62 tahun Merdeka!!!

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Saturday, 31 August 2019

62 tahun Merdeka!!!.
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Sidang Media Majlis Presiden Pakatan Harapan

PM - Saya letak jawatan 
Anwar akan ganti...

Meskipun semalam Perdana Menteri, Dr Mahathir Mohamad memberitahu tiada jawatan kosong di Kabinet untuk Anwar Ibrahim namun, hari ini beliau meredakan ketegangan dengan memberitahu akan mengotakan janjinya.

Dr Mahathir mengulangi janjinya untuk menyerahkan jawatan Perdana Menteri kepada penggantinya, iaitu Anwar.

"Saya buat janji, saya berpegang kepada janji saya. Apabila saya letak jawatan kelak, tentunya Anwar akan naik sebagai Perdana Menteri," katanya pada sidang media selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Presiden Pakatan Harapan (PH) di Yayasan al-Bukhary di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Beliau yang juga Pengerusi PH memberitahu, banyak cakap-cakap belakang terutamanya daripada blok pembangkang bahawa beliau tidak akan menyerahkan jawatan Perdana Menteri kepada Anwar.

"Pembangkang kata saya tidak mungkin akan letak jawatan. Jangan risau, saya akan letak jawatan dan serahkan kepada Anwar untuk menggantikannya," katanya tanpa memberitahu tarikh sebenar.

Semalam, Dr Mahathir berkata, tiada jawatan kosong untuk Ahli Parlimen Port Dickson itu dalam Kabinet memandangkan tidak ada menteri yang ingin mengosongkan kerusinya.

Spekulasi ini timbul kerana dikhabarkan akan berlaku pertukaran portfolio dalam kalangan menteri. - f/bk

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Mak Lampir kantoi menipu...

Berbeza daripada kenyataan Zuraida Kamaruddin, hari ini Presiden KEADILAN, Anwar Ibrahim berkata pihaknya sudah membalas satu daripada tiga surat yang dikirimkan Naib Presiden parti berkenaan.

Untuk dua surat yang lain, kata Anwar, ia akan dibalas Setiausaha Agung, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.

“Setiausaha agung akan jawab, tapi satu (saya) dah jawab,” katanya pada sidang media selepas menghadiri Mesyuarat Kaukus Reformasi dan Tadbir Urus Parlimen, di bangunan Parlimen, hari ini.

Anwar berkata demikian mengulas pertanyaan mengenai status surat yang dihantar Zuraida bagi meminta Anwar mengadakan perbincangan dalaman membabitkan isu KEADILAN.

Selain Anwar, pertemuan itu dirancang untuk dihadiri pemimpin tertentu dalam kalangan Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (MPP) KEADILAN.

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Pada 28 Ogos lalu Malaysiakini melaporkan, keengganan pihak Anwar membalas surat yang dikirim menjadi punca Zuraida tidak menghadiri mesyuarat MPP parti berkenaan.

Selain Zuraida beberapa pemimpin kanan KEADILAN yang tidak hadir sebelum ini ialah timbalan presidennya sendiri, Azmin Ali, serta Menteri Besar Selangor merangkap pengerusi KEADILAN negeri itu, Amirudin Shari.

“Permintaan itu untuk kita reconcile, buat masa ini belum dilayan. Dah tiga surat yang kami keluarkan kepada pejabat presiden.

“Surat pertama dia jawab dia ke Mekah, dan kami beri surat kedua nak minta pertemuan lagi dengan beliau," katanya.

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Konsensus PH: Dr Mahathir PM-7, Dr Wan Azizah TPM-7 dan Anwar PM-8. Jadi betullah Anwar tak sertai kabinet PM-7 sebab hormati konsensus. Pandai2 je mak lampir tafsir...

Mengulas lanjut, Anwar yang juga anggota Parlimen Port Dickson berkata Zuraida sepatutnya hadir dalam setiap mesyuarat yang diadakan parti itu dan ia boleh dijadikan tempat untuk membincangkan isu berbangkit.

“Kita ada forum, kita ada mesyuarat biro politik setiap minggu dan mesyuarat MPP setiap bulan. Sila hadir,” kata Anwar.

Untuk rekod pada majlis berasingan hari ini, Zuraida memaklumkan kepada media bahawa "tak ada langsung" jawapan balas diterima daripada pihak Anwar.

“Tunggu dia jumpa saya dulu. Tak ada langsung respons,” katanya.

