Atok ni semua benda dia nak masuk campur,semua dia nak atuq. Skrg giliran PH pula yg dipengerusikan oleh Anwar pun Atok ni nak atoq ikut suka dia. Atok pula tak berparti. Lepaih tu Amanah-DAP dok wala' kat dia. Patutunya Mat Sabu dan Guan Eng duduk semeja dgn Anwar, bukan dok pi layan Atok...- f/bk
Alasan Mahathir lagi, Anwar tidak boleh jadi PM kerana Anwar pimpin parti berbilang kaum. Dia ingat orang lain nyanyuk macam dia kot. Kalau Anwar tak boleh jadi PM atas alasan pimpin parti Keadilan yang berbilang kaum, mengapa beliau mahu berjanji Anwar akan jadi PM selepas 6 bulan dia jadi PM kali ketiga? Adakah selepas 6 bulan itu Anwar akan jadi pemimpin parti Melayu? Kalau alasan itu juga menjadi penyebab dia tidak mahu sokong Anwar, mengapa dia calonkan Shafie Apdal sebagai PM? Shafie Apdal adalah pemimpin parti Warisan, iaitu parti berbilang kaum di Sabah. Cuba lihat pimpinan dari Warisan, semua Melayu kah? Ini bukti menunjukkan Mahathir kini hilang arah dan kerap terlupa akibat faktor usianya. Tapi masih kemaruk nak jadi PM. Amanah dan DAP jangan terikut2 rentak Mahathir ini - Wfauzdin Ns
Apa rasionalnya Tun memilih Shafei yang kerusinya lebih sedikit daripada Amanah? Jika tidak mahu DAP, kenapa tidak pilih Amanah? Amanah lebih banyak kerusi dari Warisan. Amanah parti Islam dan didominasi Melayu. Kenapa Shafei, kenapa tidak Bang Mat? Jika DAP setuju pilihan Mahathir, percayalah bahawa pengundi Cina tidak akan mengundi DAP lagi sebagaimana mereka tidak mahu mengundi MCA. Pengundi Cina bukan mcm pengundi Melayu yg mengundi kerana mahu Melayu menjadi wakil. Tak kisah Melayu itu penyamun atau penjual agama janji Melayu. Pengundi Cina menilai dari apa yg mereka akan dapat dari undian mereka lalu mereka tidak akan teragak² untuk menukar undi. Ini ditunjukkan dgn jelas oleh pengundi cina di PRK Tanjung Piai.
Jika Amanah setuju pilihan Mahathir kali ini, percayalah sokongan pengundi terhadap Amanah akan terjejas. Kerusi² Amanah seperti Kota Raja & Shah Alam dan kerusi² bandar akan beralih arah. Terdapat info bahawa sudah ada ahli Amanah yang mahu beralih sokongan & keahlian jika Amanah terus dilihat "melekat" di kaki Tun Sesekali pemimpin Amanah and DAP perlu menjeling ke arah komen2 netizen di page2 pemimpin sendiri dan juga portal2 berita. Lihat sendiri penolakan rakyat terhadap Tun Mahathir.Tun adalah liabiliti kepada Amanah dan DAP. Kembali kepada perjuangan membela rakyat di dalam PH. Kita perkuatkan PH. Rakyat dahagakan perubahan dan pembaharuan. Tun tiada agenda ini. Begitu juga dengan Shafei. - Dr Ariff Kadir Al-Katami
On being a leader for the Malays and
a leader for Malaysians: An ironic story...
I begin this article by stating some of the things Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is known for. But I'll have to say this is not according to chronology of events. Other than being famous (or should it be infamous?) as a firebrand student leader, Anwar is also known as a leader of ABIM. The Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement was initially characterized by its efforts to intensify Muslim youth activism through missionary and educational activities. Anwar is also remembered for being instrumental in setting up a private education institution called Yayasan Anda, aimed at helping mostly poor Malay students unable to enter public institutions of higher learning to further their studies. And while in government (need we be reminded that it was the BN administration?), Anwar was a strong advocate of "sebutan baku" or the standard designation (pronunciation) of the Malay language. Also during his stint in the cabinet, especially as education minister, Anwar was seen pushing for the "Malay agenda". Mahathir's coup in wooing Anwar to Umno in 1982 gave the party the Islamic image it needed to disrupt and thwart archrival PAS' onslaught to win the Malay heartland. When he was sacked by Mahathir in 1998, the Reformasi movement which Anwar triggered was supported predominantly by the Malays. Based on such "Malayness", one would see Anwar as a Malay leader or rather a leader of the Malays. But not so apparently. Not in the eyes of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
In a recent interview with Malay daily Sinar Harian, the former prime minister was quoted as saying the Malay community cannot accept Anwar's leadership because of his "liberal political ideology". I can't help but recall when Anwar was in the Mahathir administration, the Islamization policy of the BN government was credited to Anwar. Matter of fact till today, Malays dubbed as "liberals" blame Anwar for "starting the rot" whenever Muslim zealots within our midst go a notch or two up in trying to impose their "Taliban" views on society. Ironic isn't it that Anwar himself is now labeled liberal by the Malays who themselves are seen as liberals. And sadly, of late, liberalism is such a dirty word for many Malay Muslims. When Anwar first started in politics he was identified with Malay nationalism and Islamic policies. He is now the only Malay leader heading a multiracial party, PKR, and in the words of Mahathir, "is talking about multiculturalism and liberalism". Thus, according to Mahathir, Anwar lacks Malay support and the former premier goes on to claim that as far as numbers in the Parliament are concerned, only the leader of a Malay party can obtain the crucial support of Malay MPs. Mahathir was, of course referring to the support needed by a leader to become prime minister. To political analyst Dr Oh Ei Sun, in a recent interview with Sin Chew Daily, Mahathir "was actually stating the obvious, that Anwar heading a multiracial party and therefore is not acceptable as prime minister in the Malaysian socio-polity, at least at this point in time. But many mistakenly read that as Mahathir expressing his personal racist preference."
