Bukan hanya Melayu yang lupa, Mahathir lupa juga...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Monday, 30 September 2019

Bukan hanya Melayu yang lupa, Mahathir lupa juga....

Syed Husin Ali kata dia tidak percaya kepada Dr Mahathir nak serahkan jawatan PM kepada Anwar seprrti dikondensuskan. Katanya Dr Mahathir buat keputusan lain daripada yang dibincangkan.

"Dia tidak boleh dipercayai, dia akan buat lain dari keputusan dibincang nanti dia bagi alasan dia lupa," kata Syed Husin yang menyifatkan kalau Mahathir lewat serahkan jawatan kepada PM kepada Anwat ia seperti mahu bunuh PH.

Oh begitukah. Kalau begitu Dr Mahathir tidak ada beza dengan Hadi Awang tidak patuh kepada janji dan kedang² dia langgar apa yang dikatakannya.

Kalau begitu ini jenis bubuh bulu ayam dalam telinga kemudian gotel² lah ni...kerana kegelian lupa apa yang dikatakan. - mso

Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 74th Session

Make no mistake, it was ‘two years’...

It’s good to hear from Syed Husin Ali again. The PKR stalwart has been relatively quiet in the political arena since he completed his term as senator some years ago.

This is a man who knows his place. When Syed Husin retired from active politics, he certainly knows what retirement means. He refrained from indulging in politics and commenting unnecessarily on affairs of the nation.

There must be good reasons why the former Universiti Malaya professor came out with his guns blazing, so to speak, and questioned Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s "about-turn" on the handover date of the premiership to Anwar Ibrahim.

Syed Husin spoke for many, me certainly. It would be wrong to assume or allege that those of us who questioned the prime minister’s tenure are campaigning for Anwar.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. Many of us who are not in politics or retired from the political arena campaign for nobody. Neither is there any personal agenda in stressing that Mahathir must step down after two years as prime minister.

I have said this and let me repeat. Whether it’s Mahathir or Anwar or anybody else, I don’t think any prime minister is going to change my life drastically or that of many of my fellow Malaysians.

We don’t have any personal interest in this. What we do know and had often stressed is that a promise has to be kept and that an agreement, though not cast in stone, must be fulfilled.

Let us be gentleman about this, for want of a better term. Of all people, our 94-year-old premier, known as the grand old gentleman, certainly has to be and act like one.

Make no mistake, it was two years for Mahathir to be the interim prime minister. All of us heard it loud and clear before GE14.

If not, how did the two-year period come about? Wasn’t that discussed by Pakatan Harapan leaders first and then disseminated to the public?

Unfortunately, there are certain characters in Pakatan Harapan who heard it but are now pretending there was no definite time frame agreed upon.

Who are these characters? People who have personal interests to see that Mahathir stay on forever and that Anwar never be prime minister.

And these same characters and their acolytes are probably the ones who would engage cybertroopers to smear others who are adamant that Mahathir must keep his promise.

Thankfully, those of us outside of politics with no agenda, would normally take a step back whenever we have to face such attacks. We are wise enough to know there is no point in going to war in the social media with powerful politicians. Let the people be the judge.

Syed Husin’s take on the matter is timely indeed. I believe I know Syed Husin’s character well enough to vouch for his credibility and integrity.

Like many of us, Syed Husin (photo below) has no personal agenda. I don’t think he has anything against Mahathir or is that buddy-buddy with Anwar. He is not with one side to fight another, although he is still playing an advisory role in PKR.

Syed Husin was just talking straight when he said that Mahathir has a tendency to agree with collective decisions, only to change his mind later. Many can readily agree with the eminent professor on this.

This came about when Mahathir was quoted as saying in New York last Thursday that "I may have at the most three years perhaps".

The prime minister’s statement was not very reassuring as it came just days after Anwar had told Bloomberg that he expects to take over as prime minister in May next year.

There is a public perception that Mahathir and Anwar must have already agreed on a handover date for the latter to come out with the May 2020 deadline.

Now, Malaysians are back to second guessing on what is actually the score between Mahathir and his successor.

This is unhealthy politics and not an assurance of political stability. Why are we stuck in such a peculiar quagmire today? Who can we blame except our grand old man?

When someone blogged that it could be 2020, 2030 or 2050, I don’t think it’s funny at all.

It’s worse when certain PKR leaders, aligned with the anti-Anwar camp, shouted “Long live Mahathir”, declaring in the same breath that Mahathir should serve a full five-year term.

Lest anyone forgets, in GE 14, Malaysians voted for Mahathir to be the interim prime minister for two years and for Anwar to take over after that. No one should pretend they were not aware of this.

This is the people’s mandate and it is incumbent on Mahathir and Harapan to ensure that they abide by the wishes of the people.

