Menang jadi arang kalah jadi abu...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Saturday, 30 November 2019

Menang jadi arang kalah jadi abu....
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Pepatah melayu ada mengatakan...'Menang jadi arang kalah jadi abu'

Aku setuju dengan atok 100%. Pikir logiklah kalau keluarga chinpeng nak seludup abu masuk malaysia secara diam. Benda boleh buat. Tapi kenapa benda ni kecoh. Ini semua kerja MCA. Saja nak buat kecoh. Supaya orang melayu marah dengan DAP. Mca nak kaitkan isu abu ini dengan DAP. Akhirnya makan diri.

Yang kita risau peruntukan untuk OKU tidak di luluskan di parlimen. Bukan komunis yang tolak undi bajet oku. Tapi ahli parlimen umno dan pas. Bermakna dia orang ni lebih ganas dari zionis dan komunis. Apa dosa anak anak oku kepada mereka.

Yang penting peralihan kuasa tetap berlaku. Insyallah Anwar Ibrahim pm ke 8. Tan sri Muhiyiddin Yasin TPM. siapa tak suka itu dia punya pasai...- f/bk

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Di kalangan pemimpin Umno pun meluat dekat Pas nih.. Dalam muafakat masih berkecamuk mereka sudah melobi siapa bakal PM. Haji Hadi sudah tentu teringin nak duduk kerusi PM, ye lah mungkin dah bosan asyik-asyik jadi PM Online saja.

Aku katakan, Pas akan melingkop kerana amanat almarhum TG Nik Aziz dah sebut, Umno parti khianat.. kepimpinan Pas dah masuk perangkap Umno hanya kerana mereka sesama pembangkang. Sekarang lagilah teruk lepas jadi khadam MCA. 

Kita tgk pembahagian kerusi DUN Kelantan dan Terengganu. Kedua2 kerusi tu BN hanya 8 dan 10 kerusi. Tak sampai pun setengah. Kalu jumlah kerusi sekarang BN nk tuntut kerusi TMB pun payah.

Adakah PAS sanggup bagi kerusi yg telah di menangi kpd BN. Kat sini akan berlaku tikam blkg- f/bk
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Pasai apa perlu lebai ikut 
sama terjun telaga...

Tiada apa-apa masalah kalau pun PAS hendak bermuafakat dengan UMNO, MCA dan juga MIC. Muafakat politik sesuatu yang dihalalkan kerana dalam konteks politik Malaysia tidak ada mana-mana parti boleh survive secara bersendirian atau hanya berharap sokongan satu bangsa atau kaum sahaja.

Tetapi yang penting dan perlu diinsafi biarlah muafakat itu membawa kebaikan buat semua dan jangan ia dibuat berlandaskan nafsu semata-mata atau mengejar kuasa untuk berkuasa atau pun kerana terikut-ikut atau terpaksa tanpa menilai baikdan buruknya.

Kejadian 28 orang anggota parlimen tidak menyokong bajet untuk Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat di mana dalam bajet itu terkandung peruntukan bantuan untuk Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) adalah sesuatu yang menyedihkan.
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Inilah muka-muka pengkhianat rakyat terdiri daripada ahli-ahli parlimen penyamun dan lebai penipu yang cuba gagalkan peruntukan kebajikan bulanan untuk orang miskin (termasuk anak yatim), orang sakit, kanak-kanak, warga emas, dan orang kurang upaya (OKU).Mereka dapat gaji dan elaun puluhan ribu sebulan tetapi disebabkan hati busuk main politik tak kira tempat, orang miskin pun hampir jadi mangsa mereka!- f/bk

28 orang wakil rakyat itu termasuk juga tiga orang daripada parti yang berjuang untuk membawa kesejahtraan kepada rakyat didunia dan akhirat, yakni PAS. Apabila tiga anggota parlimen PAS, bersekongkol dengan 25 anggota parlimen UMNO, satu MCA dan satu MIC yang menolak bajet itu, menjelaskan PAS tidak berfikir jauh mengenai itu sedia terjun telaga buta bersama UMNO.

Kita percaya mereka ikut menolak kerana mahu menghidupkan semangat mufakat. Tindakan itu tidak kena, muafakat apa kalau ia boleh dianggap tidak mempedulikan nasib orang kurang upaya. Janganlah kerana orang terjun telaga buruk kita juga terjun sama.

PAS berjuang bermati-matian untuk membawa semua orang ke syurga bagi mendapat kehidupan yang selesa, cukup makan, senang berjalan, tetapi alih-alih dalam melestarikan perjuanngannya tidak mencermin ke arah itu.
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PAS berjihad mengkhianati rakyat..

Mereka boleh bermuafakat dengan UMNO tetapi janganlah sampai ikut sama menyokong kegiatan-kegiatan yang menjatuhkan imej dan akhlak parti berkenaan. UMNO memang sudah terbiasa dan budaya mereka melakukan kerja-kerja jahat dan zalim.

Atas kekhilafan itu ketiga-tiga orang wakil rakyat PAS itu perlu memohon maaf atas keterlanjuran mereka. Mereka patut sedar dan tahu malu apa yang mereka lakukan itu sudah terpesong daripada akhlak perjuangan parti itu.