As Azlan Zainal, CEO at research outfit Ilham Center reminds us that in Malaysia's democratic system, a prime minister can be determined by majority support of Members of Parliament, unlike the republic system where presidential elections are decided directly by the people. If I may add, the Malaysian prime ministerial post has always been awarded to the leader of the party with the most number of seats in the Parliament and in the past that party has always been Umno. Therefore for years, we have had Umno presidents as our prime ministers. "If we want to rate it fairly, anybody can be elected prime minister if he commands majority support in the House even though the support for his party is minority," says Azlan. However, there is an unwritten "law" that the prime minister must be a Malay Muslim. Anyway, as for Anwar being labeled a "liberal" who is heading a non Malay-based party even though it is dominated by the Malays, Azlan says, "It is just a perception drummed up with much success by Umno/BN over a long period of time to thwart the opposition back then." - Mohsin Abdullah
Dr Mahathir mengaku tiada hasrat supaya Anwar gantikan beliau secara langsung. MANTAN Perdana Menteri, Tun Mahathir dilaporkan berkata "janjinya" untuk meletak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri Pakatan Harapan tidak termasuk menyerahkan jawatan Perdana Menteri secara automatik kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Ahli Parlimen Langkawi itu memberitahu Asia Times dalam satu temuramah sama ada Anwar akan menjadi Perdana Menteri ataupun bergantung kepada sokongan di kalangan
Sumber asal: Dr Mahathir mengaku tiada hasrat supaya Anwar gantikan beliau secara langsung
Dr M kata pemimpin parti Melayu saja boleh jadi PM....
PM 6 bulan???
Katakan lah Mahathir jadi PM 6 bulan. Beliau bentuk kabinetnya. Baru menteri basuh kaki masuk opis, sempat mkn gaji 6 bulan, kononnya Anwar pula jadi PM. Anwar pula bentuk Kabinet baru. Ertinya, sepanjang tempuh 6 bulan itu, PM tak boleh buat apa, kecuali Mahathir akan sibuk utk dapatkan balik partinya dan batalkan pemecatannya dari Bersatu. Kompom Pegawai atau Pengarah ROS kena tukar lagi sebab sahkan pemecatan dia dari partinya dulu. Mahathir akan balas dendam utk pecat Muhyidin pula. Tempuh 6 bulan tu PM akan sibuk dgn agenda peribadinya. Menteri pun tak sempat buat apa. 6 bulan negara tak terurus, apatah lagi dgn masalah Covid dan ekonomi yg semakin teruk. Pelabur pula teragak2 untuk datang melabur samada datang sekarang waktu Mahathir atau lebih baik tunggu Anwar selepas 6 bulan. Semua tu Anwar dah fikir panjang. Sbb itu dia tolak opsyen 2. Opsyen 2 itu melucukan, tidak masuk akal dan seolah2 mempersendakan Agong. Opsyen 2 itu bukan untuk mendapatkan mandat rakyat, tetapi mendapatkan mandat Mahathir semula dan menyusahkan rakyat. Tidakkah kelian terfikir wahai pimpinan ku dlm PH? - Wfauzdin Ns Macam mana Mahathir hendak bekerjasama dengan DAP dan Amanah sahaja, sedang kewujudan PH itu hasil daripada tiga buah parti itu. Menolak PH bemakna menolak pengasas gabungan itu. Bersatu menyertai PH sesudah waktu Subuh berakhir, waktu makruh. Jelasnya di sini yang Mahathir lakukan itu adalah untuk menyihir agar PH berpecah. Jika PH sudah berpecah dan PKR akan berdiri sebatang tubuh, maka hasrat dan dendam jahat, busuk dan celaka Mahathir untuk tidak mahu melihat Anwar jadi PM itu akan berjaya. Apakah DAP dan Amanah akan tersihir setelah mereka pernah kagum dengan silap mata Mahathir. Zam2 Alakazam... - mso.
PH at a crossroads...
The crack within the Pakatan Harapan pact is widening. Taping the crack will not help much but is utterly unsightly. DAP's Lim Guan Eng and Amanah's Mat Sabu have issued statements on behalf of their parties to assert that they remain with Anwar Ibrahim, although they still very much hold dear to the "Mahathir-Anwar" formula with Tun Mahathir their preferred PM candidate. I have the feeling that while DAP and Amanah support Anwar, they support Mahathir much more. The two leaders insist PH must never engage in any negotiation with the "hidden hand" that brought down the PH government. From what I understand, the so-called "hidden hand" is first and foremost Muhyiddin Yassin, and the contacts between Anwar and Muhyiddin is a "secret meant to be made public". The two parties are worried if Anwar has struck some sort of agreement with Muhyiddin, both DAP and Amanah are poised to be washed out or substituted. While these two parties want Mahathir to take charge, they don't want to lose PKR, either. They first hand out a carrot, claiming that they will remain one with Anwar, but then follow with a stick, to warn him not to have any deal with the "hidden hand".