Sementara itu, mengulas kenyataan Zuraida yang juga menteri perumahan dan kerajaan tempatan (KPKT) bahawa hanya takdir menentukan Anwar akan jadi perdana menteri atau tidak, Anwar secara bersahaja menjawab: “Hidup, mati... semua bergantung pada takdir. Menteri, bukan menteri, jodoh, semua pada takdir. Jadi saya percaya pada takdir.” - f/bk

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Do not sow the seeds of hatred...

Like most Malaysians I was expecting Pakatan Harapan’s win in the 2018 general election as a new marker in race relation in Malaysia. It was supposed to herald a new era of openness, tolerance and respect for each other. We are supposed to start a new leaf for interracial and inter-religious understandings.

Sadly it didn’t happen. In fact it got worse.

Many were blaming politics for the sad state of affair of race-relation in our country before 2018. We were blaming politicians for playing the race card. In order to survive, Umno was said to upped the ante in racial politics. On the other hand, Umno was blaming DAP for trying to drive a wedge among the races in the country.

The people have enough of that. Barisan Nasional was booted out after six decades of rule. Enough is enough, they say. The voters largely welcomed PH which seemed to embrace the true spirit of tolerance. Political pundits were trying to justify the win as a rejection of racial politics. Despite a small percentage in the swing vote towards PH among Malay voters, PH wrestled Putrajaya from BN.

Malaysians were elated. They believed they have thrown out a klepto government. Corrupt leaders were punished. It is time to clean up the government. But more importantly to start a new phase in race politics. PH is seen to be a coalition of equals, manifesting itself as inclusive, representing people of various races, in the true sense of the word.

They are supposed to start a new era of “muhibbah”. Things will change for the better. We are looking at a better Malaysia. A new Malaysia or Malaysia Baru.

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But sadly, it didn’t last long. For too long many of the leaders in PH have been in the opposition. Many were caught in the “opposition mindset.” Many of them have difficulties in making adjustments. They were relentless even vicious when they attacked the BN government. But now they are the government. In most cases they are on the defensive. The very tools they used to attack BN is now being used against them. When it comes to Malay and Islamic agendas, they seemed to have lost the narratives when pressured by the opposition.

Some are even having serious doubts about whether the present coalition is the right formula. They are beginning to realize that “out there” people are losing hope in them. On the one hand there are many election promises unfulfilled. On the other hand, there are those who still believe that voters will support them come what may. Voters are wiser now.

The saddest thing is, things are getting worse race relation-wise. This time the race card is being used unashamedly. In fact, in a manner never seen before in Malaysian politics. PH’s enemies are using race and religion effectively. The Umno-PAS cooperation is one classic example. It is getting traction on the ground. There is a mass movement to galvanize the anti-PH sentiment by accusing the present government of ignoring the Malay and Islamic agendas. And that they are being used by DAP.

At the same time there are certain segments of the non-Malay community who are reacting unwisely and responding irrationally on certain matters. The reaction to the introduction of Jawi and Khat by certain groups for instance is giving ammunition to the government haters. The Zakir Naik issue is supposed to be a non-event, but escalating into a national catastrophe. It was badly managed by the government of the day.

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Hate begets hates. Anger begets anger. As we are celebrating our 62nd Merdeka Anniversary, we are looking at almost a bleak scenario in race relation in the country. Toxicity is in the air. Hate speeches are in abundance. The social media is full of racially-charged postings. A minor accident on the road could easily become a racial issue. There are movements to boycott goods and services by other races.

Where are we heading? Is this the Malaysia that we want? Is this the promise of nationhood we wanted our children and grandchildren to live in? Are we sowing hatred just because we want to be heroes of our race and community? Whatever happened to a united color of unity?

Rules and regulations can’t save a country from turmoil. No amount of policing can stop the mayhem when we fail to live together harmoniously. Playing the racial card will win votes but it is a potentially dangerous recipe for a multi-racial nation like us.

This is the best time to reflect on our future. It is now or never. Our children and grandchildren will harvest the seeds of hatred we sow today. Let’s not gamble with the future. It is not just the prosperity that matters to us, but the continuity of a nation based on understanding and tolerance as envisioned by our forefathers.

The ideals of nationhood based on diversity and differences is at stake. Let us ponder about the future, just for a while. Dirgahayu Malaysiaku! -  Johan Jaaffar 

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Hanya orang giller sahaja yang nak Najib Razak BERKUASA semula. Dengan bini, anak-beranak TAK bayar cukai dan jadi #PengkhianatNegara (bukan I kata, Najib yang kata) dan telah membenarkan kafir kesayangan dia, si Jho Low and gang songlap BERBILLION² duit Kerajaan dan duit rakyat (taxpayers), duit anak² yatim, duit fakir² miskin, duit Yayasan Tabung Haji, duit FELDA, duit MARA, duit YAPIEM, duit FELCRA, RISDA, UiTM, Khazanah, Yayasan LHDN, ECRL, GST Refund, 1MDB, SRC, FGV, duit Solar Panel untuk sekolah² di Sarawak dan macam² lagi.