Tiga ahli parlimen PAS yang turut bersama UMNO tidak menyokong bajet berkenaan adalah, Ahmad Tarmizi (Sik), Wan Hassan (Dungun) dan wakil rakyat kesayangan gemulah Mek, Siti Zailah (Rantau Panjang). Mereka perlu memohon maaf kepada warga OKU.

Kepada wakil Rantau Panjang, belajarlah untuk jadi matang bersikap professional seperti wakil Pasir Mas walaupun ia berpangkat anak, tetapi wakil Pasir Mas dilihat matucre. - mso

Mendengar kenyataan bodoh yg dibuat oleh MP Kota Bharu ini,maka jelaslah yg dia seorg yg EGO,SOMBONG dan BODOH DGN PERANAN SEORG MP..

Jadi,kerja pembangkang hanya ambil kesempatan politik?Tak kira apa isu sekalipun?Maknanya OKU,WARGA EMAS dan KANAK2 di kawasan kamu tak perlu kamu bantu krana itu bkn tugas kamu?

Kerja kamu siang mlm hanya melalak dan terpekik terlolong hal2 politik kepartian?Patutpun ramai warga emas yg melarat di Kota Bharu,kamu tdk bela?tdk perduli?sbb itu bkn urusan kamu?
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Dlm usul utk tambah bajet bg golongan OKU,warga emas dan kanak2 pun,kamu masih bermain politik dgn menolak usul tersebut krana utamakan kepentingan politik kepartian kamu..Aku harap tiada golongan2 itu yg akn meludah muka kamu dgn sikap tdk berhati perut kamu..

Waktu usul kjaan untuk beri peruntukan kpd pejabat parlimen korang, tak nak pulak berfikir macam tu, laju je korang sokong sbb duit masuk kat korang kan?

Sanggup jadikan OKU, orang2 tua dan kanak2 sebagai mangsa mainan politik bangsat lebai. Sembang agama lebat, tapi hati busuk. Alhamdulillah, bajet lulus juga walaupun MP2 bangsat tu menentangnya.- f/bk

Chin Peng - Former Communist Malaya Leader
The hypocrisy over Chin Peng...

The hypocrisy over the return of the ashes of the former secretary-general of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), Chin Peng, is astounding, but ironically, he has the last laugh.

Against all odds, he had the final say on the day he died, and six years later, continues to run rings around our administration.

Malaysia has no time to divert resources to investigate the controversy caused by Chin Peng's cermains. The country has to recover from Umno-Baru's thefts and mismanagement of the economy.

Disgraced Najib Abdul Razak said that Pakatan Harapan was "desperate" to allow the return of Chin Peng's ashes, and he demanded to know how this would revive the deteriorating economy. Other Umno-Baru/PAS politicians have also jumped onto this bandwagon.

Some people want Chin Peng's friends to be investigated for bringing his ashes home, but the critics close one eye to our dependency on trade with the People's Republic of China, China’s role in bailing-out Najib's 1MDB thefts, and the millions of China nationals, whose tourist dollars we welcome. They ignore the role Peking played in controlling Chin Peng, funding his outlawed CPM and spreading communist propaganda with China-based transmitters.

There is no denying the atrocities committed by the CPM, nor the deaths of thousands of Malayans, including Dayak scouts, and British and Commonwealth citizens.
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Batang Kali massacre

We may wonder what history books teach our children. Is there objectivity, a mention of what both sides did, and a chance to be critical about the possible consequences?

Do the books state that in World War II (WWII), Chin Peng worked with British commandos in Force 136, to gather intelligence behind enemy lines, and liberate Malaya from Japanese rule? He was against colonial rule, and the war made Japan his 'new' enemy. Chin Peng justified working with the British, because "his enemy's enemy" was his friend.

Few Malaysians are aware that when the Japanese surrendered, some parts of the country were ruled, for several days, by the CPM, until the return of the British administration from exile in Ceylon.

Do history books mention the Batang Kali massacre, caused by rogue elements in the British Army? Do our pupils learn about the failure of the Baling Talks, in December 1955, because Chin Peng could not accept some of the terms in the amnesty offered by Tunku Abdul Rahman?

Will children be told, that Chin Peng lived in exile in Peking (now Beijing), from 1961, for 29 years? Will they see the hypocrisy of the leaders of the previous Umno-Baru/BN government, who were courting the friendship of China, while Chin Peng was being instructed by the Chinese Communist Party in Peking?

During 'The Emergency', the communists forced villagers to reserve dried fish, rice, and medicine for them, and burnt their homes, if they refused. To spread fear, the communists would eject bus passengers, then set the buses alight. They wanted to strangle the economy, but their efforts alienated the people.
Image result for Briggs Plan"
The New Villages

To stop any collaboration, "New Villages", complete with water and electricity supplies, were set up by the British in the "Briggs Plan". It was also a propaganda war. CPM said the barbed wire was to imprison the villagers. The British said the barbed wire was to repel the communists and protect the people. The Internal Security Act (ISA) and the identity card (IC) probably had their roots then.

In WWII, the Japanese killed millions of people, including thousands who perished in Malaya, Singapore and Borneo. Torture and beheadings were frequent. With food shortages, tapioca became our staple diet. Girls were sent to Japanese army-run brothels, as comfort women, and men were shipped north, to work on the death railway. Few returned.

Today, all the Japanese war crimes have been forgotten, memorials are erected for "Japanese war heroes", and our homes are full of 'Made in Japan' and 'Made in China' products.