Anwar says he will not accept Mahathir as PM again, but can consider offering him a minister mentor post. So far Anwar has show no signs of compromise although he has refrained from openly turning against his PH allies. That said, the bottomline has been clearly drawn: absolutely no "Mahathir-Anwar" combo or Mahathir as PH++ PM candidate. He as PH chairman and opposition leader must be the one and only choice for PM candidate. "Considering a minister mentor role" may even sound derogatory to the former PM. Anwar has made some initiatives to get PKR to authorize him to negotiate with other parties, as if to tell his PH allies that he is not their political captive, and that PKR may not necessarily accept PH's terms. Mahathir says he will not accept minister mentor post and will not work with Anwar again, although he will still cooperate with DAP and Amanah. Mahathir still longs to be PM, but whatever next course of action he takes will not have Anwar as a factor. The good news is, he is no longer bound by Anwar; and the bad news is, he may lose the support of PKR's 38 MPs. Among the moves Mahathir is going to take to bring down Muhyiddin include a no-confidence motion, or a statutory declaration to be handed to the King that will not include PKR's 38 names.
Mahathir needs to fill the 38-seat shortfall elsewhere. Appearing concurrently in Langkawi with Azmin Ali and Hishammuddin Hussein couldn't have been mere coincidence. It no longer matters now whether the trio did have a secret meeting, but the leaked photo has created some space for imagination among the leaders of PN and PH of their looming unusual relationship. With Mahathir and Anwar now openly breaking ranks, DAP and Amanah may end up nowhere. Leaning towards either side means losing the support of the other. Parti Warisan Sabah will very likely go with Mahathir. In the end, PH++ will only last several months. If DAP and Amanah insist on "Mahathir-Anwar" formula, it is foreseeable that a clear line will be drawn between them and PKR. PH is not just destined to split, but to fall. PH++ has come to an end and PH finds itself at a crossroads, not knowing which way to head to next. - mysinchew daily
Kelam-kabut PH bila Dr.M dok gila nak jadi PM lagi....
Nak bg anak dia jd TPM, takmau. Offer Menteri Mentor dia tolak. Punya gila nak jd PM. Peliknya "anai-anai" dok caci dan tuduh Anwar gila nak jd PM? Yg makin parah, kita boleh nampak byk ekoq jugak "anai-anai" makhluk perosak yg dok ambik kesempatan, sokong Mat-Eng dan Org Tua tu lalu dok kipas api dan simbah petrol. Akibatnya jadi pertelingkahan sesama Penyokong PH. So Mat-Eng tolonglah... - f/bk
1. Parti dia baru setahun jagung tp tanpa malu kat PKR, DAP dan Amanah dok mintak bertanding terbanyak sampai 52 kerusi. Kita bagi walaupun menang cuma 13 kerusi. Tak per, kita mengalah. 2. Walaupun menang kedua tercorot, Kita bagi kat dia jawatan PM pasai dah janji. Agong offer kat kita,kita terus pegang janji. Tak pah, kita mengalah jugak 3. Kita bagi senarai nama MP untuk jadi Menteri dan Timbalan mengikut komposisi parti yg menang PRU14, dia tak ikut. Dia ikut kepala sendiri. Tak pah, kita mengalah lagi. 4. Janji setahun saja. Lepas tu 2 tahun. Lepas tu hingga hujung tahun. Kemudian lepas APEC. Terakhir, kita bagi dia tentukan sendiri bila tarikhnya. Tak pah, kita terus mengalah. 5. Dah letak jawatan, kita ajak mesyuarat sebab nak lantik dia semula. Dia lari. Kita cari kat rumah. Ajak mesyuarat, nangis² drama swasta, mesyuarat tetap tak mau datang. Kita teruskan demi mandat rakyat. Bila dah nak jumpa Agong, tetiba dia datang. Kita bagi peluang dia jadi lagi walaupun asalnya dia dah macam tak kisah. Tak pah, kita mengalah lagi. 6. Lepas 5 kali mengalah, kita masih nak terus mengalah lagikah? Hangpa pikiaq mai!! Tu kalah namanya. Tanya diri sendiri, jika kita berhadapan situasi sebegini, secara akal yang waras yang Allah berikan, adakah kita masih mahu mengalah? 7. Ini untuk kebaikan bersama. Biar kekal pembangkang. Kita hadap PRU15 dengan DSAI sebagai calon PM kita. Tiada PPBM. Hanya PKR, DAP dan Amanah. Warisan dan parti2 Sarawak tu kita KIV. Pendirian flip flop. Insya Allah PH menang. - Dr Ariff Kadir Al-Katami
Speaking to CNA's Melissa Goh in an exclusive interview, Mr Anwar also conceded that
a snap election may be called before the opposition manages to unseat the current government.
Anwar rejects 6-month transition as unworkable,
but open to Dr M as minister mentor...
PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said he would not accept Pakatan Harapan’s proposal for him to succeed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as prime minister after six months as the arrangement would come at a heavy cost to the country. In an interview with Channel News Asia, the federal Opposition leader said the short transition would mean at least half a year of uncertainty over matters such as the permanence of the Cabinet and policies introduced. “You have six months when you are not able to focus on reforms and the economy,” Anwar said emphatically. When the interviewer asked him if there was any way he would consider working with Dr Mahathir as the latter’s deputy, Anwar pointed out there have already been two Mahathir administrations. Anwar expressed his belief that Malaysia needed to move on at this point and that Malaysians as a whole deserved “something better” after being plunged into disillusionment with the country’s politics. “It is not a question of personalities, but a question of an opportunity to begin anew; a fresh start.” Despite his insistence that Dr Mahathir should not return as the prime minister for a third time, Anwar said he was not opposed to an advisory role for the former, possibly in the shape of senior minister or minister mentor as was practised in Singapore when Lee Kuan Yew stepped down.
PH and its allies in the grouping dubbed “Pakatan Plus” are deadlocked over their choice of candidate to be prime minister, with PKR adamant that it would only accept Anwar while the rest continue pushing Dr Mahathir as an interim compromise Yesterday, DAP and Amanah sought to convince Anwar and his party to accept the deal by saying the agreed transition and timeline would be formalised in a written agreement. Anwar’s reluctance may stem from Dr Mahathir’s previous term as the prime minister, when the latter repeatedly delayed his promise to relinquish the post to his former deputy by simply insisting he would honour the pledge eventually. Lawyers also told Malay Mail yesterday that they did not believe such an agreement would have any effect in law as the matter of prime minister’ appointment and resignation was already codified in the Federal Constitution. Dr Mahathir resigned as the prime minister in February to trigger the collapse of the PH administration, which then allowed Perikatan Nasional to seize control of the federal government unelected. Since then, however, he has mounted a campaign to be reappointed in the position. Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is also rumoured to be considering an early general election both to secure his personal mandate and to dispel views that his administration was a “backdoor” government.. - Justin Ong
Dr M issues ultimatum to end ties with
PKR, willing to explore other options...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad is prepared to end his working relationship with PKR if it continues to oppose his candidature for the prime minister post. In an exclusive interview with Sin Chew Daily, the nonagenarian said he would stop collaborating with PKR president Anwar Ibrahim if the impasse is not resolved and explore other means to become prime minister for the third time. However, Mahathir said he would continue to work with DAP and Amanah since the two parties supported him for the top post. “I won’t cooperate with him (Anwar) anymore because he does not want to work with me. I need to find other ways to become PM. There might be some other ways,” he said.
Malaysiakini contacted Mahathir's aide for clarification if this meant the former premier has decided to shut the door on PKR. However, the aide said this was more of an "ultimatum" should Anwar and PKR continue to remain adamant. The aide also said Mahathir meant he would explore other avenues to "bring down the backdoor government". If the option for him to become prime minister for six months before passing the baton to Anwar falls through, Mahathir said he was willing to leave the informal alliance of Pakatan Harapan Plus. “No, I think I will quit,” he said. Elaborating, he recalled how Pakatan Harapan and its predecessor Pakatan Rakyat had failed to form the government before he and Bersatu joined forces with them. “They have been in the opposition for so long. Before I joined them, in 2008 and 2013, they tried to win but they lost. They couldn't win. “I joined them in GE14, and with enough Malay support, we won. “They were very clear, they needed Malay votes to win and thought I could bring them Malay votes because Bersatu is a Malay party, and the Malays won’t support multiracial parties,” he said. - mk
More importantly, Dr.M fuckup Pakatan Harapan bigtime to allow Muhyiddin and Azmin to hijack the government in mid-term. Not Dr. Mahathir this time. Anwar Ibrahim is correct. In 6 months a PM can't achieve anything. Last government under Tun Mahathir took 22 months in governance. He couldn't deliver in 22 months. Is he "David Copperfield" to do magic in 6 months? Malaysians need fresh start.- TS PH would be the government of the day today had Mahathir not resigned as PM. The political reality is this, it is almost near impossible to unseat a sitting PM. Mahathir resigned because he wanted to kick out the PH government as he had support from Umno, Pas, Azmin cartel & his own Bersatu to form another Malay based govt. Soon after he resigned he wanted to be PM of a Unity govt. Today he wanted to be PM of PH plus & hoping PKR to support him, the very parry he backstabbed.This old man is evil..- Ramli Mohamad He should just accept as a mentor minister like LKY.Time to push Mukhriz ke depan bersama2 pemimpin2 muda PH tapi dia tolak. If sekarang pun dia boleh dump PKR just pasai tak align dengan what he wants,do you think he can handover to Anwar after 6 months?? - Barak Mahathir lost THREE by-elections. He has literally no party. His own party is working with UMNO.Mahathir is incredibly weak. Amanah likely has a better chance at Malay seats than Mahathir's failed politics, frankly, and that's saying something! - IndigoJaguar7545
Dr M should not claim all the credit for the results of GE14. I think more credit is due to Sarawak Report, The Edge, MalaysiaKini and other social media for publicizing the 1MDB scandal and other abuses of power. It was the rakyats' anger that led to the fall of BN. There was no 1MDB scandal in 2008 and 2013. - Blurcarp9264 He is hoping to cut PKR from PH.With DAP and AMANAH, and GPS and Warisan as well as some from Bersatu Nd maybe some from UMNO he may have enough support to be PM. DAP and AMANAH should now come out to say they will no longer support him..I have said many times he is still thinking of a unity govt. - White Mamba With 5 MPs and no party Dr M is in no position to give ultimatums. He cannot claim to represent the Malays because the 3 Malay based parties are in PN. Even PKR and Amanah have more Malay MPs than him and are more capable of representing the Malays than him. - Cynical
If he ever think from the point of Rakyat for just one second, he would not insist to be the PM, but rather work together harmoniously to save the country. - Michelle Low
Saya perlu cari cara lain untuk jadi PM kata Tun Mahathir. SETELAH KEADILAN menolak cadangan Mahathir untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri, beliau menyatakan hasrat untuk keluar dari PH Plus lapor sebuah portal berbahasa Cina, Sin Chew Daily. Seterusnya beliau menyatakan untuk mencari cara lain supaya dapat kembali memegang jawatan orang nombor satu negara. Apabila ditanya adakah beliau akan terus bekerjasama dengan Anwar, katanya, "tidak, saya rasa akan
Sumber asal: Saya perlu cari cara lain untuk jadi PM kata Tun Mahathir
Sikap Amanah & DAP dalam isu sokongan Anwar atau Dr.M....