It’s two years, dear Dr Mahathir, it’s clearly two years. All of us heard it. May 2020 means in eight months, not "at the most three years perhaps". - Francis Paul Siah

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Apabila berlaku kes Wan Ahmad Faris, dengan mudah YIK dan Kerajaan Kelantan 
menerima laporan bedah siasat kononnya Wan Ahmad Faris mati membunuh diri.

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Sumber asal: Bukan hanya Melayu yang lupa, Mahathir lupa juga...
More aboutBukan hanya Melayu yang lupa, Mahathir lupa juga...

Tak lamaaa,3 tahun sajaaa...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Saturday, 28 September 2019

Tak lamaaa,3 tahun sajaaa....

Apabila Dr Mahathir membayangkan akan terus jadi PM selama tiga tahun bukannya dua tahun ramailah yang memberi reaksi kurang senang dan berbagai-bagai. Bagi yang anti Anwar gembira dan seronok dengan kenyataan Dr Mahathir itu. Manakala yang mengharap Anwar jadi PM rasa kecewa dan terkedu.

Bagi saya tidak penting sama ada dua tahun atau tiga tahun atau 10 tahun lagi, Dr Mahathir hendak jadi PM. No problem, teruskan. Tidak perlu mendesak dan menekan Dr Mahathir. Mereka yang tekan Dr Mahathir agar berundur adalah silap. Apa yang kena fahami dalam keadaan seperti hari ini "jawatan" adalah penawar bagi Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Jawatan sebagai oksigen untuknya memberikan keselesaan penafasanya. Beliau sendiri mengakui dia seronok berada dalam tekanan dan challenge.kerana itu ubat baginya. Jadi apakah baiknya memberikan ubat itu kepadanya?

Yang perlu dinilai kini ialah pencapaian dan reformasi yang beliau lakukan dalam tempoh itu. Apakah ada perubahan dan ada reformasi dilakukan atau tidak. Itu penting kerana kerjaaan yaqng ada kini adalah kerajaan reformasi, bukannya kerajaan di era Tunku Abdul Rahman, ataupun kerajaan era Mahathir Mohamad sebelum ini. Kalaupun Dr Mahathir jadi PM 20 tahun lagi tanpa dapat dan mampu melakukan reformasi itu ia tidak bermakna apa apa pun.

“Saya bekerja 18 jam sehari kerana saya tidak mempunyai banyak masa. “Saya janji akan berundur sebelum PRU akan datang dan memberi laluan kepada calon lain. Jadi, saya mungkin ada lagi tiga tahun paling lama...

“Dalam tempoh tiga tahun itu, saya perlu menyelesaikan banyak perkara,” katanya

Rakyat sedang menilai kemampuan dan perubahan dilakukan oleh Dr Mahathir. Jika tiada ada perubahan, dalam tempoh itu, betapa pun Dr Mahathir seronok dengan jawatan, ia tidak memberi makna. Dan saya rasakan Dr Mahathir tidaklah menjadikan jawatan itu sebagai suplimen untuk hidupnya, tetapi digunakan untuk memperbaiki kerosakan ditinggalkan Najib Razak.

Apapun seperti saya sering katakan, apa yang orang ingin lihat kepada kerajaan PH ini ialah dasar-dasar, polisi dan pendekatan diamabil oleh Anwar Ibrahim sebagai PM nanti. Orang mahu tunggu apakah perbezaannya, apakah ia lebih teruk atau sebaliknya dengan apa dilakukan PM sebelum ini.

Dan sama ada Anwar berjaya atau tidak membawa perubahan (reform) itu soal subjektif, tetapi yang objektifnya orang mahu melihat Anwar memimpin sebagai PM. Kita tidak boleh menghukum atau mengatakan Anwar tidak mamhu selagi ia tidak melalui ujian atau pepperiksaan dengan menjadi PM.

Bagi saya Anwar faham ini dan dia bersedia. Perbalahan mengenai bila detik Dr Mahathir akan berundur tidak memberi apa-apa keuntungan melainkan menambah keserabutan dalam kerajaan.

Anwar sendiri tidak perlu terkedu atau pun rasa tercabar dengan kenyataan-kenyataan Dr Mahathir yang membayangkan sesuatu yang tidak diharapkan oleh semua itu. Anwar dan kita semua harus rileks dan beliau perlu memikirkan dari sekarang apakah reform yang akan dilakukan. Dr Mahathir biarlah dia diberi suplimen secukupnya.- mso

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Pasai apa ramai dok hasut 
Dr.M mungkir janji...

Dari semasa ke semasa, semakin dekat janji peralihan kuasa menemui titik kenyataan, ternampak semakin ramai yang mahu Tun Mahathir Mohamad memungkiri janji penyerahan jawatan Perdana Menteri kepada Anwar Ibrahim.