Ironically, Chin Peng's ashes are considered more dangerous. For some people, Chin Peng is useful, because his past can be used to foment discord and whip-up public sentiment; but, no one could rival Chin Peng's timing. He couldn't have chosen a better day, September 16, which is Malaysia Day, to die, aware that he could not return home and his ashes would not be allowed to be interred in the family vault, in Sitiawan.

The Peace Treaty of 1989 was brokered by the Thai government, and signed by Thailand, Malaysia and the CPM. The CPM disbanded, but Malaysia reneged on the deal and banned Chin Peng from entry.

Today, Chin Peng's ashes live on as a convenient propaganda tool for Malay nationalists.

The irony is that when we celebrate Malaysia Day, it cannot escape us, that this day also commemorates Chin Peng's death.

The critics have no issue with repatriating ISIS-inspired Islamic terrorists and their warped ideologies, nor do they complain that we harbour fugitives from overseas, who use religion to divide us.

Amidst all the hypocrisy, there is one communist lesson which we refuse to learn, and that is how China deals with corruption; one bullet to the back of the head, for which the family is billed.

Ultimately, life is a series of propaganda battles and we are all pawns in someone's quest for power. One cannot simply airbrush Chin Peng from the Merdeka story. His challenge to the Tunku, at Baling, helped to accelerate the process of independence from the British. - Mariam Mokhtar,mk
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This Is Zahid Ponorogo

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Ex-IGP dah bersuara,ulama tom yam dan burger belom...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Friday, 29 November 2019

Ex-IGP dah bersuara,ulama tom yam dan burger belom....
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Pandangan dan pendapat diberikan oleh bekas Ketua Polis Negara Abdul Rahim Noor mengenai abu Chin Peng atau nama sebenarnya Ong Boon Hua munasabah dan praktikal.

Kata Rahim kenapa harus pertikai abu Chin Peng yang dibawa balik dan ditabur di selat Melaka dan banjaran Tititwangsa itu. Alasan Rahim senang sahaja, kalau selepas perjanjian perdamaian Disember 1989, semua mana-mana anggota Komunis yang berada di luar boleh balik kenapa pula tidak dengan abu mereka.

Pada Disember 1989 kerajaan Malaysia bersama kerajaan Thailnad telah mengadakan perjanjian perdamaian dengan Komunis Malaya dan Siam. Antara lain hasil perjanjian itu anggota Komunis yang berada di luar negara dibenarkan pulang dengan syarat-syarat tertentu. Salah satu syarat ialah agar tidak cuba membangkit atau menubuh semula gerakan itu.

Jadi adalah pelik cara orang Malaysia berfikir mengenai bekas anggota PKM itu. Mungkin ia sama pelik dengan cara hukum agama oleh setengah aliran atau mazhab yang mengharamkan memakan penyu tetapi dibenarkan memakan telurnya. Barang kali dalam kes Chin Peng ini mereka berfikir maca penyu dan telur itu jugalah.

Saya tunggu apa komen dan khilaf ulama mengenai abu Chin Peng ini. Saya tidak mahu dengar khilaf daripada ulama dan ustaz politik kerana mereka selalu memberi pendapat dan menjatuhkan hukum mengikut selera mereka. Mereka membuat hukum macam orang demam ada kala nak makan tom yam, ada kala nak makan burger.

Jadi ulama bertaraf Mufti yang bijak pandai dan bijak "agah" itu ayuh keluarkan pendapat anda mengenai abu Chin Ping itu. Kenapa anda diam membisu dan nampaknya Rahim Noor lebih berani dan waras. - mso

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Mutiny in PKR, bounty for others...

People of my generation will remember the movie “Mutiny on the Bounty” not only because of its storyline but also because of the performance of Marlon Brando as Fletcher Christian.

What we are witnessing today in the ranks of PKR is nothing short of a mutiny. How else can you explain the walkout by Ginie Lim and Muhammad Jailani Khamis from the Melaka state assembly at a crucial time when the appointment of its state chairman Halim Bachik as a senator was up for count? It was deliberate. It was calculated. And it was executed as planned to deny their state chief the senatorship.

We witnessed the same mutiny in Sarawak where state chief Baru Bian refused to proceed with the PKR convention in Miri which nonetheless continued without his presence or blessings. Baru made a rather weak attempt to justify why Sarawak would not proceed with the convention until the party settles the issue of the opening of the PKR Youth wing congress in December by PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali.

The icing on the cake was the manner in which Azmin and vice-president Zuraida Kamaruddin have been nothing than less defiant and confrontational towards their president Anwar Ibrahim, the prime minister-in-waiting and the man who was, and still is, the flag bearer of the Reformasi movement.

As a result of this fractious and delicate relationship at the very top level, the second-liners have also become embroiled in open warfare. In all probability, it will filter down to the grassroots levels. Time will tell if this will happen, but the writing is certainly on the wall.

Who will ultimately benefit from a PKR implosion? I will not say that your guess is as good as mine. The fact is, united you stand, divided you fall. The situation at the moment is out of control and, unfortunately for PKR, they are in a catch-22 position.