Part 1...
Part 2...
Sheraton Langkawi pulakah?
Dr Mahathir dipetik sebagai berkata PH tidak berminat untuk jatuhkan Muhyiddin. Beliau merujuk kepada ketetapan PKR yang tidak mahu menerima beliau sebagai PM sebaliknya mahukan Anwar. Sebenarnya PH ingin dan sudah pun berusaha untuk jatuhkan Muhyiddin tetapi yang berkeras dan bermain wayang tidak merestuinya ialah Dr Mahathir sendiri. Beliau masih berkeras untuk jadi PM termasuk menerima pelan menjadi PM selama enam bulan, kununnya selepas itu akan diserahkan kepada Anwar. Sikap keras kerat Mahathir itu menjelaskan bahawa yang tidak mahu menjatuhkan Muhyiddin adalah beliau sendiri bukan PH, rujuk PKR - Anwar. Peletakan jawatannya sebagai PM walaupun dirayu oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong agar tidak berbuat demikian mengesahkan yang beliau tidak mahu serahkan jawatan PM kepada Anwar. Mahathir sedar kalau beliau kekal sebagai PM bermakna beliau terikat dengan konsensus PH di mana beliau kena serah jawatan itu kepada Anwar. Jadi untuk memastikan Anwar tidak dapat jadi PM, maka beliau perlu letak jawatan dimana dengan peletakan jawatan itulah Muhyiddin jadi perdana menteri. Hakikat ini perlu difahami dan Dr Mahathir tidak bisa berdolak dalih. Skrip dan sihir politiknya sudah dihafal, eluk berterus terang sahaja. - mso
Selepas 6 bulan...TM suruh Warisan keluar PH...kemudian dia letak jawatan semula dah serah balik pada MP atau dia bubarkan parlimen...alasannya PM bkn ditentukan oleh dia tetapi oleh MP atau rakyat....lebih baik la Anwar dan PH jadi pembangkang dan desak diadakan PRU drpd serah pada TM - Ellay Ahmad Sebenarnya Tun yang halang PH ambil balik kerajaan...kerana Tun ada niat pecah belah PH dan menghalang Anwar jadi PM9...- Abdul Rauf Asyik nak org turut kehendak dia baru betul....sepatutnya yg bilangan kecil ikut yg besar ni terbalik pula...dah tiga kali jd PM tak puas2 lagi ko? - Abe Waa
Mcm mana atok nk jd pm.. ?? Atok x der parti pon.. hahahaaa.. besatu tuu skrg Yiddin punya... atok buat la parti baru dgn dap dan amanah.. biar laa pkr sendiri... nk tengok atok ble pg jauh je tak kali ni... - Shariff Morad Bukan tk berminat tapi tk mau che det nk jadi pm kali ke3. cukuplah bagi peluang dan sokongan dsai pulak. - Abdrahim Kamarudi Udah-udah le Atuk, masa untuk Atuk berehat dihujung usia, kesian tengok Atuk. Jasa Atuk Tetap Dikenang. - Ibrahim Mohamed
Anwar: PH did explore Dr M option,
but he doesn't have numbers either...
Pakatan Harapan did discuss Dr Mahathir Mohamad as a second option for prime minister, said PKR president Anwar Ibrahim. He said this was suggested in order to secure the numbers to take over Putrajaya. However, Anwar said that Mahathir does not have the numbers at the moment either. Addressing his supporters via Facebook live, Anwar said DAP and Amanah had never strayed from supporting him to become prime minister.
"But what is clear now is that we don't have the numbers. So our friends (DAP and Amanah) said, 'In that case Anwar, can we think of a second option, that is to give room to Mahathir? "Some believe that Mahathir can get the numbers, but to this day it has not materialised," he added. Anwar, however, did not say whether PKR or Harapan as a group agreed to this second option during the meeting. He did say that PKR could not agree with making Mahathir the prime minister, and that there was apprehension due to past experiences in dealing with the nonagenarian. Anwar also said the fact that conditions were set to make sure Mahathir resigned in six months showed that DAP and Amanah also did not fully trust him.