Dan jangan lupa gang² keparat dia seperti Komedi Bunian yang sampai sekarang TAK jumpa bangunan Yayasan Bunian Tiada Akal-Budi dan TAK pernah diaudit sejak penubuhannya di tahun 1997. - f/bk

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Sumber asal: 62 tahun Merdeka!!!
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Perbicaraan 1MDB dikenali perbicaraan Tanore - Mengapa?

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Thursday, 29 August 2019

Perbicaraan 1MDB dikenali perbicaraan Tanore - Mengapa?.
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Bekas perdana menteri, Najib Razak berdepan dengan pelbagai pertuduhan menggunakan dana 1MDB yang disalurkan ke atau dari akaun Tanore Finance Corporation (Tanore) yang dibuka di Bank Falcon, Singapura.

Wang yang diperolehi dari penggelapan dana 1MDB kemudian disalurkan ke atau dari akaun AmIslamic Bank milik Najib di Malaysia.

Ini bermaksud, akaun Tanore Finance Corporation di Bank Falcon digunakan sebagai transit atau tempat simpan wang haram yang dicuci di luar negara sebelum dihantar ke akaun AmPrivate Najib di Malaysia.

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Yang menjadi isu ialah pemilik akaun Tanore ini menggunakan identiti palsu iaitu Eric Tan Kim Loong yang akhirnya dikenal pasti sebagai Lho Taek Jho atau Jho Low yang dikehendaki FBI Amerika Syarikat dan Kerajaan Singapura.

Inilah jasa dan sumbangan terbesar Najib hingga bank itu ditutup kerana didapati bersalah menjadi institusi kewangan bagi aktiviti pengubahan wang haram oleh Kerajaan Singapura.

Ini juga bermakna Panglima Bugis itu mencatat sejarah peribadi berjaya menutup beberapa bank di republik itu dengan hanya satu skandal kewangan terbesar di dunia, 1MDB.

Dan inilah sebabnya nama perbicaraan 1MDB kini dikenali dengan perbicaraan Tanore. - f/bk

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Najib Razak telah menggunakan kedudukannya sebagai perdana menteri dan menteri kewangan bagi melaksanakan transaksi meragukan dalam 1MDB melangkaui keputusan lembaga pengarah syarikat.

Pasukan pendakwaan akan membuktikan kesemua pertuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas Najib akan menunjukkan juga bahawa ahli perniagaan yang diburu, Lho Taek Jho atau Jho Low adalah merupakan ‘cerminan’ terhadap keputusan-keputusan yang dibuat oleh Najib.

Najib turut memainkan peranan penting dalam meminda artikel syarikat yang kemudiannya membenarkan beliau mempunyai kawalan penuh terhadap perniagaan dan hal ehwal 1MDB.

Jho Low alter ego Najib...

Najib juga memainkan peranan dalam menukar nama 1MDB daripada nama asalnya Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA).

Derma Saudi’ palsu, cubaan tutup skandal  "Dokumen palsu dihasilkan utk menggambarkan kononnya ada derma dari putera Arab.

Antaranya ialah surat2 dan empat cek yang setiap satu berjumlah AS$25 million kononnya ditulis oleh pihak yg dikatakan penderma Arab,

Tetapi cek2 tiada niat untuk ditunaikan,” kata Gopal

Ringkasnya, Najib ialah wakil penuh kerajaan (plenipotentiary).  - f/bk

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Shafee suruh buktikan yang Najib tahu "Derma Arab" itu palsu. Of course Najib tau.

Dalam interview dengan Al-Jazeera, Najib sendiri cakap yang dia TAK check pun samada betul ke duit billion² tu daripada Tok Arab. 

Dia Menteri Kewangan masa tu, dia boleh check tapi apa dia peduli kalau duit tu BUKAN dari Tok Arab. Tapi mati² dia BERTEGAS pada 2hb Julai 2018 yang duit itu dari Tok Arab.

Tapi 3 bulan lepas tu, pada 26hb Oktober 2018, tetiba dia jadi bodoh, TAK tau pulak mana datang duit harramjuaddah tu !

Yang pelik bin ajaib... Dalam kebodohan Najib TAK tau duit tu datang dari mana, "pandai" pulak dia pulangkan balik duit tu kepada the "source" iaitu akaun Tanore, kepunyaan proxy Jho Low nama Eric Tan Kim Loong, seorang fujitif yang diburu polis.