To sack Lim and Jailani from PKR for walking out of the Melaka state assembly when it mattered the most could mean a backdoor entry for the Umno-led Barisan Nasional to take control of the state government by a simple majority if both elected representatives become independents. If that works for Melaka, it could also work for Perak and Kedah where Pakatan Harapan enjoys a slim majority over the opposition.

Was this a masterful stroke by someone with a shrewd mind to test the murky waters of politics? Could be. Is it written in the stars that Anwar will never be our prime minister, whether by fair or foul means? Might be.

But sadly, the people who are most affected by these ongoing shenanigans are not the politicians. It is not the top government officials or the rich and super-rich. It is the common man on the street. As long as there is no political stability, nothing will move. So while the politicians busy themselves with power plays, ordinary folk like me have nothing to look forward to and have to fend for ourselves, uncertain of what the future holds for us.

Shakespeare’s line in Julius Caesar, “Mischief, thou art afoot, take thou what course thou wilt”, could well be used to describe what is currently happening in this country. I pray that I am dreadfully wrong about this. - Clement Stanley 
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Isshhh awat takut sangat istihar harta nihh..

Foto yg disahkan perasmian bangunan Surau Sg Udang


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Tak benarkan abu Chin Peng pulang jahil kata bekas Ketua Polis

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Thursday, 28 November 2019

Tak benarkan abu Chin Peng pulang jahil kata bekas Ketua Polis. RAKYAT Malaysia yang tidak berpuas hati dengan "abu mayat Chin Peng" diminta membaca perjanjian yang telah ditandatangani oleh tiga pihak, Malaysia, Thailand dan Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) yang kini sudah tidak berfungsi lagi kata bekas ketua polis negara Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor lapor — Malay Mail. Menurutnya, mereka yang tidak berpuas hati tentang tindakan membawa pulang abu mayat bekas
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PAS tuduh PH bawa balik abu Chin Peng...

Posted by Kerah Lekung

PAS tuduh PH bawa balik abu Chin Peng....

Tuan Ibrahim ni kalau Jahil takpe.. Tapi Jangan jadi Jahat dari UMNO nak kait dengan agenda Komunis dalam isu Abu Chin peng.... Nak main isu Chin Peng pun, Tengok kiri kanan.. yang sokong Abu mayat Chin peng dibawa balik ni rakan taawwun depa jugak MCA..

Apa masalah dengan Bani Melayu ni.. Dengan Abu mayat pun takut.. ?Lantak depa lah nak tabur mana pun, nak tabur dalam sungai depan rumah aku pun..aku bagi.. No hal lah... Takda kena mengena dengan Agenda Komunis..

Masa Kerajaan UMNO Abadikan nama Henrey Gurney pada nama Bagunan, Hotel,Mercu tanda, Sekolah, Jalan takda pulak kita bising.. Sedangkan dalam Sejarah Henry Gurney lah arkitek kewujudan negara Zionis Israel di Palestin..

Sapa yang Bunuh Henry Gurney..? yg bunuh tu Chin peng(PKM)..patutnya terima kasih lah kat dia sama sebab bunuh Arkitek negara Haram Zionis Israel..Sebab jasa Henry Gurney lah , sampai hari ini Rakyat Palestine menjadi mangsa kekejaman tentera Zionis Israel..
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PAS tiap tahun sambut hari "Nakbah" kononnya mengenangkan peristiwa pembunuhan beramai ramai Dier yasin.. selepas peristiwa Nakbah tahun 1948, Selepas itu.. Henry Gurney dihantar ke Tanah Melayu, Dia dilantik Pesuruhjaya British ke Tanah Melayu..

Bukan calang calang, PesuruhJaya British yang dihantar ke Tanah melayu, orang yang sebelumnya berjaya menubuhkan Negara haram yahudi.. entah entah kalau Chin Peng tak bunuh Henry Gurney.. Singapura hari ni dah jadi mcm Israel lah kut..

Kami pun tak suruh kita buang nama Henry Gurney kat Pulau Pinang tu , Tak suruh hina pun.. sama lah mcm kisah Chin Peng..Depa ni sebahagian dari Sejarah, Ada yang kita setuju dan tak setuju dengan perjuangan depa.. namapun Sejarah.. Depa ini sama sama memperjuangkan Kemerdekaan dulu..

Cuma kita tak sama Idealogi..sama mcm kat Syria hari ini, Dalam Perjuangan membebaskan Syria..Ada yg pro basyar Russia, ada Jihadist Pro US yang angkat Senjata menentang basyar.. yg berbeza mazhab dan Idealogi Politik pada waktu itu..
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Bukan hanya Chin Peng pemimpin haluan Kiri, Dulu Hizbul Muslimin,PKMM adalah kelompok haluan kiri.. Bukan hanya Chin Peng, Rashid Maidin, Shamseah Fakeh antara pemimpin berhaluan kiri.. Sejarah hanya tafsiran.. Ada yg kata British Penjajah, jepun Penjajah..Sebelum ini kita melaksanakan dasar pandang ke timur( Jepun), Habis Jepun dan British tak bunuh pemimpin dan orang Melayu ?

Sudah sudah lah berpolitik.. Jangan jadi seperti kelompok Ghuluw dalam kelompok rafidhah Syiah.. Kebencian dan dendam mereka atas kematian dan pembunuhan Saidina Hussin, Saidina Ali..akhirnya dibawa kebencian depa di dalam aliran agama dan Politik.. Sejarah tetap Sejarah, Tak perlu kita maki hamun Abdullah Bin Muljam, Atau Yazid Muawwiyah.. Itu adalah sejarah Politik Islam..