Previously DAP and Amanah said the Harapan presidential council had endorsed Anwar as prime minister during the May 30 meeting. They added it was also agreed that the fallback was for Mahathir to become prime minister if Anwar couldn't get the numbers to form the government. Part of the reason cited was that the PKR chief had failed in a bid to secure GPS support. Anwar tonight said he was in Sarawak on Tuesday to meet "old friends" who had invited him to the state. He did not say who those old friends were and refused to comment on whether GPS had rejected him as was reported by The Malaysian Insight. "People say GPS rejected Anwar, I leave that to GPS, they are an independent party representing the people of Sarawak who should be free to determine their stance. "I don't want to say more on that, other than to say that our efforts are ongoing," he added. Anwar said PKR has not given up on wanting to retake power from PN, but that they would not resort to buying or threatening MPs. "We hope to attract the interest of our MP friends, from all sides, to save the country and economy," he said. Previously, PKR chief whip Johari Abdul revealed that Anwar had met with several leaders in the “other bloc” previously, including Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Home Affairs Minister Hamzah Zainuddin and Sarawak state leaders.- mk
What hope is there?...
So much hot air for days over on who should be the candidate for the prime minister post in the event of a Pakatan Harapan government, and for the moment - the fissures in the coalition still can’t be plastered over. Some clarification comes with PKR digging in their heels and saying its party president, Anwar Ibrahim, is the man for the job, suggesting a role for Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the government is open for discussion. A case of once bitten, twice still not shy, but to be bitten a third time would give the impression they were hopeless idiots incapable of learning. Possibly in apropos, I thought of Goldfinger explaining to a captive James Bond how his cover was blown: “Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time, it's enemy action'.”
Now, what is DAP, Warisan and Amanah to do? DAP has been accused of amnesia over Anwar’s years of friendship with the party, in supporting a hat-trick of PMs for Mahathir. Warisan and Amanah too, have indicated their preference for Mahathir. The picture turns surreal when one factors in the reality that for the moment Mahathir and his supporters are no longer members of Bersatu. Their lawyers have filed an ad-interim order to note that they had not enough time to submit an actual interim injunction challenging the nullification of their party membership.
We are in for a long legal haul here (is there any other?) – two interims at the start, and we haven’t even come to the appeals and counter-appeals, medical leave, et cetera. In the meantime, Mahathir is party-less. In a harmonious balance, he is not alone. Former PKR deputy president Azmin Ali and his gang of nine are still party-less too. Bersatu has counted them as members – except for the technical oversight of them still not having filled in and sent in their membership forms. Perhaps they are busy testing the comfort of their new seats of power and forgetting this mundane chore? This clerical oversight spawned a rumour, quickly scotched, that Azmin and gang were forming a new political party. Hey, why not? We already have 37, what’s another one? For that matter, Mahathir could form another party – we can never have enough political parties defending the rights of the downtrodden, disadvantaged majority. The realpolitik may be hard to swallow, but Mahathir’s assertion that a Malay party has to be part of Harapan Plus has weight. There are parts of society whose world view is through a racial/religious lens. But does it have to be the leading, governing party? Must balance the picture again, a symmetry of minorities, like Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin (below) feeling the pressure of numbers, with Umno breathing heavily at his shoulders? Mahathir says he will use six months as prime minister to groom his successor in the ways of the office. Anwar in tuition class for six months, with homework? Cram in what wasn’t done in the two years when they had their hands on the levers of power?
Assuming that’s the timeline (and PKR has relented), what will happen is that Anwar becomes prime minister, and will immediately chart his own course away from the shadow of Mahathir, showing he is his own man… at last. I agree with Mahathir on one point: "So if we want to choose a prime minister, the candidate is not important. Winning (over) the majority (in Parliament) is what is important.” That’s the crux of the matter. Leaving aside personal/political preference for prime minister, can either Mahathir or Anwar deliver enough bums to occupy a majority of seats in Parliament in July? Who got how many? If one can claim a majority, fine. If both can’t count on a majority, this is a waste of time, with the cost of a souring of the coalition – sensitivities trampled on, prickly pride puffed up. I end on a note to readers of Malaysiakini who have been injudicious in their comments, leading to editor-in-chief Steven Gan having to get all togged up in a suit to wear in court so people won’t think he’s there for stealing petai. It’s just a matter of perspective, a matter of being positive about life. A recent court acquittal was evidence of a corruption-free society. Surely something to cheer, not jeer. - Thor Kah Hoong,mk
Sudah tiba masanya Mahathir yang harus berkorban...Tun elok bersara terus dan berehat. 1. Jika PH hanya mahu merampas kuasa untuk jangka masa pendek (supaya bekas Menteri2 PH yang gila kuasa dapat kembali berkuasa), mereka akan sokong Mahathir sebagai PM9 tetapi bukan demi negara ataupun PH. Namun, tiada jaminan bahawa PH akan diberi peluang untuk memerintah lagi, kerana Agong boleh membubarkan Dewan Rakyat dengan serta merta.