Kalau nak menipu tu, nombor satu ! Tapi mesti kantoi punya. 

Btw gaji kasar bulanan bekas perdana menteri, Najib Razak ialah RM58,605.15 dari 3 April 2008 hingga 9 Mei 2018.

Najib juga pernah mendapat pemberian khas sebanyak RM1 juta pada Mei 2018 beberapa hari sebelum pilihan raya umum ke-14 diadakan pada 9 Mei 2018.- f/bk

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Kerusi #Bosskurr duduk sampai sakit pungkok...

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Pakatan on way out of Putrajaya

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Sumber asal: Perbicaraan 1MDB dikenali perbicaraan Tanore - Mengapa?
More aboutPerbicaraan 1MDB dikenali perbicaraan Tanore - Mengapa?

Bila pungkok Najib sakit...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Bila pungkok Najib sakit....
Najib Razak - SRC Trial - Facing Defeat with Worry Expression

Saya jarang ambil tahu tentang hal ehwal ahli-ahli politik kebelakangan ini, tetapi hari ini ada berita yang menyayat hati.

Bagai sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga, setelah hilang kerusi empuk di Putrajaya, kini bangku kayu di kandang tertuduh menyebabkan punggung Dato’ Seri Najib diberitakan sakit.

Dalam hal ehwal berkenaan kandang, saya banyak cerita lama. Kandang lembu pun saya pernah lawati, kandang tertuduh sudah jadi mainan.

Dato’ Seri Najib bernasib baik kerana dilayan baik tidak seperti kami ahli politik pembangkang di zaman beliau berkuasa. Beliau tidak perlu berkaki ayam, tidak perlu digari dengan rantai dengan tertuduh lain dan berjalan berangkai-rangkai, tidak perlu memakai pakaian seragam lokap berwarna ungu.

Turun naik mahkamah dan berada di kandang tertuduh adalah asam garam anak politik di zaman ini. Saya pasrah semasa saya melaluinya kerana itu jalan yang saya pilih.

Walaupun saya tidak mencuri satu sen pun duit rakyat dan berkaki ayam kerana mendedahkan skandal pencurian wang rakyat, saya tidak pernah membantah bila dikenakan gari dan berkaki ayam. Bila duduk di dalam kandang tertuduh, saya berasa lega dan tidak pun bimbang kerana saya tahu saya tidak bersalah.

Najib kalu punggung pedih kerana duduk lama 
di kandang tertuduh pakailah Burnol...

Kalau pun tidak selesa di dunia, In ShaAllah selesa di akhirat.

Walaupun saya menghargai lawak demi lawak yang terbit dari beliau kebelakangan ini, sewajarnya Dato’ Seri Najib tidak perlulah mengadu soal remeh seperti punggung beliau sakit akibat bangku yang keras.

Teruskanlah berjuang untuk rakyat seperti yang bahan kempen jajaan beliau sekarang. Harapnya dapat menebus kembali segala masalah yang dibebankan kepada rakyat semasa beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri dahulu.

Bersabarlah Dato’ Seri Najib, kami yang jadi pembangkang dahulu lebih teruk dugaannya. - Rafizi Ramli

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Tanpa Najib(A) siapalah Jho Low(B)

Bila Kerajaan tuduh Najib dan Jho Low seleweng dan samun duit 1MDB, si Jho Low begitu lantang nafikan dia terbabit.

Bila Najib tuduh Jho Low yang lakukan jenayah, si Jho Low terus diam diri tidak nafikan. Pelik juga kenapa Jho Low tak kesah Najib tuduh dia jahat. 😁

Jho Low fikir dengan berdiam diri dia dapat membantu Najib menang kes SRC dan 1MDB. Jho Low lupa jika mahkamah sabitkan kesalahan Najib dalam kes SRC, sudah tentulah Jho Low turut sama disabitkan.

Begitu juga andainya Najib menang kes SRC, Najib akan tuduh pula Jho Low sebagai penjenayah dalam kes 1MDB nanti.

Najib akan terus kata dia mangsa penipuan oleh Jho Low.

Cuma Najib lupa bahawa dalam kedua² kes SRC dan 1MDB, dia sendiri diberi kuasa paling besar sebagai Penasihat iaitu satu²nya orang yang ada kuasa meluluskan segala transaksi² berkait dengan penyalahgunaan dan penyelewengan tersebut.

Najib juga lupa bahawa dia sendiri yang lantik Jho Low dalam urusan² transaksi SRC dan 1MDB itu.

Ringkasnya, Penyamun A lantik Penyamun B untuk usahasama dan kerjasama menyamun di dalam rumah sendiri. Pekerjaan menyamun di dalam rumah sendiri sangatlah senang. - f/bk

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Keperluan rombakan kabinet...