Terbaru, walaupun tidak menyebut dan hanya ditulis secara umum, tetapi tidaklah sukar untuk memahami bahawa surat terbuka Mufti Perlis, Dr Asri Zainul Abidin juga mempunyai maksud yang sama.

Meskipun beliau mengatakan tulisannya adalah bersifat umum dan tidak ditujukan kepada sesiapa, namun berdasarkan konsensus penyerahan jawatan kepada Anwar sudah pun ada sebelum PRU14 lagi, maka apabila memperkatakan tentang peralihan kuasa yang sudah ada persetujuan itu, tentulah ia ditujukan kepada Anwar.

Jika tidak ada konsensus penyerahan jawatan secara khusus kepada Anwar, rasanya tidak mungkin Dr Asri ada idea untuk menulis surat terbuka ini kepada Perdana Menteri.

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Mufti Perlis seolah-olah cuba menasihatkan Tun Mahathir agar lebih memikirkan redha serta murka Allah daripada menunaikan janji kepada Anwar yang disifatkannya sebagai rakus, tamak kuasa dan sebagainya.

Soalnya, daripada kasyaf mana dan daripada penilaian kaca mata apa beliau melihat Anwar sebagai seorang yang rakus dan tamak kuasa?

Apakah beliau benar-benar yakin bahawa jika Anwar menjadi pengganti Tun Mahathir, keadaan negara akan menjadi lebih buruk daripada sekarang?

Ataukah tulisan beliau atas nama mufti itu sekadar membawa mesej Shahidan Kassim, Pengerusi Perhubingan UMNO Perlis yang difahami mahu PH berbalah dan dengan demikian akan memudahkan BN merampas semula kuasa dalam PRU15 akan datang?

Dalam erti kata yang mudah juga, Dr Asri, sebagaimana ramai yang lain yang sebelum ini menolak penyerahan jawatan kepada Anwar, mereka dengan jelas cuba menghasut Tun Mahathir agar memungkiri janji yang telah dipersetujui dalam PH.

Kalau orang politik menghasut orang politik untuk mungkir janji, mungkin boleh difahami maksud dan tujuannya.

Tetapi, apa untungnya seorang mufti dengan jubah dan kopiah juga turut melakukan kerja-kerja menghasut ini?

Apakah mereka sanggup menanggung dosa Tun Mahathir jika akhirnya pemungkiran janji itu benar-benar berlaku?

Dalam janji politik, jika mahu, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail pun boleh mungkir janji apabila beliau ditawarkan oleh Yang Dipertuan Agong untuk mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana sebaik kemenangan PH pada 9 Mei 2018 lalu.

Meskipun PKR memiliki kerusi Parlimen majoriti dalam PH, namun oleh kerana berpegang kepada janji konsensus bahawa Tun Mahathir adalah calon Perdana Menteri, Dr. Wan Azizah tanpa ragu-ragu memilih untuk akur dengannya dan menolak permintaan Agong itu.

Hendaklah difahami, selain janji Tun Mahathir sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Dr Wan Azizah sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri, kedudukan Anwar sebagai bakal Perrdana Menteri ke-8 juga adalah janji dan muafakat yang dipersetujui oleh PH, bukannya janji Tun Mahathir seorang diri.

Kenapa jika Dr Wan Azizah boleh patuh kepada janji PH, ada pula yang gatal tangan, termasuk Mufti Perlis sanggup menulis cuba menghasut Tun Mahathir menjadi pemungkir janji?

Adakah mereka ini mahu Tun Mahathir berkelahi sekali lagi dengan Anwar dan seterusnya mungkin mengkibatkan kematiannya berakhir dengan kehinaan?

Selain itu, jika mereka mahu Tun Mahathir mungkir janji kepada Anwar, mereka mahu siapa sebenarnya sebagai Perdana Menteri ke-8.

Azmin Ali?

Mukhriz Mahathir?

Muhyiddin Yassin?

Kalau betul-betul ikhlas, beranikanlah diri menyebut nama yang dirasakan lebih layak daripada Anwar itu!!!  - Shahbudin Husin

Coroner Rejects Pathologist Who Conducted Postmortem In Favor Of UiTM Physics Lecturer...

The full report at FMT here.  My comments are in yellow...

Coroner ruled  “more than two unidentified persons” killed fireman Adib...

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OSTB : How did the Coroner conclude 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 persons? On what basis did the coroner come to these conclusions? There must be a solid basis for saying things like this.

Coroner Rofiah Mohamad said blunt force trauma not caused by himself or through accident.

OSTB : Of course he did not kill himself.  How come the Coroner has not considered negligence? Or criminal negligence? 