2. Apakah 'agenda' Mahathir yang beliau boleh buat dalam 6 bulan, tetapi gagal disempurnakan selama 22 bulan sebelum ini? (Pastikan Najib masuk penjara?) Jika ada, biar lah PM PH yang baru ambil alih, supaya 'agenda' tersebut akan dapat dikekalkan untuk jangka masa panjang, bukan untuk 6 bulan saja 3. Kalau PRU15 diadakan sebelum 2023, siapa lah yang akan menjadi calon PM untuk PH? Mahathir lagi, yang sudah berusia 95+ (dan sebab utama negara mengalami kemelut politik)?? PH pasti akan kalah kalau Mahathir yang jadi calon PM lagi, ia hanya membuktikan bahawa, langsung tiada pemimpin lain dalam PH yang layak menjadi PM. PH patut gulung tikar dengan serta merta.
4. Pengalihan kuasa daripada Mahathir kepada penggantinya (Anwar kah, orang lain kah) akan mencetuskan ketidakstabilan negara sekali lagi(kerana PM baru tidak semestinya mendapat sokongan penuh, seperti Mahathir). Oleh itu, mana2 kerajaan baru PH patut dipimpin oleh PM yang akan kekal sebagai PM sehingga tamat penggal. Ini juga dapat memberi masa yang mencukupi kepada PM baru untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau ada kemampuan untuk mentadbir negara, supaya PH boleh menghadapi PRU15 dipimpin oleh PM yang sudah terbukti. 5. Sepanjang Mahathir menjadi PM, PH semakin lemah. Mahathir tidak berniat untuk memperkuatkan kedudukan PH sebagai sebuah gabungan politik. Oleh sebab itu, PH tidak akan mampu bersaing dengan UMNO PAS selepas Mahathir meninggalkan PH (selepas memenuhi agenda peribadinya).
5 sekawan...
6. Jika Mahathir ikhlas ingin memastikan bahawa 'reformasi' kerajaan (kononnya...) dapat disempurnakan dan diperkasakan untuk jangka masa panjang, beliau sendirilah yang harus berkorban dan menyokong PM PH yang baru. Bersatu dah buang Tun dan 5 sekawan. Takkan PH masih nak berPMkan Tun lagi kot. Atas merit apa? Parti dia pun dah tak nak dia? 7. Last, but not least, janji2 Mahathir TIDAK boleh dipercayai lagi. Mahathirlah letak jawatan TANPA berunding dengan rakan2 terlebih dahulu, dan cuba membentuk 'kerajaan perpaduan' dengan yang bukan PH tanpa minta persetujuan rakan2 PH. Mahathirlah yang menyebabkan kerajaan PH tumbang, tetapi sehingga hari ini, beliau masih TIDAK pernah mohon maaf.
Kalau Mahathir mahu PH percaya pada beliau lagi, kenapa pula bukan beliau sendiri yang percaya pada PM PH yang baru (bahawa PM baru akan teruskan apa2 'agenda' yang Mahathir ingin melaksanakan sebagai PM9)? Kenapa kepercayaan ini hanya 'One Way street' saja? Maka sudah jelas bahawa Mahathir hanya mahu kembali sebagai PM untuk agenda PERIBADI dan balas dendam (terhadap UMNO khususnya?) beliau, BUKAN demi kebaikan negara ataupun PH. Jika Mahathir betul2 berwawasan, pandang jauh dan sanggup berkorban demi kebaikan negara, beliau harus undur diri dan sokong PM PH yang baru, bukan lagi minta orang lain 'berkorban' untuk dirinya lagi - Adiismail Adiismail
Jika hangpa bijak membaca statement di atas saja kita dah tau bahawa Atok ni bukan nak sangat jadi PM semula. Dia cuma nak kekalkan PN sahaja dengan cara mencalonkan diri sendiri menjadi PM PH supaya PH berpecah. Kalu Tun dan Shapie taknak sokong Anwar jadi PM, marilah kita sama2 jadi pembangkang saja...- f/bk
Persoalannya... 1. Apa keperluan PM interim ke-2? 2. Apa jadi pada PH plus selepas Tun turun dan bagi laluan pada Anwar? 3. Adakah orang2 Tun akan terus menyokong Anwar selepas Tun bersara? 4. Sia2 saja jika bentuk gomen yang sama rapuh seperti PN. 5. Halatuju gomen baru lebih penting dari menjatuhkan PN. 6. Hangpa nak maki aku, makilah tapi aku manyak happy... pikiaq2 mai -TS
Tolak Tun M dan kekal bersama PH.
Jatuh bagun kita bersama...
Wow!!! 115 out of 21,587 Phd holders in Malaysia
Hebat betoi Din...
Regardless Of Anwar Ibrahim’s Decision, PKR, DAP and Amanah Must Stay United In Pakatan Harapan...
We had written the risk of allowing Mahathir Mohamad to again become a prime minister. In a nutshell, he cannot be trusted. Anwar Ibrahim should be made the new Prime Minister, not Mahathir. Exactly why must Anwar be unfairly mistreated after all his sacrifices while the evil Mahathir, who did not even spend a single day in prison, is given the job again for the third time?
Yes, the ideal choice to the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition is for Anwar to be crowned as the 9th Prime Minister. Screw Mahathir! Long live Anwar! But that was “before” Sabah-based Warisan leader, Shafee Apdal, announced that his choice must be the 94-year-old Mahathir. So in reality, even with the entire PH’s 91 votes behind him, Anwar cannot become the next premier.