Bayangan akan berlaku rombakan kabinet sudah diberikan. Persoalnya untuk apa kabinet perlu dirombak? Secara logiknya ada menteri yang tak perform dan masih terkial-kial mencari rentak untuk bertindak. Masih ada menteri tidak tahu memisah dan menggunakan kuasanya dengan KSU. Ada KSU bertindak menjadi lebih sudu dari kuah dan menteri seolah-olah hanya pemegang lesen jawatan sahaja.

Jika itu alasannya maka perlu kabinet dirombak dan menteri yang lemah ditukar ke portfolio lain atau terus digugurkan.

Tidak guna memelihara pokok rendang yang tidak berbuah, menyempitkan ruang dan merugikan masa sahaja.

Tiba² dalam riuh randah itu keluar kenyataan daripada Anwar yang para menteri kabinet semuanya ok, mereka bekerja dengan baik menurut penilaiannya. Ikhlaskah kenyataan itu atau sekadar mahu mengambil hati atau sindiran sinis?

Kalau kabinet sudah ok untuk apa hendak dirombak? Keperluan rombak kabinet boleh juga dilihat sebagai isyarat Mahathir serius dan mahu kekal lama sebagai PM lebih dari dua tahun. Ertinya beliau membuat persiapan memperkukuhkan dirinya.

Biarlah kita jujur dan bersangka baik dalam hal ini. Mahathir perlu rombak kabinet sebagai memperkasakan kabinetnya sebelum pamit sebagai PM. Sebab tidak ada apa lagi baginya setelah berjaya menjatuhkan Najib melainkan untuk menaik anaknya. Begitukah? - mso

SRC trial - Najib to know on 
Nov 11 whether to enter defence...

Najib Abdul Razak will know on Nov 11 whether he walks free or will be ordered to enter his defence on seven charges of abuse of power, corruption and money-laundering involving RM42 million of funds from SRC International.

This followed the Kuala Lumpur High Court fixing the date for its decision on the prosecution-stage of the case against the former prime minister and finance minister, 58 days after the hearing first began on April 3.

The prosecution called a total of 57 witnesses over the course of the trial from Najib’s former AmBank relationship manager Joanna Yu to former second finance minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, among others.

Yu, who acted as the liaison between the former premier and the commercial bank in regards to his various bank accounts, testified that Najib spent RM606 million within three years from 2013.

Husni, meanwhile, admitted in court that he lied when he said his resignation as second finance minister in 2016 was not due to the 1MDB scandal, adding he did this because he wanted to protect then-premier Najib.

If judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali (below) finds that the prosecution has established a prima facie case (meaning that the prosecution succeeds in establishing a sufficiently strong case that Najib needs to answer), then the court will order Najib to enter his defence against the charges.

However, if the judge rules that the prosecution has failed to prove a prima facie case on any of the seven charges, then Najib walks out a free man on Nov 11.

"Decision is on Nov 11, three weeks after clarification and final oral submissions. 

"If there is no prima facie, the accused (Najib) will be acquitted. But if a prima facie case is found on any (of Najib's seven charges), the defence will be called," the judge ruled after the final witness, MACC investigating officer Rosli Hussain, wrapped up his testimony after seven days on the witness stand.

Nazlan has fixed oral submissions and clarifications for Oct 22 and tentatively on Oct 23 for both the prosecution and the defence.

He said that the two parties need to file their written submissions by Sept 24 and file their respective replies by Oct 15. The judge also set Dec 3 as the first day for the defence stage of the trial if Najib's defence is called.

"Dec 3 and 4 is the start (of the defence stage of hearing). Dec 9 to 12, then Dec 16 to 19," Nazlan said.

Earlier, Attorney-General Tommy Thomas offered 66 witnesses to Najib's defence team. Thomas did this while he was closing the prosecution's case following the completion of Rosli's testimony.

"Since the trial began on April 3, we have completed 57 witnesses. We would like to offer 66 witnesses to the defence should the defence be called.  With that, I formally close the case for the prosecution," Thomas said.

Najib's lead counsel Muhammad Shafee Abdullah then raised the issue of whether all the 66 witnesses could be located.

He said the defence was concerned as Rosli during his testimony said the MACC had failed to locate a few of them.

It is understood that the issue of some allegedly missing witnesses would be raised again in the event that the court orders Najib to enter his defence. - mk

Pemandu Gojek nak kepung kedutaan Malaysia

Some 10,000 e-hailing motorcyclists have threatened to stage a protest outside the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta next week. This is after a Malaysian taxi firm founder's comments, which have been described as disparaging, against online motorcycle e-hailing service Gojek sparked outrage in the republic.