"Hospital Kuala Lumpur forensics specialist Dr Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi said the injuries sustained by Adib in the Seafield Sri Maha Mariamman Temple riot on Nov 27 were likely due to him being hit by a vehicle." 

The Coroner has not given solid reasons why she has rejected the report by forensics specialist Dr Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi. She added that Adib’s death has been classified as a criminal case.
“It is now up to the police and the attorney-general to bring charges,” she said.

OSTB : How can the police bring charges when the police already arrested some Indian boys and then had to release them. There is no evidence that any of the Indian boys in that area at that time caused any injury to Adib.

Adib died at the National Heart Institute (IJN) on Dec 17, 2018.

OSTB : The injuries were sustained on Nov 27, 2018. This means that Adib survived for 21 days. 

Dr Ahmad Hafizam testified that some of Adib's broken ribs were not detected by the earlier X rays. Hence those broken ribs were not treated immediately. 

On 28th Nov. 2018 Adib was transferred to the IJN where he responded well to treatment. Here is news from the next day 29th Nov. 2018.

So he began responding well to treatment. 

Then SEVEN DAYS later on December 5th, 2018 Rosmah and Najib visited Adib and Rosmah says Adib showed her a 'thumbs up'. This is as per the report by Astro Awani :

Meaning Adib was getting better by December 5th, 2018.  Here is another picture where there is a group of people with Adib and all of them are showing 'thumbs up'. I do not know the date of this picture.

Then another THREE DAYS later by 10th December, 2018 the Berita Harian reported that Zuraida Kamarudin visited Adib and that Adib 'sudah boleh menulis'. Here is the Berita Harian :

OSTB : So Adib was getting better and better. From showing thumbs up, to being able to recognise Rosmah and Najib to being able to 'sudah boleh menulis'. 

Adib was also able to do weight training with dumb bells. Asked if the use of dumbbells by Adib while being treated at IJN and being told to raise his hands could have contributed to the fracture, Ahmad said it “would have”. IJN senior cardiothoracic consultant surgeon Dr Mohamed Ezani Md Taib had told the inquest previously that Adib used special weights in what he described as “passive physio” to strengthen his muscles.

Over 21 days in hospital he awoke from his coma and was able to recognise visitors, he was doing weight training with dumb bells and he was able to write 'sudah boleh menulis'. 

Then suddenly his health took a turn for the worse and he died.  How come?   Was there negligence at the two hospitals which treated him?  Because the pathologist Dr Ahmad Hafizam said that FIVE OF ADIB'S RIBS WERE BROKEN DURING TREATMENT AT THE SJMC AND THE IJN.

OSTB : Was there serious infection in his chest cavity caused by late detection of all his broken ribs? The Coroner makes no mention of either investigating or dismissing these possibilities.  The Coroner is totally silent. Having FIVE of your ribs broken is not a small matter. Broken ribs have sharp edges which would have torn tissues and caused infections. 

Rofiah rejected evidence of forensic expert Dr Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi who conducted the autopsy and told court he found no injuries consistent with violent acts.  Hafizam told court Adib had been hit by fire engine despatched to scene.

OSTB : I can tell you straight away that this would be the first time in the history of Malaysia where a Coroner's court has rejected the scientific examination by a trained medical doctor and forensic pathologist who also conducted the autopsy on the body.

On what basis did the Coroner Rofiah reject the official autopsy report conducted by the forensic expert Dr Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi? There must be a proper basis for her to reject the entire autopsy report !!  This is getting quite ridiculous.

Rofiah instead accepted testimony of UiTM physics lecturer Amir Rafzi Ab Ghani, who suggested that Adib had been pulled out of the Emergency Medical Rescue Services van.

OSTB : Mak datuk !! UiTM lecturer in physics ??  Did the lecturer in Physics even get a chance to see the body of Adib? In contrast to the forensic pathologist who actually conducted an autopsy on the dead body?

On what basis did the lecturer come to the conclusion that Adib was pulled out of the van? Compared to the forensic pathologists scientific finding that there was a vertical trauma to Adib's rib cage consistent to being hit by the open door of the Bomba truck.

Elaborating on Adib’s left rib injuries, he said they were consistent with being hit by “something blunt, hard, straight and vertical”.  Based on a reconstruction of the scene on Dec 22, where he also spoke to the EMRS driver Adib was sitting next to on Nov 27, it was “most probable” that Adib was outside the van. 

He said Adib must have been standing, with his back to the van, and was hit by the left open back door of the EMRS as it was pushed backwards by the reversing fire rescue tender (FRT) truck in front of it. 

“The cross-shaped scratch on his left back could have been caused by the friction from being scrapped by the left door handle of the EMRS,” he said, forcing him to fall.