The best scenario is for Anwar to become the PM and Mahathir’s son, Mukhriz, as deputy PM with the bonus of Mahathir as Mentor Minister thrown in. But such proposal failed to take off. Therefore, the next option is to work with the devil himself – Mahathir – in order to snatch back the government from backdoor Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who is doing all the UMNO dirty works.
The Mahathir-Anwar combo is not the ideal solution, but unfortunately, it is the only realistic workaround on the table simply because Anwar could not convince either Sabah-based Warisan (9 MPs) or Sarawak-based GPS (18 MPs) to support him – pure and simple! Which part of this that Mahathir-haters or Anwar-supporters don’t understand? A perfect and ideal solution is unavailable.
However, when DAP’s organising secretary, Anthony Loke Siew Fook, revealed that both DAP and Amanah are waiting for PKR president Anwar Ibrahim to decide on the tag-team combo, all hell breaks loose. Anwar’s aide, Perak PKR Chief Mohd Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak, has condemned DAP – “Is this how you repay Anwar for a friendship built over 20 years?”
Seriously? Does the Anwar’s aide really want to go there? When Mahathir unleashed Zakir Naik to bark and insult the non-Malays, telling the Chinese to go back to China and the Hindus to go back to India, where was Anwar Ibrahim? Anwar obediently agreed with Mahathir not to extradite the hate preacher. Is that how Anwar repay non-Malays for a friendship built over 20 years?
Selangor PKR Youth secretary Ahmad Syukri Abd Razab has even suggested that Anwar quit the Pakatan Harapan coalition to teach DAP and Amanah a lesson. Why must PKR go ballistic when DAP was merely asking Anwar not to drag his feet and decide about the Mahathir-Anwar combo? If Anwar and his party do not agree, just say so. There’s no need to threaten.
It’s the childish behaviour of PKR leaders like Mohd Farhash and Ahmad Syukri, as well as Anwar’s indecisiveness that had allowed Azmin Ali to easily manipulate and betray the party in the first place. Only now PKR leaders whined, moaned and bitched about how Mahathir ignored PKR’s recommendation for ministerships, and appointed Azmin as the Economic Affairs Minister.
Had the PKR leaders courageously threatened to quit the coalition (the same way they are threatening DAP and Amanah now) when Mahathir defiantly appointed Azmin with the evil intention of splitting PKR back in 2018, the coup might not have happened. Anwar’s boys knew it 2 years ago, but talked as if Mahathir’s plan of using Azmin as a mole in the party just happened yesterday.
Fine, Mahathir had caused the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government. Can DAP and Amanah also naughtily suspect that there’s more to Anwar’s private meeting in April with Muhyiddin than meets the eye? How could Anwar meet so soon the same traitor who had conspired with Azmin and robbed his chance of becoming the 8th Prime Minister?
After uproars over Anthony Loke’s so-called “pressure” on Anwar to speed up his response, PH secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said Anwar had travelled to Sarawak, presumably to win over the hearts of Sarawak party leaders. Another source claimed Anwar is even seeking an audience with some Malay Rulers in order to legitimise himself as the PM candidate.
Has Anwar gotten any favourable replies from Sabah and Sarawak, let alone approvals to meet the monarchs? If not, that suggests a huge problem, is it not? Forget Sarawak, which is a harder nut to crack. Let’s talk about Sabah. Did Anwar at least manage to convince Chief Minister Shafee Apdal to support him as the 10th Prime Minister after Mahathir’s exit in 6 months?
Like it or not, the fact remains that Anwar Ibrahim, and Pakatan Harapan (formerly Pakatan Rakyat) for that matter, had tried for 20 years to unseat the mighty Barisan Nasional regime without any success – until the alliance with Mahathir. And now the same old man wanted to get rid of Perikatan Nasional regime, a common enemy, but PKR is getting very emotional instead of objective. Even if Mahathir has no intention of stepping down after 6 months as promised, one thing is pretty sure – he desperately wants to send UMNO crooks like Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Tengku Adnan, Bung Moktar and Azeez Abdul Rahim to prison. If PKR thinks it’s not worthwhile to even see these spectacular fireworks, then reject Mahathir’s proposal. Just be decisive!
But besides waiting for the next 15th General Election, which may not happen after all until 2023 because the backdoor government of Muhyiddin is no longer under threat thanks to the failure of Mahathir-Anwar combo, what else can PKR and PH do? Has anyone noticed the return of the old UMNO regime with government critics increasingly being charged with sedition?
We’ve also published previously that there’s no right or wrong answer as to whether PH should work again with Mahathir. It depends on how desperate PH wants to take back its legitimate power – immediately or wait until the next general election, which is about 3 years away. At the end of the day, if Pakatan Harapan value principles more than politics, then continues as the Opposition.
The most important part is for all the component parties – PKR, DAP and Amanah – to stay united. If PKR decides to let Muhyiddin rules and plunders until 2023, then DAP and Amanah should abandon the plan to work with Mahathir again and close ranks to prevent Pakatan Harapan from a total collapse. But get ready to accept that what is happening to Hannah Yeoh will continue for the next 3 years. - FT