH), the hotel industry is looking at potential losses of RM3.3 billion from room revenue alone if the MCO lockdown ended on April 28, and more if extended indefinitely.
About 47% of self-employed workers had lost their jobs. Even for those who were lucky enough to keep their jobs, 35.5% had reported salary slash by over 90%. That would translate to 1.34 million people having lost their jobs and almost 540,000 saw their income cut by a whopping 90%. The Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) estimates that about 2.4 million people will lose their jobs.
Layoff Retrenchment ...
And those estimates were based on 1-month implementation of the MCO lockdown, which means the free cash initiative and stimulus package announced by Muhyiddin were not effective at all. More importantly, as admitted by the prime minister himself, the country will not be able to collect taxes from jobless workers as well as companies that have to close down due to horrible business.
Obviously, without taxes, the backdoor government might find it difficult to even pay the salaries of its largest vote bank – civil servants, of whom 90% are Malays. To make matters worse, the bearish prices of crude oil and palm oil deliver double blows to the government. Not only it’s harder to milk money from state energy giant Petronas, the palm oil settlers may need bailout very soon.
But the inability to collect taxes from employees and companies was just the beginning. All the 72 ministers and warlords from the backdoor government of Perikatan Nasional were increasingly hungry for contracts and projects. If Muhyiddin did not reopen economy and business, the parasites won’t be able to grab new projects or contracts to enrich families or cronies.
From hawker centres to underground gambling dens, the side income of every government agency and authority have been severely affected due to Coronavirus. Even durian sellers by the roadside can’t pay their protection money as usual to the relevant authorities if the lockdown continues. Already, traders have been pretty upset after the cancellation of the annual Ramadan bazaars.
The only reason oppositions UMNO and PAS had agreed to throw their support behind Muhyiddin was to get the gravy trains restart again. In the same breath, all the warlords of Muhyiddin’s own party Bersatu (PPBM) haven’t gotten a bite of the gravy train since they defected. Besides, even if Coronavirus cases or deaths hit new record as a result of the lifting of MCO, none of the VIPs will be affected. - FT

Sumber asal: Hai!! Makcik Kiah pun berbaris kat kedai pajak gadai...
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