The riders are demanding that Big Blue Taxi founder Shamsubahrin Ismail (above) apologises to all Indonesians. CNN Indonesia quoted Igun Wicaksono, president of a national e-hailing riders association, as saying that Shamsubahrin's remarks had demeaned their profession.

"We estimate that some 10,000 e-hailing riders will come down to Jakarta to surround the Malaysian embassy. "From Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Sumatera...they have confirmed their attendance," he added.

Shamsubahrin, in a video (above) which went viral in Indonesia, described Gojek as a service "only for poor people like in Jakarta, Thailand, India and Cambodia." - mk

Org tak tanya harta kamu dtg drp mana,yg org tanya kenapa kamu tak byr cukai? Org tahulah suami kamu tu kaya..Kamu sebut kekayaan kamu itu hasil drp pemberian suami kamu..Kamu kahwin thn 2015 tp kiraan cukai yg kamu tak byr itu bermula thn 2011 lagi..Nak putaq alam apa lagi? - f/bk

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"Seronoknya" jadi keluarga Najib. TAK payah bayaq cukai selagi bapak BERKUASA! 
Cuma kutuk saja rakyat yg TAK byr sebagai Pengkhianat Negara...f/bk

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Sumber asal: Bila pungkok Najib sakit...
More aboutBila pungkok Najib sakit...

Ada menteri takut digugur...

Posted by Kerah Lekung on Monday, 26 August 2019

Ada menteri takut digugur....
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Tun M pernah berkata jemaah menterinya lemah sebab kebanyakannya tidak pernah jadi menteri, ada pembantu siang malam, ada orang buka pintu motokar, cuma tidak ada orang suap makanan ke mulut saja.

Seperti rusa masuk kampung mereka terpukau dengan kuasa, menjadi merak dan megah bila mendapat perhatian dan penghormatan sebagai YB berstatus menteri.

Mereka jangan lupa Allah dan rakyat yang merestui PH berkuasa. Kalau mereka berasa megah dengan kereta terbang, kasut hitam, menjaja koyok kepada rakyat alamat PH akan hilang harapan selepas PRU 15.

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Rakyat sudah nampak pekung, kudis buta dan politik onani (syok sendiri) sebahagian besar menteri dan timbalan menteri. 

Rupa-rupanya politik onani pun berjangkit pada para pegawai pilihan berbagai menteri dan timbalan menteri, termasuk yang menjadi kadam di pejabat Perdana Menteri.

Tun M pun sedar dalam usia 94 tahun beliau bukan Superman seperti dulu waktu memimpin UMNO/BN. Kali ini keempat parti tidur satu kelambu dan satu bantal tapi mimpi lain-lain. Ada mimpi tok pek kong, ada mimpi jantan gay, ada angan-angan melangit hendak jadi TPM tapi tuah tiada.

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Tun M mengejar waktu hendak menunaikan amanah Allah dan janji-janji kepada rakyat. Malangnya kebanyakan menterinya menggilap bulan dan bintang mengejar waktu memperkasakan kuasa mereka yang dipinjamkan Allah untuk penggal ini.

Maaf cakap jemaah menteri sekarang dengan kabilah para pegawai yang syok sendiri, merak mabuk tapai, sukar bagi PH melanjutkan kuasanya selepas PRU 15.

Tun M perlu bertindak super bijaksana, cepat bertindak mencari jalan terbaik mengatasi kelemahan para jemaah menterinya. Tali hayat politik PH bukan berpaut pada jemaah menterinya atau PH tetapi hanya pada Tun M. - Yahaya Ismail

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Azmin tak kebal dari tindakan 
tapi selalu beri sebab - Anwar

Presiden PKR Anwar Ibrahim berkata timbalannya Mohamed Azmin Ali 'tidak kebal' daripada tindakan disiplin selepas sekali lagi gagal menghadirkan diri pada mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (MPP) parti itu hari ini.

Bagaimanapun katanya beliau menyerahkan kepada lembaga disiplin parti untuk menyiasat perkara itu.

"Setakat ini belum perlu apa-apa tindakan terhadapnya, (namun) beliau tidak kebal daripada tindakan. Tetapi beliau selalu beri sebab kenapa tidak hadir mesyuarat.

"Memang ada dalam peraturan parti kalau tidak hadir mesyuarat tiga kali berturut-turut tanpa sebab, gugur jawatannya. Kadang kala orang cuba beri sebab, jadi Lembaga Disiplin kena siasat sebab itu betul atau tidak," katanya di Kuala Terengganu hari ini.