So can the Coroner explain how 'two or more people' could have caused a vertical injury stretching over Adib's ribs ? Did they hit him with a straight piece of wood or steel.  No one has testified anywhere that anyone saw Adib being hit with anything - hockey stick, crash helmet, piece of wood, an iron rod, a sharp object nothing. None at all.  

So how can the Coroner dismiss this part of the autopsy report as well?

She also referred to the medical assistant at IJN who testified that Adib had indicated to him that he was pulled from behind and beaten up during the fracas.  Muhammad Ashraf Baruji, who took care of Adib at the ICU for 21 days, told the inquest he had communicated with the fireman using sign language and a whiteboard.

OSTB :  Then how come there were no defensive wounds on Adam. The autopsy report says that Adib did not defend himself against anything.  And there were absolutely no injuries to his face and head. This is not consistent with someone being attacked by a mob. But it is fully consistent with injuries caused by a truck that is reversing in panic.  

Conclusion : The Coroner has now created an Indira Gandhi situation. Plus an Amri Che Mat situation.  Meaning... 
- the case will not get resolved... 
- Indira Gandhi's ex husband cannot be found even after 10 years. 
- The location of Amri Che Mat's body has not been divulged although there are people who would know where his body is. Try asking the kidnap team. 

The Coroner has said that it is now up to the Police to bring criminal charges.  Against who?  The Police have already arrested and then had to let go some Indian boys who were there on Nov 27th 2018. The Police found no evidence to hold the boys responsible for Adib's death.

So is the Coroner suggesting now that the Police re-arrest those same Indian boys? Or that the Police go and look for other Indians who were there that night? I dont think that is going to happen. So at the end of the day no one is going to be charged for the death of Adib. - OSTB

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Ramai dok tanya tok,apa itu rumah patuh syariah? Tok jawab, rumah tu ciri2nya begini:
1. Rumah tu mesti mengadap kiblat, dapornya mengadap Rusila.
2. Tandas dia mesti ada terompah mcm guru tok.
3. Semua bahan utk bina rumah tu tiada sedikitpun campur dgn bahan buatan atau dari kaum Cina DAP. Paku, tukul, papan, atap dan segalanya mesti buatan melayu kalau boleh dari melayu terengganu.Suppliers mesti Melayu isley.
4. Gap pagar 10 cm untuk elak jiran jengok bini.Tinggi pagar divider antara unit 5m.
5. Doorbell berbunyi salam.
6. Penghuninya rumah tersebut mesti di kalangan olamak. - Tok Usin

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Image may contain: 3 people, people standing

Sumber asal: Tak lamaaa,3 tahun sajaaa...
More aboutTak lamaaa,3 tahun sajaaa...

BMF - Jerung berdansa bilis sengsara...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Friday, 27 September 2019

BMF - Jerung berdansa bilis sengsara....
Image result for kempen bmf
Baru shj BMF dilancarkan sudah byk keluhan dari bangsaku Melayu. Ada drebar lori di Johor dibuang kerja dan mengeluh dok mintak kerja kat bangsaku yg otak kematu. Ada petani di Perak mengeluh cabai x laku. Pasar borong pagi ni aku lihat gerai Melayu sgt kurang ikan mungkin ikan x dibekalkan sbb pemborong ikan adalah keturunan Cina.

Inilah bahananya berperang tanpa senjata yg cukup. BMF sebenarnya adalah perang dgn pembekal yg ramainya Cina. Nak berkempen sediakan dulu rancangan yg rapi. Berapa byk pembekal Melayu yg sanggup membeli jika Cina boikot barangan Melayu kna diambil kira. 
Berapa ramai pulak tokey2 Melayu yg sanggup menyerap entah berapa ribu pekerja yg akan dibuang kerja kerana tindakbalas senyap depa. 

Kalau takat hanya ada kuasa membeli tapi tak ada kuasa menjual jadilah mcm zaman Jepun. Duit banyak tapi nak beli barang takdak. Takpalah waktu tu boleh mkn ubi kayu tp skg ubi kayu pun dah 4 rgt sekilo.

BMF ini adalah mainan tokoh2 parti pembangkang yg kecewa krn kecundang. Depa mainkan sentimen perkauman yg lain dah tak laku mka mrk mencuba sentimen perkauman dari segi ekonomi. Depa kata BMF tapi sebenarnya buy malay first yg samalah dgn buy chinese last sbb itulah serangan utama mereka iaitu Cina DAP.

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Depa yg dok kempen pun dah ada pendapatan tetap yg byk. Ada yg pencen wakil rakyat dan ada yg wang simpanan berjuta2. Cina boikot lagi sepuluh tahun depa tak kisah sbb depa dah kaya raya. Mereka ini amat suka kalau Msia huru hara sbb depa boleh dpt balik kuasa. Bila kuasa dah ada depa boleh tambah harta dan yg sdg didakwa ada peluang terlepas begitu shj..