Contoh mudah kes Memali.. Samalah mcm PKM.. Taknak tunduk dan letak senjata kepada Kerajaan kerana depa percaya kononnya UMNO dan Kerajaan tunku dulu tali barut British.. Sama mcm Pengikut Ibrahim Libya..Taknak tunduk kepada penguasa untuk ditahan ISA, kerana depa dianggap Kerajaan UMNO Toghut,Penjajah Bristish, Perlembagaan kapir sebagaimana dalam Amanat Haji Hadi.. mereka ini juga Taksub dengan revolusi Iran..Ayatullah Khomeini pada ketika itu....
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Dalam Sejarah Memali.. Ada yang puja dan sambut peristiwa Memali sebagai Hero, Mati Syahid..ada yang anggap Ibrahim libya itu pemberontak.. Apa kita ingat takda anggota Polis yang terluka akibat dibunuh pengikut Ibrahim Libya..tapi itu sejarah, tak perlu maki Ibrahim Libya dan pengikutnya..

Sudah sudah lah PAS menghasut.. Sekarang PAS lagi teruk dari UMNO mainkan sentimen kaum dan Agama.. Tapi tidak lah kita hairan, Ikut Sejarah penubuhan PAS, PAS ditubuhkan oleh Ulama UMNO sendiri.. PAS berbeza dengan Hizbul Muslimin.. Memang PAS lahir dari kelompok Ashabiyah.. dari Ashabiyah dia datang, Kepada Asahbiyah dia kembali.. - Ipohmali

Even in death, Chin Peng 
still stirs strong emotions...

They say that if you want to destroy a nation, you mess around with the children's education. In Malaysia, we tinker with our history and leave out important bits, so that our children are ignorant about our past. Many historians have been made to toe the political line. This has prevented us from moving forwards, as many of us don't know our past history, origin and culture.

Two months ago, on Malaysia Day, 16 September, the ashes of the former secretary-general of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), Chin Peng, who died in exile, in Thailand, were returned to Malaysia, and scattered in the sea off Lumut, and in the jungles of the Titiwangsa mountain range.

Chin Peng was born in Sitiawan, Perak, in 1924, and was named Ong Boon Hua, by his parents. To many Malay nationalists, and leaders of the previous Umno-Baru regime, Chin Peng was a traitor who killed thousands of innocent civilians during the period known as 'The Emergency'. To Malaysians who are less ignorant about our history, Chin Peng was a patriot and a freedom-fighter, who sought to liberate Malaya from colonial rule.

However, when World War II broke out, the British made contact with Chin Peng, through their commandos in Force 136. They gathered intelligence behind enemy lines, and started a guerrilla war, to fight the Japanese who had conquered Malaya, Singapore and East Asia.

The Japanese army and their Kempeitai caused untold suffering to the residents of Malaya. Attractive girls were selected to become comfort women for the army and scores of thousands of able-bodied men were forced to build the infamous death railway to Burma. Very few returned.
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After the war, King George VI, honoured Chin Peng with two campaign medals and an Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his services to the Crown in Japanese occupied Malaya. He refused to accept the honours, because he was aware that these enticements would have meant he would have to disband his fighters in the Malayan Peoples Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA). Soon after the surrender of the Japanese, the British returned to re-establish their hold on the nation. The threat of civil unrest was real. There was terrible hardship in the land.

According to Chin Peng's account of 'The Emergency', in his book, "My Side of History", people were starving, they wanted jobs, they wanted rice to feed their families. Food supplies were running out and prices soared, because of corruption. He claimed that on 21 October 1945, British troops fired live rounds on tens of thousands of demonstrators in Sungai Siput, Ipoh, and Batu Gajah. This fuelled the simmering discontent of the local population against the returning British.

Instead of organising national resistance against the British, the CPM sought to influence the population using moderation and respect for order. They encouraged the formation of people's committees, clubs, unions and organisations for workers, including young women and youths.

Those who have some knowledge of our early history know that the Baling talks were held in 1956, between Chin Peng, Tunku Abdul Rahman, and David Marshall, in an effort to end the atrocities of 'The Emergency'.

The talks failed, because the surrender terms were not acceptable to Chin Peng. He wanted recognition for the CPM's efforts in fighting for independence and political recognition. The British wanted complete humiliation for the CPM, especially as trouble was brewing in the south of Vietnam, between Ho Chi Minh and the Americans. So, will Malay nationalists, demand that the friends and colleagues who brought Chin Peng's ashes back home, be punished?
Image result for Chin Peng

How will they justify this, especially as the majority of Malaysians, are furiously against the repatriation of ISIS fighters? Some of the al-Qaeda and ISIS inspired Malaysian terrorists are chemical engineers and explosive experts, who will bomb nightclubs to kill and maim innocent civilians. They intend to kidnap tourists or westerners and decapitate them. Others want to use anthrax, to kill people.

After a peace treaty was brokered by the Thai government, and signed by the Malaysian government, the Thai authorities and the CPM in Hadyai, in 1987, the former CPM guerillas were allowed to return to Malaysia, given Malaysian citizenship and reintegrated into society; however, Chin Peng was forbidden from entering Malaysia.