Menurut Anwar, semua pimpinan parti dikehendaki menghadiri mesyuarat dan gesaan itu sudah mencukupi. 

Mesyuarat MPP: Azmin tak datang lagi, kehadiran, ZERO. Zuraida sibuk. Amirudin lari. 
Macam mana mintak Presiden satukan parti bila kortel sendiri tak datang? 

"Esok kita ada mesyuarat pimpinan tertinggi parti, mesyuarat bulanan dan selang seminggu, mesyuarat Biro Politik. Jadi, semua pimpinan diminta hadir," katanya.

Terdahulu, Azmin dan beberapa pemimpin PKR yang dilihat memihak kepadanya sekali lagi tidak hadir pada mesyuarat parti itu yang dipengerusikan Anwar hari ini.

Ketikdakhadiran mereka pada beberapa mesyuarat parti itu sebelum ini dikaitkan dengan pergesaran dalaman, melibatkan kedua-dua pemimpin berkenaan.

Mengulas dakwaan wujud dua kem dalam PKR, Anwar menafikannya dan mengatakan ia hanyalah persepsi media semata-mata. - mk

Najib Razak - SRC Trial - Facing Defeat with Worry Expression
SRC Trial - Any 1st year law student can use to nail Najib and send the crook to jail...

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) revealed on Thursday (August 22) that only former Prime Minister Najib Razak had an interest in the misappropriation SRC International Sdn Bhd’s funds. His partner-in-crime Jho Low (full name: Low Taek Jho), meanwhile, has no interest at all. However, defence lawyer Harvinderjit Singh was not happy with the MACC’s testimony.

Staring at a defeat, Najib’s lawyer can do very little but disgracefully put words in the mouth of the anti-corruption agency, arguing – unconvincingly – that the misappropriation of SRC funds was done by Jho Low and his allies. Mr. Najib is facing 7 charges, of which 3 are for criminal breach of trust, one for abuse of power and 3 for money laundering involving SRC International funds totalling RM42 million.

The defence attorney had argued that Najib was not involved in any withdrawals of funds from SRC, based on the transcript of the BlackBerry Message (BBM). He must have thought the High Court Judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali was as dumb as a rock. Even a Bangladeshi who didn’t go to school can see the stupidity of the lawyer’s argument.

Just because Jho Low had deliberately kept Najib Razak, his boss whom he referred to as “Optimus Prime”, in the dark about the operations of his bank accounts with Ambank does not mean the former premier was innocent. To keep Najib out of the loop was actually to protect the former Malaysian leader – by providing him with “plausible deniability”.

It’s the ability of the (former) prime minister to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others in an organizational hierarchy, even if Najib Razak was personally involved in or at least wilfully ignorant of the actions. Can you imagine monthly banking statements addressed to Najib got lost and ended up with the oppositions?

The defence team’s argument makes perfect sense only if their client had not spent any of the money in the SRC funds, or had lodged at least a single complaint to Ambank about dubious transactions, or made a police report upon learning that RM42 million was deposited into his personal bank accounts, or didn’t use the money to pay his credit cards and the list goes on.

But the Liar-in-Chief had done not a single thing that could convince the High Court, let alone the public, that Jho Low was the ultimate mastermind who had scammed Najib Razak. After 56 days of Najib’s SRC trial involving 57 witnesses, the defence still could not establish that fugitive Low Taek Jho was solely responsible for the embezzlement activities in SRC International.

Image result for 1MDB Scandal - Gani Patail, Zeti Akhtar, Khalid Abu Bakar, Abu Kassim

First of all, it has been established in the court the money trail from SRC International to subsidiary companies Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd and Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd. Subsequently, a total of RM42 million from Ihsan Perdana made its way into two personal accounts of Najib between December 2014 and February 2015 – in three tranches of RM27 million, RM5 million, and RM10 million.

It has also been established that SRC was funded from RM4 billion loans from retirement fund KWAP. Afidah Azwa Abdul Aziz (Finance Ministry’s Strategic Investment Division deputy secretary) has told the court that she had to rush the preparation of Cabinet documents to guarantee the loan because it was “orders from above” and “SRC is the PM’s company.”

Secondly, it was exposed how Najib, who happened to be the Finance Minister as well, had modified the constitution of SRC International Sdn. Bhd. at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to make him the “adviser emeritus” of the company – indirectly gave Mr. Najib control of the company, which was a wholly-owned subsidiary of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Thirdly, Uma Devi, AmBank Jalan Raja Chulan branch manager, had testified that Mr. Najib took no action and made no complaint from 2011 to 2015 despite irregularities in the signatures of signatories he appointed via authorisation letters to the bank. Ms Uma also confirmed that all cheques in Najib’s accounts can only be signed by him, not even SRC CEO Nik Faisal.