Tapi rakyat bawahan b40 yg miskin dah dhaif ini yg merana. Kalau depa kna buang kerja adakah tokeh2 Melayu mampu serap semuanya? Ambil contoh speed99 shj ada 4000 lebih pekerja Melayu. Melayu mana nak ambik depa ni kerja dgn gaji minima 1200 rgt sebulan? Tu tak kira lagi segala jenis perniagaan lain..

Oleh itu kepada Melayu yg ramainya b40 eloklah parti Melayu yg menimbulkan huru hara ini kita lenyapkan terus dari muka bumi Malaysia. Kalau setakat ada sorang dua Cina yg hina Melayu dan Islam itu tidak melambangkan keseluruhan pandangan masyarakat Cina. 

Cina pun mcm kita jugak. Depa suka keadaan aman utk depa meniaga tanpa gangguan. Yg ambik Melayu kerja kebanyakannya tokey2 Cina sbb mamak nasik kandaq byk ambil Indon dan Bangla. Malah Mydin sendiri pun aku tgk byk Bangla. Jadi apa rasionalnya kita marahkan Cina?

Rezki memang Allah bagi tapi kena cari...- f/bk #celotehhalimcgupencen

Dr.M at Columbia University...

The UMNO-PAS symphony...

Umno and PAS have recently inked an agreement on Muslim grand unity with the forthright purpose of paving the way for the next general elections and reversing the downtrend of the two parties after GE14 by championing the so-called “Malay-Muslim dominance” and revisiting the unfulfillable “bumiputra political, economic and educational dominance agenda”.

Naturally, DAP which has been championing the “Malaysians' Malaysia” for so many years becomes their primary target of assault.

Judging from the actual political interests of both Umno and PAS, the latest development sums up the direct analysis of both parties' performances in the 2018 general elections.

The votes for Umno and PAS were diluted as a result of three-cornered fights, culminating in the thumping defeat of the BN coalition, with multiracial parties such as DAP and PKR bagging the biggest gains.

Instead of taking cue from the pluralistic Pan-Malaysian roadmap embraced by DAP and PKR, the Umno-PAS cooperation has been tailored to incite the sentiments of Malay-Muslims with the ultimate motive of capturing Putrajaya in the next GE. Such a strategy is not only unfavorable to the ruling PH coalition, but will also dash the hope of the country to make it into the league of developed nations.

It is not the first time Umno and PAS have worked together. The May 13 incident after the 1969 general elections gave the significantly bruised Alliance Party an excuse to declare a state of emergency, with the national security council taking over the Parliament. However, when the Parliament reopened after two years, Tun Abdul Razak took over Umno, and managed to rope in the support of PAS, Gerakan Rakyat and parties in East Malaysia to form a much stronger coalition, Barisan Nasional.

Before BN was toppled in 2018, the coalition had ruled continuously for 48 years, 22 of which under Mahathir's premiership.

In 1970, Mahathir wrote to the nation's founding father Tunku Abdul Rahman, demanding him to resign. As a result, Mahathir was expelled from Umno, and his book The Malay Dilemma was banned.

Nevertheless, after Tun Razak took over as prime minister, Mahathir was brought back to the party. The ban on The Malay Dilemma was lifted after Mahathir became the country's fourth prime minister in 1980.

Political incidents do not take place by chance, and very often the elements of orchestrated plans and designs could not be ruled out. And such plans and designs have everything to do with the conspirator's inner thoughts and ideological affiliations. Up till this day there are still people questioning the mastermind behind the May 13 incident as well as his motives.

In the 1969 general elections, although the opposition parties managed to win more than half of all the votes, they didn't win enough seats to form a new government. Without PAS joining the subsequently formed BN coalition, the Malay supremacists would not have been able to press ahead with their racially exclusionist New Economic Policy.

The National Cooperation Charter between Umno and PAS today is nothing more than a clone of 1970, and should therefore not come as a big surprise to anyone.

The biggest reason for the establishment of the Umno-PAS dominated BN in 1979 was most evidently to safeguard the dominant rights of the Malays, while the readmitted MCA, along with newly admitted former opposition parties Gerakan Rakyat and East Malaysian parties, acted as “opposition within BN” -- minor roles thrown in just to dilute Umno's racist hue. As a matter of fact, Umno and PAS' nationalist president Asri Muda were instrumental in the sustained rule of Umno's Malay supremacist leaders.

Ironically, the most iconic leader of the Malay supremacists was none other than the chief commander of Pakatan Harapan today, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the author of Malay politico-economic dominance advocacy and racially exclusionist economic model. In an inconceivable way, leaders of parties which used to cherish pluralism such as PKR, DAP and Amanah, have somehow submitted themselves to him unconditionally.