When he died at 88, in Bangkok, on 16 September 2013, Chin Peng's funeral was attended by retired generals of the Thai army and a former Thai prime minister, but his ashes were not allowed to be interred in his ancestral grave, in Sitiawan. Some Umno-Baru politicians claimed that he had left a trail of bloodshed, and they did not want people to make his tomb a shrine.

How do some nationalists justify the memorial which was built in Kedah, in March 2019, to honour the "Japanese heroes", who invaded Malaya? In the Japanese Imperial conquest of Malaya, Borneo and the Far East in WWII, millions died, and 200,000 civilians perished in the Nanking Massacre.

History, as it is taught in our schools, needs a revamp. Education Minister, Dr Maszlee Malik must present our children with both sides of the story and let them figure out why things happened. Chin Peng went from liberator, to public enemy. - Mariam Mokhtar
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Finally Najib got screwed. AG Thomas has got the British Courts to acknowledge 
the plunder of 1MDB by Najib! Now Malaysia can stop paying IPIC the loan!!!

Balik Lambat,Tidoq Lewat "Ahli Parlimen Mengadu Penat"

Rasmi surau dgn pakaian yg tak sopan langsung.

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Sumber asal: PAS tuduh PH bawa balik abu Chin Peng...
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Bintang bucu 5 mirip ciptaan asal jalur gemilang

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Bintang bucu 5 mirip ciptaan asal jalur gemilang. DUA tiga hari ini kecoh di media sosial berhubung isu jalur gemilang dengan bintangnya berbucu 5, pelbagai ulasan dan pendapat berhubung isu itu boleh kita baca. Aku cuba membuat sedikit carian, hasilnya aku dapati rekaan jalur gemilang dengan bintang berbucu lima itu sebenarnya merupakan ciptaan asal jalur gemilang sebelum munculnya rekaan yang sedia-ada pada hari ini. Berdasarkan sejarah pada
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Habib Terapung di Udara

Posted by Kerah Lekung

Habib Terapung di Udara Kesaktian seorang Habib Terapung di Udara. Perkongsian Habib Salim video Habib Omar Terapung di Udara. Jiwa pasti kagum! Kesaktian Habib! Cinta Habib! #Habib #Rasullullah #Islam

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Tiba2 bendera 5 bintang berada dalam pasaran negara...

Posted by Kerah Lekung

Tiba2 bendera 5 bintang berada dalam pasaran negara....
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Sejak semalam bila Viral isu visual Bendera tu, Pembangkang PAS dan UMNO cuba berpolitik kaitkan dengan kerajaan PH, orang salah pasang bendera terbalik kaitkan dengan PH..Visual bendera salahpun salahkan PH..

Walhal jelas Presiden MABA Luo Choon Hann itu Pemimpin MCA, Jelas penyokong kuat MCA, Agaknya sebab dia pemimpin MCA, tu takda buat report polis.. kalau Presiden MABA tu DAP..mahu seluruh cawangan, Parlimen diarah buat Report Polis.. mahu disuruh dibuang kewarganegaraan..

Walaupun Presiden MABA tu pemimpin MCA.. aku cuba berfikir lebih rasional.. Bagi aku jelas Program tu dimulakan dengan penghormatan lagu Negara ku..Bagi aku program tu baik, takda niat menghina..Takda yang salah..Yang salah visual tu..Bagi aku ini kes terlepas Pandangan.
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Luo Choon Hann Pengerusi MCA Kelantan

Selalu nya Footage Mockup Flag ni, ni kalau kutip dari Youtube pun bersepah bendera yang betul.. dah pasti yang salah ni pengurus Event ni..Budak yang urus Visual tu.. Nak kata depa tak kenal bendera Malaysia, Malang sungguh lah jadi rakyat Malaysia.. dan takkan pula sengaja.. Apapun, Biar pihak berkuasa ambil tindakan..

Masalah kat Malaysia ni..Asal yang buat salah tu Cina, Mula mainkan sentimen Perkauman.. Ini cara nak jajah Malaysia lah.. Cina kurang ajar lah...Halau dari Malaysia lah.. Mcm Kes Hina Nabi lah.. biaq Pihak berkuasa siasat..kalau salah,dakwa.. Cuba kalau buat tu Melayu... Pakat Husnu Dzan pulak.. sampai dulu perempuan Melayu beraksi Lucah dulu pakai Bendera Malaysia, masuk majalah lagi dulu.. takda lah main sentimen akum..

Mcm kes kat Kelantan dulu lah..Sampai Pompuan Melayu pijak Quran, Boleh sangka Baik ,Kita pun taknak pompuan melayu tu kena hukum.. Tak kisah lah sangka baik tu, Tapi biar tindakan dan cara berfikir kita sama, Adil.. sapa yang salah,Serah pada pihak berkuasa, Apa pun kes kat Malaysia ni, Mesti nak mainkan sentimen kaum, Ashabiyah.. Makin busuk pemikiran rakyat Malaysia ni.. semua benda nak kait soal kaum...