Fourthly, Dr Shamsul Anwar Sulaiman, managing director of shelf company Ihsan Perdana revealed that Najib Razak was “shocked and upset” when he told the then-prime minister in July 2015 that millions had been banked into his personal bank accounts. Yet, the so-called shocked and upset Najib did not instruct him to lodge a report either with the police or the MACC.

Fifthly, Najib mysteriously sacked (former) Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail on July 27, 2015, the same month that the former premier dropped his jaw in shock when told someone had banked in RM42 million to his bank accounts. After the sacking of A.G. Gani Patail, retired judge Mohamed Apandi Ali was appointed and would proceed to declare Najib’s innocence.

Not only did the despicable A.G. Apandi Ali disbanded the special task force set up to investigate the US$681 million (RM2.6 billion) found in Najib’s personal bank accounts and state-owned SRC International, the then-premier had also fired Deputy PM Muhyiddin Yassin and UMNO vice president Shafie Apdal, not to mention replacing Special Branch Chief Akhil Bulat.

Sixthly, a chat message using BlackBerry from Najib to Jho Low proves that the former PM knew and was in absolute control of his bank accounts. The message reads – “My platinum cards are not going through Jho. Can you call AmBank Visa and Mastercard right away? Thanks.” The message was forwarded immediately to Joanna Yu Ging Ping, Najib’s relationship liaison manager at Ambank, for her prompt action.

Exactly how could Najib claim innocence when he personally instructed Jho Low to fix his credit card problems, which were declined in a Chanel store in Hawaii, as he attempted to swipe his credit card for a US$100,000 purchase in the store on Dec 23, 2014 (it was the same time Najib jetted to Honolulu to play golf with U.S. President Barack Obama)?

Image result for Najib SRC Corruption Trial - BlackBerry Conversation - Jho Low and Joanna Yu - 2

Seventhly, Najib had written dozens of cheques from his bank accounts, despite his lawyer claiming he was not responsible for the misappropriation of money from SRC International. One has to remember that SRC CEO Nik Faisal cannot take money out of Najib’s account because the former prime minister is the sole signatory to issue cheques from his own current accounts.

As revealed by Ambank relationship manager Joanna Yu, a total of RM12.3 million cash was deposited over the counter between June 2014 and March 2015 to ensure that cheques issued by then-PM Najib Razak did not bounce. Since when do you see a scammer (Jho Low) would actively ensure the victim’s bank accounts have enough cash to prevent cheques from being dishonoured?

Amongst others, witness Zulkarnain Mohamad testified that his company ABS Trend Master Sdn Bhd had received a RM100,000 cheque for renovation works carried out in Najib’s private residence at Jalan Langgak Duta – including the building of a dry kitchen, clothes cabinet, a 12,000 litre water tank and pantry. Heck, even his son – Norashman Najib – was gifted with US$70,000 cash from the ill-gotten RM42 million.

Eighthly, the SRC trial also unveiled that Najib’s Platinum Mastercard and Platinum Visa issued by AmBank had been overdrawn thanks to a RM3,320,670.65 purchase of jewellery in September 2014. Coincidentally and conveniently, all those credit card expenses were paid with the RM42 million transferred from Ihsan Perdana into Najib’s personal bank account.

Ninethly, hotshot lawyer Shafee could not explain why his client, Najib Razak, closed three bank accounts about a month after he transferred millions of Ringgit to other beneficiaries. That was on 9 March, 2015 – more than 3 years before he lost power in the May 2018 general election. Are we supposed to believe that Najib did not check his account balances before closing them?

Last but not least, witnesses have testified that Najib Razak’s three personal AmBank accounts received a total of RM606.51 million over 19 months – between July 31, 2013, and March 9, 2015. And it was Najib alone who had spent all the money, averaging RM31.92 million per month or RM1.035 million a day. How could he claim ignorance after writing cheques and swiping credit cards?

Yes, the SRC International was set up – even designed – as Najib Razak’s personal ATM machine. Only the disgraced former premier had an interest in misappropriation of SRC funds. As for Jho Low, his piggy bank is Good Star, a company registered in the Seychelles, which had received US$700 million funds which were diverted from a joint venture between 1MDB and Petrosaudi International. - FT

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Mat Sabu,Presiden parti nyamuk ziarah Mursyidul Am PAS.
Dia sedia ridsect kat meja tetamu... 

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Walauncai penyatuan ummah serambi mekah 😂😂😂

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Even Saudi Arabia refused to accept Zakir Naik.
Why are we keeping him here???


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