Can a Dayak or Kadazan become PM 100 years from now?...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Wednesday 20 December 2023

Can a Dayak or Kadazan become PM 100 years from now?....

I agree with what Dr Mahathir said yesterday (Dec 18) although I disagree with what he said on the subject in March this year when he was reported to have said that “Malaysia’s indigenous Malays are losing political influence” and that the country may have a non-Malay PM “when the next election comes around”.

But he had said in March this year: “There is no guarantee that the PM will be a Malay as anyone can be the PM. Even now, the Malay parties in the government are not in power and they are divided into three parties.

“I am sure that if we’re not careful, the next election will come and if the votes get bought off, we’ll elect people who are not good and they will mortgage our country.”

I had said that I do not expect a non-Malay – whether a Chinese or Indian – to become PM for the next 100 years, expressing the hope that it would not take 230 years like the US for a Black American Barack Obama to be president. Maybe, this may even never happen at all. But would it take 100 years before a Dayak or Kadazan to become the PM of Malaysia?

It is most unfortunate that an explanation of the constitutional provision of the PM in my remarks to Malaysian students in Manchester last month was exploited by irresponsible elements to intensify a sense of fear and insecurity of the Malays about the future.

Coupled with an unscrupulous and unprincipled use of lies, falsehoods, fake news and hate speech in the era of social media, such undesirable action has made Malays feel that a non-Malay PM was imminent.

As Dr Mahathir was the victim of such unscrupulous and unprincipled dirty politics when he was the PM a second time, it is shocking that he should give his blessing to such unscrupulous and unprincipled politics now.

It is significant that recent politics have been marked by thunderous silences – the thunderous silence of (Bersatu president) Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin whether Dr Mahathir was subservient to DAP when he was PM the second time as to justify the Sheraton Move political conspiracy which toppled the second Mahathir premiership.

Or the thunderous silence of (PAS president) Tan Sri Hadi Awang to substantiate his wild and preposterous allegations that DAP and I were anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-royalty, communist and spreading Islamophobia.

Despite extremist and perverted attacks, I am convinced that Malaysia can only rise up again to become a great world-class nation and be a role model of the world in inter-ethnic, inter-religious, inter-cultural and inter-civilisation dialogue, understanding, tolerance and harmony if all Malaysians dream the Malaysian Dream. – Lim Kit Siang,focusM

Dia naik pun pakai cable Pak mertua...

Aku ada tengok sedutan podcast Keluar Sekejap KJ dan Shahir. Dalam podcast tu nampaknya KJ macam ambil berat betul dengan Tok Mat. Dia risaukan masa depan politik Tok Mat terancam bila dipindahkan ke Kementerian Luar. Ye ke KJ risaukan Tok Mat? Bukan Tok Mat ke yang ambil kerusi KJ hingga KJ bertanding di parlimen lain dan kalah? Dah kena macam tu pun KJ masih ambil berat tentang Tok Mat ye?

Sebenarnya tak. Apa yang KJ buat bukan dia kisahkan karier Tok Mat. Tapi dia cuma nak ciptakan tanggapan buruk pada Zahid. Dia mahu tunjuk kononnya Zahid diktator dan sedang mencengkam UMNO dengan kuku besi. Itu saja niatnya. Dendam KJ pada Zahid bukan baru. Dendam tu dah lama. Dari sejak KJ kalah kepada Zahid untuk jawatan Presiden dalam pemilihan selepas PRU14. Masa tu KJ dakwa berlakunya politik wang dalam pemilihan yang menyebabkan dia kalah.

Kemudian KJ tukar strategi. Dia tak nak rebut jawatan Presiden tapi team up dengan Ismail Sabri. Malangnya jawatan Presiden tak dipertandingkan pula. Sekali lagi KJ kempunan. Akhirnya dia dipecat dari UMNO. Dan itu adalah kemuncaknya. Tapi katakanlah kalau KJ jadi presiden UMNO kan, apa kelainan yang dia akan bawa? Aku fikirkan, sebenarnya tak ada apa pun. 

KJ kalau jadi presiden UMNO, dia akan buat apa yang Zahid telah, sedang dan akan buat sebab tak ada pilihan lain. Adakah KJ akan bawa UMNO sebagai pembangkang? Tak mungkin. KJ nak bekerjasama dengan PN? Juga agak sukar. KJ bukannya selari dengan PAS. Kalau PN sebagai kerajaan mungkin juga. Tapi kalau sebagai pembangkang, memang tak la.

Lebih baik KJ kerja ni sajelah...

Jadi kalau KJ presiden, dia pun akan bekerjasama dengan PH. Sebab dia pun tahu, satu-satunya cara untuk UMNO kekal relevan adalah menjadi kerajaan yang memerintah. Kalau UMNO jadi pembangkang, lebih susah nak bangkit. Cuma bezanya, kalau dia jadi presiden, jawatan TPM tu dia yang punya. Atau kalau jadi Timbalan Presiden pun, setidaknya dapat dia jadi menteri. Tapi sekarang dapat jadi DJ je. Itu yang dia marah sangat ke Zahid tu. Incomenya terjejas.

Sebenarnya podcast Keluar Sekejap tu bukan tak elok. Bagus ada podcast begitu yang bercerita soal politik semasa. Cuma kalau podcast itu bercerita tentang UMNO, maka ia akan jadi tak valid. Sebab kedua-dua 'bintang" dalam podcast itu akan ada bias bila bicara tentang UMNO. KJ dan Syahir sama-sama pemimpin UMNO yang disingkirkan.

Aku rasa KJ kalau nak aktif balik politik, dia kena join sama ada PAS atau Bersatu. Tak boleh tunggu UMNO lagi. Bersatu pun ketandusan pemimpin. Begitu juga PAS. Sampai terpaksa letak MB jadi calon parlimen sebab tak ada pemimpin berfikiran korporat.

Kalau KJ join Bersatu, boleh la dia cuba ambil tempat Mahiaddin. Itu lebih mudah dari nak jatuhkan Zahid dan lebih berfaedah dari sibuk bercakap soal UMNO. Lagi pun walaun percaya cakap dia. Kalau dia join PN tentu walaun suka. - Raja Gelap II 

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All of these children were MURDERED by Israel last night. 
When will this stop?!!...

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then embeds teeth of the bulldozer into his body in South Gaza... 
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Gaza, they are starving...


Sumber asal: Can a Dayak or Kadazan become PM 100 years from now?...

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