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Kita berharap, Disigner, Orang yg buat Editing visual tu bukan orang tempatan lah.. teruk sangat tak kenal bendera Malaysia.. Jahil betul.. Tapi kita nak marah pun tak boleh, Ada Ulama hat buat video Merdeka, Dia pun tak faham makna dan maksud jalur gemilang.. dia kata jalur gemilang tu membawa maksud kaum kaum di Malaysia..tapi takpe lah..Kita sangka baik.. mungkin salah penulis skrip..nak berpolitik buat apa..- Ipohmali

Penghinaan Jalur Gemilang oleh MABA smlm adalah provokasi keterlaluan. Mentang2 Presiden MABA, Datuk Lua Choon Han adalah Setiausaha Perhubungan MCA Kelantan, maka juak2 khadam MCA terpaksa mengunci mulut... Semua diam membisu..terkancing gigi habih...demi MCA....bukan setakat hina jalur gemilang....hina hukum Quran pun khadam wajib kena diam.

Utk pengetahuan walaun serta olamak, Presiden MABA tu pimpinan MCA Kelantan..bukan pimpinan DAP. Walaun macai bila tau perkara sebenar terus senyap sunyi masuk gua ka? Baru ada dua kerusi dah berani ubah bendera. - f/bk
Mengapa bila Haziq dipecat cara 
yang sama,mereka diam membisu...

Apabila Jawatankuasa Disiplin Parti Keadilan mengambil tindakan memecat Ketua AMK Sentubung, Sdr Haziq kerana membuat tuduhan terbuka terhadap Azmin berkaitan isu rasuah, tiada seorang pun yang mempersoalkan tindakan parti?

Parti memecat Sdr Haziq mengikut kaedah yang sama seperti parti memecat Ketua Cabang Bera, Sdr Zakaria. Semua tahu Sdr Haziq dari tim Azmin namun tindakan tetap diambil kerana tidak adil Haziq membuat tuduhan tanpa asas terhadap Azmin. Parti tidak memecat Haziq kerana isu semburit yang beliau akui beliau bersama Azmin di dalam bilik di hotel Sandakan itu. Isu semburit biar pihak Polis tentukan terlebih dahulu.

Sdr Zakaria dipecat kerana ada laporan dan surat dari pihak SPRM. Meskipun SPRM akhirnya mengaku silap kerana tidak wajar menghantar surat itu kepada parti, namun sehingga kini SPRM masih mengekalkan isi kandungan dan fakta di dalam surat tersebut. Maka, parti bertindak di atas kandungan dan laporan pihak SPRM itu.

Persoalannya, mengapa apabila Haziq dipecat, mereka yang kononnya menuntut keadilan untuk Sdr Zakaria sekarang membisu? Adakah kerana mereka seronok Haziq dipecat sebab Haziq menuduh bos mereka? Mengapa apabila proses yang sama dilakukan terhadap Sdr Zakaria, baru mereka bersuara tentang keadilan?

Jelas, parti telah bertindak dengan betul. Sekarang kita tunggu apakah SPRM akan membuat 'U-Turn"? Saya yakin Latheefa Koya seorang yang berintegriti. - wfauzdin ns

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Azmin Is Screwed - The New “Malay-Only” Coalition Government Fizzles Out...

Azmin Ali has dug a hole so deep that it’s hard to see how he could survive. Not only is he trapped in the hole, his buddy-turn-nemesis Anwar Ibrahim has thrown a rope for him to hang himself. But he has only himself to blame. He becomes an arrogant scumbag upon being promoted as the Minister of Economic Affairs, a portfolio specially created by Prime Minister Mahathir.

It’s true what PKR president Anwar said at the Reformist Convention 2019 – that Azmin, his deputy, had forgotten his roots after securing the position of the senior ministership. Even though his rapid rise to stardom was designed by Mr. Mahathir to split the PKR party and to contain the influence of Mr. Anwar, the disillusioned Azmin still believes he is being groomed as the next premier.

The economic affairs minister became more arrogant when the prime minister continues to protect him, despite the explosive gay sex video of himself with another man in the Four Points Sheraton Hotel room in Sandakan, Sabah on May 11, 2019. Azmin felt invincible and untouchable. As his hostility to Anwar grows, Azmin increasingly depends on Mahathir to survive.

The Tanjung Piai by-election on 16 November was the turning point. Despite spending two days in the constituency campaigning for his own party, Mahathir lost spectacularly. As expected, the premier refused to admit his racial and religious extremism was one of the reasons his party lost by a whopping 15,000 votes. He can’t lose face, let alone dignity.

But it doesn’t matter who or what he blames. As mentioned numerous times, today is not 1980s or 1990s where the maverick used government-controlled news media to shape the people’s mind. Everyone knows that not only the minorities Chinese and Indians had voted the opposition to teach the old horse a lesson, but even the Malays had decided to give the old man a bloody nose.

Hence, the silly poker game of inviting about 22 MPs (Member of Parliaments) – 17 from opposition UMNO and 5 from PKR – to attend a dinner hosted by Azmin at his residence after the incredible defeat. UMNO warlord Hishammuddin Hussein, the cousin of former Prime Minister Najib Razak, also braved heavy rain to attend the co-called “secret dinner meeting.”

Azmin Ali with Hishammuddin Hussein
Azmin Ali with Hishammuddin Hussein

The economic affairs minister didn’t have the number for his political master to continue as the prime minister. Still, he tried his luck, using reverse psychology to deceive his enemy, prime minister-in-waiting Anwar, into thinking that Mahathir’s camp has at least 112 MPs to form a simple majority government in the 222-seat Parliament. Now, it’s as clear as crystal that they don’t have the number.