Given Tun Mahathir's political inclination and style of leadership, we will see with much anticipation whether he will eventually bring PPBM, Umno and PAS together in a Malay-bumi-Muslim grand unity plan in a grand finale for his dazzling political life.

Well, that's just an interesting, thought-provoking hypothetical question anyway.

Majority of pluralistic parties in Malaysia are made up of minorities such as the Chinese and Indians. There are also many multiracial parties in Sabah, but they are not much more than small regional parties.

PKR is the only Malay-majority national multiracial party. Although DAP is a multiracial party dominated mostly by the Chinese and Indians, it has made significant breakthroughs in the Malay society as well as among the indigenous peoples of East Malaysia. The combined strength of these two parties, coupled with the potentials of Amanah, should make the Malay supremacists feel uneasy. It is therefore not surprising that PKR and DAP have become natural targets of Malay supremacists.

Non-Malay leaders on both sides of the political divide must develop their own positive policies instead of fighting among themselves while keeping mum on the racist hegemony of PPBM-Umno-PAS. Even if they eventually win, they are nothing more than community leaders or “tribal chiefs” as I would unapologetically put it.

The Tanjung Piai parliamentary by-election with its comparable Malay/Chinese voter populations, will be a litmus test for the Umno-PAS alliance. We will see whether it will break through its monoracial mentality and implement more flexible pluralistic strategies to woo the support of Chinese voters there.

In the meantime, even though the ruling PH coalition has made remarkable progress in battling corruption, its ambiguous educational policies, reversion to old Umno's bumi-first mentality, a sluggish economy and depressing commodity prices will all provide a unique opportunity for Tanjung Piai electorate to evaluate the government's performance.

It is believed that PH components will work hard to prove their worth, and render the Umno-PAS alliance irrelevant. - Boo Cheng Hau,mysinchew

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Duit Perkeso pun dia balun,pasai tu Perkeso berat nak settle claims...

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Kalo 10 patah lebai ni kecek, 15 patah muhong...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Kalo 10 patah lebai ni kecek, 15 patah muhong....
Masuk masa minit ke 3:28...dia dah kalut...

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Saya dapat flyer ini di expo semalam.

Sambil mencari peserta utk seminar, ejen kertas ini turut mempelawa kami peniaga untuk meniaga di platform e-commerce mereka.

Bayaran seminar RM10. Untuk jadi ahli RM160. Peniaga yang ingin meletak produk di platform mereka pula dicaj RM550. Bayaran tahunan juga ada. Saya tak ingat berapa.

Penerangan disulami dengan dakwah islamiah & naratif perjuangan bangsa. Diselit juga konotasi anti bangsa lain.

Saya meminta dengan baik mahu tengok dahulu working platform. Kerana saya adalah e-commerce player.

Selepas 5-7 minit berkomunikasi dengan siapa saya tidak tahu, ejen tersebut memberi saya satu URL yang ternyata masih BETA. Hanya ada 36 produk.

"Puan nak saya bayar RM550 untuk masukkan produk saya di platform yang tidak siap ini?" Saya bertanya.

Lantas terus sahaja naratif islamik dicanang lagi.

"LAZADA, Shopee dan AgroBazaar Online FAMA tidak caj peniaga untuk meletak barang. Barang perlu banyak dahulu Puan, baru pengguna suka surf. Jangan fikir nak untung cepat, Puan." Saya menyelit sedikit realiti e-commerce Malaysia.

Makin bertalu-talu ayat-ayat kebencian (kepada bangsa lain) diselit seiring dengan bait-bait dakwah perjuangan ditekankan oleh ejen terbabit.

Saya hanyalah seorang peniaga kecil yang mencari makan melalui e-commerce. Saya hanya cuba bercakap berpaksi realiti. Janganlah canang tentang perjuangan kalau satu-satunya pihak yang disuruh berjuang adalah orang lain...

Sedang diri sendiri cuba menangguk di air keruh membuat untung segera!!!

BMF itu bagus dan mulia. Maka janganlah jadi manusia yang merosakkannya.

Oh, ya.. Ejen itu kemudiannya berlalu pergi dengan muka masam apabila saya mula menyanggah definisi erti perjuangan tidak menang-menang yang beliau perjuangkan. - Mohszin Mokhtar

BMF tapi yg muslim ni dok menunggang agama utk cari untung cepat. mcm celaka je. usahawan muslim konon nak bantu tapi dia bedal RM550 dulu.- Mohd Hazmin 

Platform sendu...janji bulan bintang. Charge harga yahudi mabuk....senang buat duit. Petik butang agama..layu lah yg muslim.....ini bukan support muslim. Ini cekik darah hantu mak limah. Mmg akan ada golongan penghisap darah bertopengkan agama ni di mana2....pandai mengambil kesempatan. - Alan Sand Taufers 

Canang2 bangsa lain itu ini sedangkan organizer ni sendri menipu dan ambil kesempatan atas bangsa sendiri..- Sherry Reddy 

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Patutlah hangpa dok ratip DAP, DAP, DAP siang malam pagi petang. 
Rupanya ada Hadi sebalik mee cap DAP. - f/bk

PAS-UMNO marriage of convenience,
just to defeat the PH govt in GE15...