The despicable Azmin hoped to become the next prime minister using the same trick he had deployed to become the Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) of Selangor. PKR, with support from ally DAP, nominated Wan Azizah (wife of Anwar) in 2014 to replace Khalid Ibrahim as the state’s chief minister. But thanks to PAS Islamist party’s support, Azmin became the CEO of the state instead.

Yes, as a result of “secret meeting” with PAS, Azmin was crowned the chief executive of Selangor. As the kingmaker who won 15 seats in the Selangor State Legislative Assembly in the 2013 General Election, PAS agreed to support Azmin (although he was vehemently opposed by PKR and DAP). PAS was rewarded with 3 EXCO, and the bizarre arrangement remained even after PAS eventually exit the coalition.

Amusingly, after Mahathir lost the Tanjung Piai parliamentary seat about 10 days ago, PAS made a sudden U-turn. Abdul Hadi Awang, the fake holy man of the Islamist party, claimed his party had received offers to form a backdoor government. However, the PAS president who was bribed RM90 million by crooked Najib Razak, said he rejected such approach.

Mr. Hadi said – “We will enter through the front even though the backdoor is open. We do not want to enter through the back.” Seriously? A man whose party had legitimised “lies” as “Shariah-compliant” now talks about forming a new government the right way? The only reason a “Prime Minister Wannabe” like Hadi isn’t interested is that there isn’t any backdoor government to begin with.

Of course, there could be a hidden message behind Hadi’s naughty statement. After it was exposed that Azmin had sex with another man, it would be hard for the Islamist party leader to justify to his boys that having a future prime minister who engaged in homosexual acts is “Shariah-compliant”. Hadi’s refusal to enter through backdoor could be a message that he can’t accept homosexuality.
Sex Video Scandal 

This further proves that Azmin Ali does not have the number to form a new “Malay-only” government with Mahathir’s PPBM (Bersatu), Hadi’s PAS, some UMNO desperados like Hishammuddin Hussein and Azmin’s own faction in PKR. Unlike the Selangor chief minister fiasco in 2014, it appears PAS has chosen to abandon Azmin’s ambition this time.

The grand plan to create a new coalition government has been crushed. To make matters worse, Mahathir, Azmin and UMNO could not even get their stories right as far as the secret dinner meeting is concerned. Mahathir said the reason 17 UMNO MPs met with Azmin over candlelight dinner was to whine, moan and bitch that the party has lost its direction.

Mahathir told journalists on November 22 – “They don’t know what they should do (next). So they asked if they should join another party or not.” It was absolutely hilarious that despite winning Tanjung Piai with an incredible 15,000 majority votes, the 17 UMNO MPs were so demoralised and depressed that they had sought advice from Azmin, as if the minister was some sort of psychiatrist.

Malay Dignity Congress - Azmin Ali, Hadi Awang, Mahathir Mohamad and Annuar Musa

But the fun didn’t stop there. The UMNO MPs who had met Azmin, however, have rubbished Mahathir’s claims of losing faith in the party. Contradicting the premier’s account, the opposition Member of Parliaments, including former Defence Minister Hishammuddin said they have absolutely zero intention of leaving UMNO, let alone to join Mahathir’s party.

As Mahathir’s reputation and integrity take a hit, Gerik Member of Parliament Hasbullah Osman said Azmin had actually told the UMNO MPs to stay in their respective parties during the dinner, instead of jumping ship – clearly contradicting the prime minister’s statement. Has Azmin been played or fooled by UMNO in his desperate game to stay relevant?

Interestingly, Mahathir has not disputed UMNO’s version of the story. Azmin’s silence has raised eyebrows. Did Azmin lie to Mahathir, cooking a wild cock and bull story which has backfired and embarrassed the old man? Or did Mahathir lie to divert the public’s attention from his plunging popularity? Perhaps the UMNO MPs lied after realising Azmin didn’t have the number after all.

Perhaps everyone who eagerly wanted to kick out Anwar Ibrahim, DAP and Amanah has no choice but to lie now because the grand plan fizzles out. That explains why PAS president Hadi Awang talks about not wanting to form a backdoor government. That also explains why Mahathir agreed with Anwar that anyone who wants to be the next prime minister must use the right channel.

More importantly, Prime Minister Mahathir said PKR president Anwar agreed that the transition of power should be conducted without causing too much strain to the country – suggesting that both leaders are agreeable to a proper hand over of leadership without resorting to bringing down the present government and forming a new government with the opposition.

But if PAS is no longer interested in forming a backdoor government with Mahathir, and at the same time UMNO rebellious MPs are also not interested to leave their party for Mahathir’s PPBM (Bersatu), it means Azmin Ali is screwed up big time. Does the economic affairs minister still have the support of 15 PKR MPs now that there will be no political realignment?

There’s a reason why Mahathir keeps Azmin as his pet. But when an errand boy or a lapdog is no longer useful, there’s only one way to get rid of it. Azmin’s failure to show he has the number to keep Mahathir as prime minister also means Anwar’s power base will increase significantly. Azmin’s so-called 15 MPs, if they indeed existed in the first place, know which side bread is buttered. - FT

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Tersepit teluq Najib dan Hadi kerana mereka berdua..
Najib terkepit dgn Salwani..Hadi terkucil dgn Clare.


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