PAS and Umno signed a charter called “Piagam Muafakat Nasional” (National Cooperation Charter) formalizing their pact after months of informal cooperation. The charter outlined a commitment by two largest Malay-Muslim political parties to an Islamic, Malay and bumiputra agenda.

The strategy of this alliance is for the preparation to unite opposition in preparing to face the PH coalition in the 15th general elections scheduled in 2023, by the latest. The rationale of this collaboration is that the opposition now is divided. BN was broken up with only three parties left -- Umno, MCA and MIC -- in the coalition, instead of 13 parties contesting in GE14.

For Umno, they have to collaborate with any party in order to strengthen the opposition. For them, it is a rational thing to invite PAS to a formal cooperation and willing to sacrifice their popularity especially from those in the grassroots level who are suspicious of PAS’s intention. For PAS, it really needs Umno to spread the wing of influence and support to the party.

Previously, PAS is strong in the Malay belt states such as Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu. They want to spread the party to all states in the peninsula and then to Sabah and Sarawak as well.

The first thing PAS was doing after formalizing the Charter is that some leaders of PAS, headed by president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, were visiting Chief Minister of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg and perhaps inviting the Sarawak Coalition Party (GPS) which used to be a BN coalition member to join the new movement established by the Charter.

PAS and Umno want to build the momentum, new political dynamic and snowball the support among all opposition parties to be part of perhaps BN-PAS coalition. To me, PAS gets more benefit in this cooperation than Umno because a space was opened for PAS by Umno to spread its support nationwide.
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Many argue that if this is a type of Ummah unity, why not Umno and PAS merge into one party? This merger will illustrate the real unity. However, merging these two parties is considered unrealistic and not practical because both parties have long traditions even though PAS started as a splinter group leaving Umno, to begin with. This clearly shows that the marriage between PAS and Umno is a marriage of convenience, just to defeat PH government in GE15.

Vice president of PAS, Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah even said that PAS just only works with Umno in a cooperation, not political coalition. Therefore, there will be no coalition governments in states controlled by either Umno (Perlis and Pahang), or PAS (Kelantan and Terengganu). This makes many saying that the alliance between PAS and Umno is just merely a political gimmick and rhetoric.

Looking back at the National Cooperation Charter, nothing much to offer by PAS and Umno actually. It requires further explanation from both parties about the way forward they want to bring for Malaysians if they be in power.

In the Charter, it mentioned a lot about protecting the Federal Constitution and highlighting to defend the Malay rights and Islam without sacrificing the plural society that exists in Malaysia. There is full of narrative about the issues of race and religion. This might make many non-Malays, non-Muslims and also bumiputras from Sabah and Sarawak to feel uneasy with this new brand of politics coming from PAS and Umno.

I believe that by playing the sentiments of race and religion would not let both parties win the election. This is because the majority of people especially the middle class would reject this brand of politics which is far right wing in nature. The middle class was the group that decided to swing to PH in GE14 after feeling disappointed with the economic policies of the previous BN government and several scandals emerged that time like the 1MDB.
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Besides, PH was able to produce a leadership in Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad after Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was imprisoned, as well as alternative policies to BN's. It does not matter whether PH policies are practical or not, but people managed to be convinced to support PH for a better Malaysia.

So far, PAS and Umno have failed to provide alternative policies for the PH government. They play too much racial and religious narrative to gain support. As long as they do not produce the alternative policies, I believe PH still has the advantage to prolong its power. However, this is subject to the stability in PH government.

If PH government is divided because of leadership crisis or infighting, or they do not perform as expected by the people, in a democracy PAS and Umno can have a better chance of winning the next election. For PH, they somehow have ample time, more than three years the most, to stop the momentum created by this PAS-Umno alliance. The key of success for PH government is to maintain a solid coalition and most importantly bring economic opportunities and prosperity to the country.

However, the realpolitik in Malaysia is that, in order to win the election, political parties must be able to dominate the perception and current political dynamic, plus to provide the most attractive initiatives and incentives for the people.

It is difficult now to predict the perception of the people and political dynamic that will exist in the next two to three years. Definitely, PH now is in hurry to perform as the government of the day in order to put perception and political dynamic on their side. There is no easier way to win the election, except to perform as a government. - Prof. Dr. Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani,sinchewdaily 

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